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Everything posted by Keyblade

  1. Round 2, kinda fun. Yann Tiersen - Soir de Fete Quo Vadis - To the Bitter End Wintersun - Starchild Ulver - Høyfjeldsbilde Grouper - Heavy Water/I'd Rather Be Sleeping
  2. I could listen to Roygbiv on repeat for hours. Literally, hours. I can listen to Boards of Canada on repeat for hours. Roygbiv preceded by Bocuma and Kaini Industries is probably my favorite 5 minutes of music ever.
  3. Arctic Plateau - On Another Day Sean Malone - Fisher's Gambit Madvillain - Rhinestone Cowboy Boards of Canada - Diving Station Steven Wilson - Like Dust I Have Cleared From My Eye
  4. He's actually the first coming of Iniesta. Slight mistake there.
  5. lol you saw him once 2 years ago? How can you even comment on his progression if you haven't even witnessed it?
  6. Scott Parker is a warrior on the pitch. A snip at 5M, gutted we never tried to go for him.
  7. Bent clearly stated he's just moved on, on a footballing level. Moot point is moot.
  8. He did it a couple of times against Norwich. Nutmegged a player near the byline wonderfully in the first half and pulled it back if I remember correctly. It's encouraging because these little signs weren't even present in his previous games.
  9. If Hutton plays then god help us. He's going to get skinned alive by Bale.
  10. Yeah, the Dzeko comparison is apt. Hell, we're giving NZogbia (a 'proven premier league player') some leeway to settle and it baffles me why some here can't afford the same to Makoun who has barely played a handful of games since coming from France.
  11. I don't mind him to be honest. Even though I was pissed he put Heskey in midfield again, it actually worked out nicely. Plus, we're improving slightly with every game because he seems to be honest enough with himself to admit his mistakes and learn from em.
  12. All I know is that I got 34 points between Gabby and Bent today for fantasy. **** yes!
  13. Good first half. Whatever AM had in mind when playing Heskey as the link-man is working today. He's been solid. Gabby tearing it up, and Herd breaking up play. Apart from the defenders, we're playing it on the floor patiently and it's decent to watch. Looking good for the second half.
  14. How he plays Heskey in midfield when we have Delph, Jenas and Ireland on the bench is beyond me. To be honest though, if he was playing Heskey alongside Bent in a 4-4-2 it wouldn't be that bad of a line-up. Pretty sure that's not the case though. Sigh. We'll still win though.
  15. I actually think he probably is our best player on his day, but not a country mile ahead of the likes of Agbonlahor, Bent, Petrov & Dunne. This.
  16. No, you're just happy an ignorant and unsubstantiated point you made when he signed is looking to be true. Hence, it is neither ignorant and unsubstantiated. I admire the blind faith but come on - he's totally inept. If you're implying that he played exactly like this last season you'd have a point. Problem is, he didn't. He played much better with worse players around him. So while he is looking shit right now, that doesn't mean this is his standard and that you were right.
  17. No, you're just happy an ignorant and unsubstantiated point you made when he signed is looking to be true.
  18. He hasn't been our worst player by a long shot. He's been a decent 6/10 every time he's played, nothing spectacular (which is probably what most are expecting from him). He deserves a start as much as anyone. The only players a class above the rest atm are Gabby, Bannan and possibly Petrov.
  19. Possibly my favorite player ever, and my avatar. SAF has said before that he used to study games from the bench and understood the game better than most. Which is probably why he'd score whenever he'd come on. Best finisher the prem has ever seen imo. Growing up playing striker, he was the one I used to emulate. Model pro too, and I'd love to see him be SAF's successor. Probably my dream come true as United was the team I grew up supporting *prepares flameshield*. /fanboyrant
  20. He played under Houllier at Lyon if I'm not mistaken.' edited for accuracy I'm not a big stato on French football but I think Houllier left Lyon in May 2007 and Makoun joined (indeed, from Lille) in June 2008? Oh okay, then I agree with your point.
  21. ZOMG YOU WERE RIGHT!11 *hands cookie*
  22. He played under Houllier at Lille if I'm not mistaken. When did Houllier manage Lille? Sorry about that, I meant Lyon.
  23. He played under Houllier at Lyon if I'm not mistaken.' edited for accuracy
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