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Everything posted by Daweii

  1. Daweii


    FilmSaw #8 - https://filmsaw.com
  2. 🕹 High Score Day #49 - https://highscoreday.com
  3. 🕹 High Score Day #48 - https://highscoreday.com
  4. According to everything I've seen online, we're one of the favourites to win. We'll see how that goes.
  5. Daweii


    FilmSaw #6 - https://filmsaw.com I'll probably do terribly at these as I don't watch many movies anymore, but todays just so happened to be a movie I watch pretty much once a month.
  6. I don't like that UK's entry is getting so much hype, praise and media attention in the rest of Europe. I mean on paper it's a good thing as it should mean that we won't finish last, but I don't think can stomach my expectations being raised only for them to be trashed later tonight when it still finishes bottom three.
  7. 🕹 High Score Day #47 - https://highscoreday.com
  8. 🕹 High Score Day #45 - https://highscoreday.com
  9. 🕹 High Score Day #44 - https://highscoreday.com
  10. 🕹 High Score Day #43 - https://highscoreday.com
  11. 🕹 High Score Day #41 - https://highscoreday.com
  12. 🕹 High Score Day #40 - https://highscoreday.com
  13. 🕹 High Score Day #39 - https://highscoreday.com
  14. 🕹 High Score Day #38 - https://highscoreday.com I did the exact same thing Ingram85 did.
  15. 🕹 High Score Day #37 - https://highscoreday.com
  16. Every time I've tried today it has refused to load so it's not just you.
  17. Square Enix are looking to invest the $300 million into the blockchain, AI and the cloud. This would stay true to what the Square Enix CEO has been saying about NFTs and "play-to-earn" being the future of gaming. Square Enix just binned off pretty much their entire western division for a paltry sum just to strengthen their interest in web3 and blockchain gaming. Source: Execution of Share Transfer Agreement with Change to Subsidiaries (square-enix.com)
  18. There will be other companies in this industry rolling their eyes at the valuation thinking it should have been higher, but $300 million would fit how little Square Enix cared about their western studios. Square Enix are masters of the double standard. Their Japanese studios are allowed to get away with poor sales, while their western studios are given sales targets they'll never hit. If Square Enix think $300 million is a good deal then it says a lot about their lack of interest. I look forward to seeing what Embracer do with these studios/IP. This is a huge acquisition in the grand scheme of things.
  19. 🕹 High Score Day #35 - https://highscoreday.com
  20. 🕹 High Score Day #34 - https://highscoreday.com
  21. 🕹 High Score Day #33 - https://highscoreday.com
  22. 🕹 High Score Day #32 - https://highscoreday.com
  23. 🕹 High Score Day #31 - https://highscoreday.com Not huge into JRPG's. The annoying thing is I knew what number 4 was, I just drew a blank on its name so guessed in the end.
  24. I have a fair few game dev friends that spend so much time ranting about their jobs, so my first reaction to these mandated demos/trials was physical discomfort as I thought about the poor devs having more work added to their plate. That said I have heard, and this may not be accurate, but I have heard that the PlayStation Store team will be making these trials/demos, which likely means they'll just be the full game with a 2+ hour timer added to them. Anything that helps the customer, while not adding even more work to devs plates is a good thing. I initially had trepidations about it, but if the PlayStation Store team are handling this then it's a win/win for everyone involved.
  25. 🕹 High Score Day #30 - https://highscoreday.com I think my favourite thing about these daily games is learning just how much pointless game related shit I've stored away all these years.
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