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Everything posted by AVTuco

  1. Liverpool's form is poor, this game is winnable.
  2. I agreed with most of you until you started to put down Cleverley. To me Cleverley was last year a clearly better player than Veretout has been this year. He was not crap at all, even if most here thought he was. He had it in him all the time, but things didn't click until further on in the season. Hmmmm.... sounds familiar, doesn't it.
  3. He's too muscular and heavy to be RB. He's saving himself in games, trying to run as little as possible, thus does not overlap etc.
  4. Our right side looks very strong defensively now with Leo and Richards there. I think he should continue to start for now.
  5. Two not so good games now from Leandro. I think he's trying too hard, and doesn't make smart choices right now, but is still one of those players who can score for us. We need them more than ever, Lescott won't do it every game.
  6. Should've passed obviously, but it was a long run he created himself
  7. They just have to score one of those...
  8. Tried too much Bacuna, take it easier mate.
  9. Would've been disappoint if no-one wrote this
  10. I know, unbelievable turd. Somehow I think we'll win today, even if we have no-one to score the winner. I know this happens to me every Saturday morning, but I still think so. Really.
  11. AVTuco

    Mervyn King

    Who could see it coming briny?
  12. Mexico '86. He scored four goals in one game. Didn't recognice him from the picture though.
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