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Everything posted by Tayls

  1. Probs Natwest, Halifax, or somewhere like that
  2. Guys, not sure if anybody has said it yet or not, but, I think we need to sign a CB and a DM of some sort. Just a small observation that I have come to realise in recent weeks.
  3. It's true. The quality of the squad is dreadful, older experienced player or not. We have a couple of decent individuals who on occasion are capable of linking up with another player during play, but that is it. Team spirit, confidence, morale, fight, pride and a few other things are also completely lacking in the players that we do have. Soooo, yeaa, ermmm, up the villa?
  4. I think we should do what those, I think it was Swedish fans did during one of their teams games and stay silent for the first few mins. Let Randy know that he is driving fans away and so he can imagine what VP would be like without our fans there. He's being a tosser, let's let him know what we think.
  5. This thread has gone to shit. We probably shouldn't have a transfer thread because people just go **** mental. I can't believe how much crap I have had to read today just to find something interesting. People need to grow up. Social media is taking over your lives. Take a step away. How about we just let what is going to happen at Villa, happen. Let's have a few surprises! Then discuss it.
  6. **** useless. Why he plays is beyond me. I will be livid if I spend money to see him come out onto the pitch for us moving forward. He just looks as though he doesn't give a toss.
  7. Strengthen. Strengthen, strengthen, strengthen, strengthen, strengthen. ****.
  8. 3-0 - job done. Going to Wembley etc etc. Now, where is that first signing of the window!!!!
  9. That would make for a pretty good window! What are the chances of that happening one wonders? If only we were, where we were, 3 seasons ago, might have been a little easier.
  10. What a sweet bunch!! My favourite part in that forum is where they say 'villa are **** shit'.... Awww. Glad our global development and reputation building is going according to plan!
  11. Tayls


    Amazing beautiful place. Go. That is all. See if you can get a visit to Verona whilst you are there. Train journey or coach or something.
  12. I think Lichaj needs to go out on loan again perhaps to play every week. We can then look at his stats from those games. I don't think he will ever make it though as a top player but from recent articles I have read and those clips on the Villa website where he came out in a onesie for the cross bar challenge sounds as though he's a hoot to have around the place. Lichaj Bannan Albrighton Herd (though I think he is a great squad player to have) Delfouneso ....are all players who I think will not make it. I just don't think they have it in them to really fight for Villa. Shame really.
  13. What the hell is all this about? What's happened? Somebody give me the low down, I've got FOMO!!
  14. Yea! 'internal server error' or something....Thought it was my phone just being crap but then realised that wouldn't make sense.
  15. I think we should take this young individual and develop him to be another great player. How much do you recon Lazio would sell for? And why would they want to sell anyway? (don't know to much about Lazio at the moment)
  16. Excellent. So fits the mould all around, could prove useful and is Belgian! Recommendation from Benteke? Hope so.
  17. What do we know about Lazio's Luis Cavanda then?
  18. Ah that's pretty cool. Good luck to you and hope you get that move to NY! I thought from your initial post you decided not to go because of what Baltimore was like, thought perhaps you were put off or something. I would love to have a job that offers positions to work for them abroad! Unfortunately in recruitment, although the company I work for does have a small international presence, doesn't really allow for much opportunity to go elsewhere! Boo!
  19. Howcome you didn't go? And what on earth do you do?!
  20. Tayls

    New York, New York

    Nice one, glad you had a good time! What things were you hoping to do that you didn't get chance to do? The apartment idea is one we have been looking at, means we can head out for dinner and explore the markets for cool American food for us to go home and cook! Would be fun. For those looking at places to eat - that Katz Delicatessan that Man v Food goes to looks insane... Think it features on leviramsey's video.
  21. Tayls


    Bad experience BOF? What happened?? It's a city, like any other city you need to have your witts about you. Just because it has the reputation of being this romantic, incredible place - that doesn't mean that there isn't any trouble. You get pickpockets etc in London as well... Hell, I don't feel 100% safe when I'm walking around Coventry which Is 40mins away from my house.
  22. Dodgy journo's - Holman wasn't even from feyenoord!
  23. Tayls

    New York, New York

    How was New York MMFy? Looking to get myself organised in a couple of weeks too!
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