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Everything posted by Zhan_Zhuang

  1. Looks to me like we played a friendly yesterday and this place is a good location to arrange some gentle training and recuperation. I don't know if it is true but allegedly Nasser Sawiris has an office in London and 10 miles from this hotel's location. Does anyone know or think Sawiris is there?
  2. It was Bristol yesterday and now not far from London where Nasser Sawiris has his offices. Putting two and two together perhaps? They need to get Martinez, Grealish and Mings back training quickly as it's less than two weeks until the season starts.
  3. We are less than two weeks from the start of the season, I think and hope these training photos are encouraging. Mings, Martinez and Grealish need to get back training with Villa quickly for the friendly with Sevilla and the season opener.
  4. I remember McGrath and the later stint of Cowans. Daley and Platt were always two of my favourites.... I still think Grealish is Villa's best player in the modern era. His value not just as a player is another-level from days gone by for a number of reasons. We have to move on from the Claret and blue spectacles of some of our former players too I believe.
  5. So, NSWE are no different to previous regimes and mediocre clubs who sell their best players to the top clubs. Good to know when this happens again next Summer with Martinez. Be 'Prepared for failure' should be our new motto.
  6. So we are selling our best player two weeks before the start of the season and then signing replacements hoping they fit for the start of the season? Great planning Villa and NSWE. Our motto used to be 'Prepared', we are looking rather underprepared at the moment.
  7. According to Percy: "negotiations expected to be concluded swiftly". Basically that could be interpreted as Villa roll over and take it! Same old, same old....what's the point eh?
  8. My middle son is six, just starting to take an interest in Villa and especially Jack. He already has a few kits and one with Grealish on the back. He genuinely got a little teary-eyed when I told him Jack might be leaving. I remember how I felt as a young lad myself when Platt went, then again Yorke, Barry...we are just feed for the bigger fish if this Grealish transfer happens. So demoralising and almost futile.
  9. Some are more desperate for the money perhaps?
  10. Yeah I've looked at BBC sport and they aren't reporting any bid...
  11. Maybe Saints are in need of the money, anyone know? I like Ward-Prowse and think he'd be good for Villa, definitely more of a defensive player who can hit great set-pieces (something we really need). Ward-Prowse, Bailey and keeping Grealish and I'd think we would challenge for European places.
  12. All the good faith around Villa has been so good the last few years, this is a real pity. How we react to this obstacle is really important. I just want this done now, so sick of hearing about it.
  13. Every time we look like improving along comes a team like Man Poo or Citeh to derail us. Maybe the future will be brighter without Grealish but it hurts especially after all his talk about being a Villa fan and loyalty. But, perhaps I'm jumping the gun, perhaps he'll stay?
  14. Yup, it's happened before and it will happen again.
  15. From a marketing point of view Grealish is worth way more than £100 million. NSWE know this too.
  16. That's concerning. At odds with the Instagram story a few days ago with his fingers in his ears and McGinn sharing it too...
  17. I'm a "bad apple" because I think it strange how people sign up to another team's forum? Yeah you know me so well....
  18. Visiting Supporters on VT to discuss Villa and Grealish. Sad, wouldn't waste my time on another team's forum....guess they don't have much going on in their lives!
  19. If they are bidding I'd have thought Grealish is interested in going. A shame if that's true.
  20. I think many are aware of the things he does well. Just wish he'd be more consistent with his passing because he gives the ball away far too much and it puts pressure on us.
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