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Everything posted by Tayls

  1. So seriously speaking, what the hell can we change in January?
  2. We're down this season arnt we? Too many young players and players without real experience of being able to fight for the club. Darn it.
  3. Tayls


    Soooooo, guys, how are we this evening? Man U, Man City, Arsenal on the bounce I expected 0 points. We got 1. Liverpool, Chelsea,Tottenham on the bounce (and within just a few days of each other) I expected 1 point. We got 3. The two defeats from this recent set of three games have been pretty heavy. Ok. That's not good but what are we going to do about it on here? Nothing. We have some very winnable games coming up and some chances to grab some more points before then hopefully signing 1 or 2 players to give us a boost. To help freshen things up a little bit. We are going to be fine. It was never going to be an easy season for us as again we are in a season of transition. We will win atleast 3/4 more games this year and pick up some draws which will see us remain in this league. I know there is still the possibilIty that we can go down... And it will be close... But, ultimately, we can look forward to playing these teams next year, with some new players and more experienced players who would have benefited from this current season. I'm still hopeful/confident/positive/excited and most important of all, happy.
  4. Although some posters have made some good comments here about events of the past three years, I am confused as to why we keep going over this stuff? We know what has happened now and its not good. Why arnt we talking about the future and how we can actually realistically improve in a way which is sustainable to get to where we belong? Enough of the past already.
  5. It has to have been, MON didn't like what he was told to do, so he downed tools and bolted.
  6. But, Mr Lerner hasn't F***ed anything up at Villa. I personally love the man, think he is great. Somebody post a link to that song on YouTube about him i've forgotten how to do it (plus I'm on an iPhone)...
  7. Haha, is this gonna be one of those games where Villa will refund the fans their money spent on tickets? I know what you mean, I had dozens of texts immediately after the final whistle, one from a Bham fan who quite simply wrote "hahahahahahahahahahahaha", and another from a Coventry fan who said "welcome to the championship"... To which I quickly reminded him that Cov were infact in league 1, (I'm guessing he thinks they will be promoted this season). Also a mate who is a Leeds fan said to me 'least we only conceded 5 and managed to win a half". And finally, a Tottenham fan mate of mine simply put, "can't wait for boxing day". I think we should just laugh about the defeat now instead of being all miserable about it... Might help the players ahead of our next few matches.
  8. We're really, really not CI.
  9. I'm happy with how things are going so far. Definitely more likeable under Lambert than we were under McLeish/Houllier and in some senses, MON. The thing now is, it would seem that if we are going to lose, we will do a damn good job of it. Though saying that, we have only had 3 fairly big defeats (ok, 1 in particular stands out among the rest). The others have been 1-0 etc. Still hopeful though, we should be able to pick up 4 more wins and a couple of draws which should see us safe... but... Unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if we are relegated this season.
  10. Tayls


    Erm, guys.... Did we actually lose 8-0 earlier? As in, 2 goals less than 10? It doesnt seem real somehow. That really is shite.
  11. Have you guys seen Moneyball? Can't remember the names, but Brad Pitts character seemed to be responsible for the trading of players, the tactics that the team should use based on the clever stats, responsible also for the end of season meetings with the board/chairman to discuss budgets and steps to move forward. They had another guy who would carry out the training sessions and be the guy in the dugout during games. Similar stuff, but Lambert is pitch side and more than likely carries out the team talks. ......oh, and if you havnt seen Moneyball, WATCH IT!!!! It will change the way you think about sport/Football as a whole.
  12. I give a crap what effect it had on spurs because a little over a season before that we were finishing higher than them and actually giving them a proper game instead of them battering us. We helped them improve by playing their player in a way that showed that actually, he is pretty damn good. We then had to let him go. Tell me, who did we then bring in to replace him? There is no point. Bring players in from abroad, relatively cheap or on loan, if they don't work out get rid. But let's not help to improve our rivals.
  13. Why would we want to benefit other prem teams? Bringing in a player from them, letting them show what they can do and then they bugger off back to their parent club and we are back to where we started. When was the last time we took someone on loan and then bought them?
  14. I don't think we should sign players on loan from prem teams. Waste of time and money.
  15. 14th - 38 points. Gonna be an interesting rest of season for the bottom 6 I think.
  16. I think it is important we buy the same way as we did in the summer. Young, hungry and bags of potential. There are players scattered all over the world that we could bring in, do a little bit of work on and then try to slot them into our side to help us improve. Woodytom - to bring in another keeper would be a little silly in my opinion. Guzan has really proven himself this season and has put in some excellent performances. He is also a firm fan favourite! Let's not forget we have Given sat on the bench who can easily come back into the fold should Guzan pick up an injury. Hardly a bad 2nd choice. Spending on a 'Keeper would be a waste of money I recon. I recon we can expect 1 or 2 young German players coming in this next window, which would be awesome if they are anything close to Reus, Gotze etc etc.
  17. Tayls


    The current league position is still a little precarious (with the points total) and we of course are not safe yet. But if we can get 1 more win before the year is out, I am confident we can get atleast 3/4 more wins before the season is over and we will remain in this league. We are playing some excellent stuff though and we really need to be consistent with it. Up the Villa.
  18. Eeeek. This is exciting isn't it? Who here isn't excited about the prospect of signing players who actually want to play some football and have potential? Gosh, to think that a couple of years ago we were happy with - Warnock Beye Dunne Sidwell Collins Reo-Coker Jeeeeeesus.
  19. Sunderland winning isn't such a bad thing. Puts them only a point above us, but they are awful and they are beating another awful team. Keeps reading 6 points behind though. But, I shan't worry to much about Sunderland being ahead right now.
  20. What about that Schwegler dude from Germany? GarethRDR any thoughts??
  21. We need a Yaya Toure in the middle. Collects the ball, plays it, occasionally makes some decent runs through the centre. Power. Intelligence. And I think he has great sportsmanship. Huge thighs. Boom.
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