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Everything posted by makouns_grin

  1. Hi haters What is it this week, Wigan are just shit thats why we won? How about some home grown players playing some great stuff at times and creating plenty of chances. You can only beat whats put in front of you. Give it a rest, we won and deserved it!
  2. I really hope Bannan starts, he deserves it after his recent performances. Depending on if he is not too tired, or injured or trained shit all week. If nothing wrong, should be starting.
  3. Some people actually think the left lane is for lorries/caravans etc. Unbelievable.
  4. Pre Lord of the Rings, Jackson whipped out this bad boy; not a classic but worth a watch.
  5. Souness is actually a pretty good pundit imo, clearly spoken and believes what he is saying. I dont always agree but does a good job. Neville, even if he has a bum crack on his forehead is also pretty good; terrible voice but talks about interesting aspects of football the man on the street wouldn't know.
  6. Is it not a breach of contract err of sorts? Tevez has issued statement denying he refused to come on.
  7. Its really not a fair comparison to compare a film against a tv series, one has a couple of hours to tell a story, whilst the other has a hell of a lot more.
  8. Indeed he does. I hope he gets it. There were times on Sunday in the 2nd half where I thought we looked excellent ... Blasphemy!
  9. He made "The beleiver" in 2001 which should have put him on the road to stardom but didn't ..but even so I'm not sure I'd call him up and coming ? The Believer, Lars and the Real Girl, Half Nelson. All great films, all fantastic performances by Gosling. Did wonder if he'd ever start to make more mainstream films so I'm looking forward to checking out Drive. Drive is not a mainstream film, far from it; it will unfortunately make about 50p in this country. Which is a shame as its awesome, but chavs wont understand characters expressing emotions by looks rather than explaining everything they say and do.
  10. Why has McLeish not been given any time by the fans? Any other manager would be given time because new, getting used to players and vise versa.
  11. Bloody terrible first half. But proved in the second half we can play, so the haters were wrong; we can, So improving, team getting used to the manager and vise versa. Some players off form, let's support them hey, there is a shocking idea!
  12. Here we go forget the 2nd half performance remember the 1st.
  13. agreed. he's just off-form at the moment. and we don't have enough other quality players to carry him at the moment,. I forgot his last clubs were Barca and Man Utd. I forgot you had to play for Barcelona and Man Utd to be a good player at your previous club.
  14. Typical villa fans, player off form. Abuse him, don't support him, that's right!
  15. Charlie has proven in the past he has quality, I'm sure he'll come good...
  16. This is destined to be a loss, so folk can get their teeth on to the management again.
  17. I have thank you. But i couldn't see where it says that he puts nothing in.. As i said load of bollocks you've just made up.
  18. Hilarious. You don't have a clue and just made all that up!
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