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Everything posted by limpid

  1. limpid


    I assume you mean Geographic Information System. It depends what you are trying to do. Google Maps has a free API. OpenStreetView is an open mapping system.
  2. This is the ordering page, no idea which countries it'll work in
  3. Hmm, jelly bean promised for the Xoom. Mine's still on Honeycomb. Stop ignoring the rest of the world Google. The price of the Nexus 7 is the same as the Kindle Fire. I doubt the components cost $100, but you're right that this is probably about selling content (and a bucket load of devices).
  4. limpid

    Linux Server

    Obvious question, but are you running the latest version?
  5. limpid

    Linux Server

    Or can you see the files in the pretty front end?
  6. limpid

    Linux Server

    FreeBSD is not Linux so I'm definitely not the person to ask. Is there nothing in the pretty front end for "console"?
  7. It's in the right place. As long as people use the matchday forums for matchday stuff.
  8. I think Conor was responding to your "clearly superior" comment. Apple's strategy is embrace and enhance, it's strange to see them throw their toys out when it happens to them. And now the MacBook Air ad which claims "innovation" for finally getting a higher screen resolution than my 7 year old Dell. Except it's not new as per my link above.
  9. Did you look at either of my links? Neither were related to anything by Asus. The first did show something that does precisely this, however it is different to Surface in that it exists already. Are you withdrawing your previous statement about sticking with windows because it "works the way you know"?
  10. So it will be completely different to the current windows which you want to stick with because "We like windows, it's familiar and works the way we know. We grew up with it." I completely understand that Microsoft will find a compromise somewhere between a tablet interface and a workstation interface. Their track record makes me think it'll be several releases before it works properly for either and is unlikely to live up to their promise. However, it will NOT be the windows interface that works the way you know, so you can't use that as a justification. And if you're going to change, you might as well look at all options. BTW Android is Linux. People have already demonstrated Android devices which convert into a Linux desktop when a keyboard and screen are attached. None of this is new. A few seconds searching found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66S8is1E9MI. Or if you've rooted your device, you can just install ubuntu as an app.
  11. Windows 8 is a completely different interface to anything you've seen before, with or without a keyboard. You said "We like windows, it's familiar and works the way we know. We grew up with it." So it's changing completely but you need it to work the way you know. Do you see the dichotomy?
  12. So Conor, it's both important that windows stays the same and that it changes? I think you might have fallen for the spin.
  13. From the fingers of the Villa chronicler: We're villans not villains
  14. The single best way to get tickets for games is to join your local supporters organisation.
  15. But those "best minds" (admittedly amongst some good things) produced and launched Windows ME, Internet bloody explorer and Bob, which removes pretty much any merit from your claim. The fact that they were the largest company in the world in no way supports the argument that they are the best at anything. The two things are unrelated. I'd go further and suggest much of Microsoft's demise has been caused by the fact that it's still run as independent business areas with little overview or control; this leads to the strangely mixed messages about open source and the demonstrable fact that they still can't produce secure code despite operating their "trustworthy computing" program since 2002. I suspect this also explains the success of the xbox division - most people don't link the brands because they are so separate.
  16. It was an email initially, and then a phone call from London. They seem to have fallen into the stupid trap that "senior" is synonymous with "manager", which doesn't seem like them at all.
  17. I was recently head hunted by google, but I didn't want to relocate.
  18. Windows ME, Internet bloody Explorer, Windows Vista, Microsoft Bob, that bloody paper clip. Perhaps Conor meant 10 percent, rather than 10 times. Symantec boast that their multi-billion pound company only exists because of the piss-poor quality of MS software. Perhaps they're just linux geeks too.
  19. I think I'm going to change VillaTalk so that it renders in "Ceefax" mode when it detects a retina display. Unless Apple pay me to re-design the site.
  20. How much are they paying you to spout this drivel?
  21. Ahem. To all, please can people stop the post on poster. Leave moderating to the moderators. There a few of you overstepping the mark who should refresh themselves with the posting guidelines before they go too far.
  22. Why mention Muslims? Christians aren't allowed to gamble either.
  23. Yes, if the OP shared a lot more info than he said, then I am wrong. Even then this data wasn't released or made public, it was used inappropriately. "Hello we have your number on file as the emergency contact for Mr Bloggs, are we speaking to the correct person?" But I have no idea. I've not seen the form, I did ask what the OP had actually agreed to and I formed the impression that it was just a phone number. I get the feeling that the OP didn't even keep a copy of the form, being a casual job I guess he didn't really think about what he was completing or consenting to. Let's assume that the employer is found guilty of a breach of the DPA. This would need to be a private prosecution because Ofcom won't act on a single instance. What material harm has been caused? I'd already said that this was probably enough to get him out of his contract if that's what he wanted.
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