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Everything posted by Daweii

  1. 🕹 High Score Day #12 - https://highscoreday.com Todays guitar theme was pretty good. I think this one was the easiest since starting this high score day thing. Number 4 was a complete guess though. I knew the series like @hogso did, but it could have been from literally any of them.
  2. 🕹 High Score Day #11 - https://highscoreday.com Number 3 was a rough one. It could have been any number of games from that specific genre of game.
  3. I'm curious when we'll see Max Payne 1+2 Remake as they announced it mere minutes after the ink dried on signing the agreement. I think it'll be in pre-production for a while as they slowly work through their current projects. Alan Wake 2 is in full-production and set for 2023 release, while Control's Multiplayer spin-off is also in full-production, no release window for that though. Then there is Control 2 which is likely still in pre-production, and then they have Project Vanguard for Tencent which is also at some stage of development, not much known about that one outside it being a live service game. Hard to say where Max Payne 1+2 Remake fit in. I would love to see it as soon as possible, but Remedy are busier than almost any other studio in the industry right now.
  4. 🕹 High Score Day #10 - https://highscoreday.com I had to rack my brain for number 2. It was one of those where it was on the tip of my tongue, but my brain couldn't formulate the answer for many minutes. The rest I got within 5-10 seconds of seeing the screenshot.
  5. Not to mention going the critical path without much exploration would turn Elden Ring from a fun experience to a frustrating one. I have figured out through multiple playthroughs that Stormveil Castle where the game directs the player to go first is a Level 30-40 area. Not saying it can't be done at Level 10 right off spawn, but there are bosses in that castle that I wouldn't want to fight at Level 10 with no estus upgrades, weapon upgrades or anything else. On a first playthrough exploration is the whole game, as the exploration is what facilitates most players to beat the bosses on the critical path.
  6. I have a feeling the new TR game will be combining the Crystal Dynamics-era origin timeline with the Core Design-era timeline from back in the day. The most recent TR games were the origin story and I can see the new game being a remake/reimagining of Tomb Raider (1996) with the dinosaurs, flesh monsters and other horror oddities. That said Shadow of the Tomb Raider was definitely the weakest entry of the recent trilogy. It was also the only game in the origin trilogy not made by Crystal Dynamics because they were off making Marvel Avengers. That went well.
  7. 2 nights at almost 4-hours per night. Each night also had a 2-hour pre-show so someone that watched it all would have given WWE almost 12-hours of their weekend.
  8. Thoughts on Wrestlemania Night 2. (yes, I watched it) Overall I give this WM a 7/10. There were a lot of filler matches on both nights that were only there to give everyone a Wrestlemania moment and it hurts the overall product.
  9. Thoughts on Wrestlemania Night 1.
  10. Summer Game Fest is still happening in June this year, and from what I've heard E3 Digital 2022 died because everyone sided with Summer Game Fest. So we'll still have the usual conferences from Xbox, Ubisoft, Square Enix, Devolver Digital and others. There will also likely be Summer Game Fest: Kickoff Live happening again. August will also have Opening Night Live. So E3 going away won't mean a whole lot. We'll still get the same info dump we always used to get, while those that only liked E3 for the conferences will still get those.
  11. If you're playing the Scholar of the First Sin version of Dark Souls 2 then there are 100% more enemies. That specific version of Dark Souls 2 has no rhyme or reason to enemy placement. Every area from the original Dark Souls 2 has 5-10x the amount of enemies in Scholar of the First Sin.
  12. I am very curious about that. There are currently 418 PS3 games on PS Now (according to the site I'm using), but up to 340 classic games will be in PS+ Premium. Classic games includes PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP so I'm curious how many PS3 games they get rid of to make room for other generations. Selfishly as someone not super into game streaming I'd prefer the majority of the 340 to be the downloadable PS1, PS2 and PSP games.
  13. Now that I've thought about it more I don't recall mine coming with one. I think I connected my PS5 controller with the same USB-C cable that I charge my phone with. Now was that because the controller didn't come with one? I have no idea anymore
  14. I know it's to save on waste, but I don't like this trend of the tech industry just assuming people already have something. I know it's an issue that will solve itself over time because eventually everyone will have everything needed, but I still think the switch to not including things in the box was done too quickly.
