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Everything posted by makouns_grin

  1. Haters itching for another loss i see. God forbid we might play well and win!
  2. I think Bent is less than 50/50 now with Weimann being recalled. I'm sure the haters will find a problem with that.
  3. Recalled from Watford. Not a good sign about Bents injury.
  4. Because the original is only a fairly decent Channel 5 film. Looks like a stylish Fincher film. The problem is its set in Sweden but everyone is basically English, doesn't make sense.
  5. And if this magical new owner is anything like say Small Heath's or Blackburns? Do they just sell up to someone else when your not happy with them? Just keep ignoring the point and posting snide remarks.
  6. Twice behind at Everton Did we at any stage look like we wanted to go out and win that game? We just dont look like we have the desire to go and win games, full stop. But you said about fighting. If they didn't want to fight for him or the team, they would have rolled over and lost? The simple fact is that if Mcleish wasn't the ex Small Heath manager a lot more people would be saying, give him time. A lot are also biased based on his past track record, which is obviously not great. But everyone deserves time to succeed or fail imo.
  7. Yes they are. In your view, in Randys he decided McLeish was a decent option, he may or may not be proven wrong but should be given the chance like anyone. So you know what our CEO does or doesn't do, not just what you've decided from the outside? You mean like the fanbase communicate back in a reasonable and grown up manner? I didn't see anyone complaining about him never talking when MON was around. Which is what he is trying to do. If Randy spent 100mill tomorrow on players nobody would be saying jack shit, all your above points would overnight be forgotten. That how fickle and daft most arguments against him are. When we're actually doing consistently shit, not just poor performances without actually losing a league game then fair enough. But if the ball had gone in off someone's arse and we'd won 1 nill in one of these supposedly terrible performances, again people would be quite happy. A thin line..
  8. How many times have you stuck your neck out and said we'd lose in the league, told us you've been right then? So when performances have been good thats been Randy's fault as well? Notice you ignored my previous post about where these magical owners are? We deserve to fail with the way certain fans act.
  9. Jesus our fans are pathetic, so quick to have ago AGAIN and failing to realise how old that picture is.
  10. May as well be a defeat, brilliant! Was it a defeat or not? Irrelevant. Brilliant this gets better. Irrelevant? So the different between a win and loss is irrelevant? Genius! Villa fans after calling for their managers head after 1 defeat are now saying that not losing in the league is irrelevant.
  11. May as well be a defeat, brilliant! Was it a defeat or not?
  12. You really don't understand, do you ? Clearly i dont!
  13. Hes got no chance. He will appear not play like Pele and the Villa fans will say he wont make it and is crap. Hopefully he will produce performances that will keep the hungry dogs happy.
  14. Disappointed still this morning, would have liked to give this one ago. Disappointed with Villa fans as well. They should be embarrassed. Todays Headline.... Villa Fans Call For Managers Head After ONE Defeat!
  15. The player who is my name doesn't play for us anymore? Oooo your so mean! Villa fans are an embarrassment, simple. Overreaction after overreaction, sweeping statement after sweeping statement. When we win and play well, make sure you overact at that too. How did previous managers do in their first season in the league cup?
  16. i admire your optimism MG... but weve had 5 poor performances out of 6.... and its showing no sign of stopping Oh well at least we have a team to support, we could support Plymouth i think fans forget that almost all the time! It wont be the last time we lose this season we'll also win a few as well believe it or not. Yes our first few games have seen us defend terribly and concede lots of goals! Nobody died though!
  17. Villa fans in overreaction shocker! Sounds like a poor performance. Teams have them. Let hope we improve and win a game or two soon. Move on.
  18. You can almost sense the haters ready to celebrate at the final whistle.
  19. You keep ignoring all the points and continue stamping your feet. And of course football is exactly the same as when Ellis was around!
  20. Ah the holding the club back because he wont spend spend spend bollocks. What guarantee selling to someone else will be any better, or provide enough funds to compete, they could be another Man City owner or then again they could be another Small Heath owner, something you conveniently forget over and over. The grass is not always greener, yet you seem to think it automatically is. Where are all these owners, waiting in the wings to buy a premier league club and spend 100's of millions on players, are they growing on trees? Why are only a few clubs able to do it then? 90% of the worlds football clubs owners must be holding back their clubs then going by your reckoning. Villa fans i suppose not just Villa fans have becoming obsessed with money, rather than just enjoying supporting their club, watching games live and on the tv, some fans have the distinct possibility of not having a club to support at all because of money worries. Yet Randy is crap because he is trying to make us well run and self sufficient? If you say so.
  21. Wrong. That was not the reason it was cancelled. The latter part of your paragraph is evidence enough of that.
  22. The rot is setting into Bent and N'Zogbia's brains...The more games that continue in defensive mode, the more the rot escualtes...It turns great attacking players into cabbages. That is down to the manager! Your a strange chap aint ya? So how about Chelsea's current and past manager, they set the rot in Torres's head to miss a sitter?
  23. Your posts are ridiculous. Am I allowed to say this? 'Playing shite and still getting a result'....When you say result...what does this mean? We keep drawing against sides we need to beat. Does this not bother you. Does it not bother you that we have increasingly tough fixtures coming up and we arent winning games against the easier opposition? Does it not bother you we have a manager with a record of getting relegated and he seems to have set up us up identically to the team he just got relegated? Does this not mean anything to anyone? It hasnt been a great start to the season. Id class it as 'bearable'. The performances have been poor and we do not have as many points on the board as we should. Thats without mentioning its utter boredom to watch. Oh well, get worked up when something bad actually happens. Villa fans need to appreciate relegation anyway, become obsessed with money and how much or little we're spending. Villa fans always get themselves in a pickle and overact, that along with moaning is unfortunately what we're known for.
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