  15. The bosses in Elden Ring are heavily dependent on numerous factors; What class are you? What is your playstyle? What is your level going into the fight? How upgraded is your weapon? Have you levelled up efficiently? Is it a main boss, or an optional boss? (optional bosses are usually 10x harder) Everyone has bosses in Elden Ring that annihilated them. @Designer1 has PTSD from the boss Maliketh for instance. There are some very very hard bosses in Elden Ring. That said I think it's hard to say because God of War is a very tailored experience. It's way more linear and there are way less options for the player overall. It would also depend what difficulty you're fighting Sigrun on because God of War has multiple difficulties. I'm not sure the two games bosses are comparable in the end given all the variables. PS. What I can say is if you're after challenging bosses then Elden Ring likely won't disappoint.
  16. Dream Widow (performed by Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters) are a fictional band from the movie Studio 666. This track is from that fictional bands self-titled album.
  17. Returnal has probably the second best use of the haptics/adaptive triggers especially the triggers. Returnal splits the L2 and R2 into 4 separate inputs by using the trigger tension to create a button on top of button. So tapping R2 and hitting the initial point of resistance single fires the weapon, while pushing past that initial point of resistance is fully auto. L2 works the same. Lightly pressing L2 to the initial point of resistance is aim down sights, while pushing past that point activates the weapons special attack. It was a very creative use of the PS5 controllers functionality in a way that was more than just, "the trigger gets heavier the more the spring coils" which is still cool, but it's pretty clever to use the trigger tension to split a button into two.
  18. I think CD Projekt prefer their independence as they also run a pretty large gaming store on PC in the form of GOG.com. Selling to Microsoft would give them complete financial security to make whatever they wanted, but it would come at a cost and that cost would likely be shutting down GOG.com.
  19. PSN Service Status (playstation.com) PSN is also dead right now so anyone trying to do certain things will find it's not working. The PS5 received a firmware update earlier and since then almost everything has been broken. Edit: The majority of PSN services are now back online.
  20. The game has had a lot of downtime recently. Not sure what the cause of the current downtime is, but just a few days ago the game was down for 30 hours because the patch to nerf event payouts had a serious undisclosed bug in it.
  21. I'm curious to see what this project winds up being. Not a fan of Sony going all in on live service games though. The last definitive statement from Sony on the number of first party games in development was 25 games (pre-GT7/Horizon 2 release). If 10 of those are live service multiplayer then that's a massive amount of their single player identity gone. Very curious to see how this goes. I am sure Sony won't be affected in the slightest as live service gaming is where the money is, but those PlayStation fans that love Sony's AAA single player games might have less of them to play going forward which would be a shame.
  22. Firstly this game based on the pendant in the image probably means this game is following the School of the Cat. This potentially means an all new main character, all new locations and hopefully a very fresh feeling game with a fresh playstyle. Geralt was cool, but his combat style was very methodical and wooden, it would nice to get a main character that fits a more fluid rogue combat style. Secondly. I do wish they had held off on this announcement until Cyberpunk 2077 was in a slightly better state. There are some very promising developments from this announcement, but I think its timing is a little too soon. I know that this announcement is probably more to assist them in hiring more staff, but it still feels too soon. As for the promising things. They are moving to Unreal Engine 5 for this one which should streamline development massively, while also solving almost every shortcoming they had during the development of Cyberpunk 2077. CDPR have always used their own engine (REDengine) which worked well for the Witcher games, but became a hinderance as the scope got larger. For CDPR to identify issues, acknowledge them and move away from their own proprietary engine gives me faith that they're doing everything to make this game a success. I agree 100% with @villa4europe though that if this has been announced now, I hope it means a release in the next 2 years. I really don't want another repeat of Cyberpunk where the game is announced today and we don't see it until 2030, that would be abysmal even if the game is a 10/10 all-time great when it finally releases.
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