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Everything posted by limpid

  1. I'm locking this thread. Please visit the Blogs button at the top of the page where you can create your own blog or link to an existing one. Thanks
  2. Would a few of you please leave a window open logged into the chat room? I need you to let me know what happens when it closes at 18:00. Thanks.
  3. Please could you take a few seconds to answer this poll?
  4. In case anyone is wondering, this thread is quiet because everyone's in the chat room.
  5. I don't mean to rub it in, but I've dropped my s3 from the arm of my chair onto the wooden floor countless times. I can't see a mark on it.
  6. A company has approached me asking if people would be interested in listening to match streams via a geographical local number (01, 02 or 03). Please could you vote your answer? Thanks
  7. Three have been rolling out JB to their own branded handsets. If you bought an unbranded phone and put a three SIM in it, you'll have to wait. I think three have finished their upgrades now, so I suspect this describes your case.
  8. What kind of boiler? Is it rated high enough to drive the additional two radiators? First have you bled the system properly? If it's a combi, did you repressurise it? If you isolated it while you were working on the radiators, did you open all the valves again afterwards?
  9. Never had one, never thought about having one. Why do you think you need one? (genuinely curious)
  10. If I hadn't already made my mind up that it's Nexus for me in the future, this would have been the tipping point.
  11. From the top of my head, I think it's 10 images per post. It also joins two posts made within 5 minutes together which is probably taking you over the 10 picture limit.
  12. When you say "didn't seem to work" could you expand a little please?
  13. I think I explained that in the first post in this topic Donations system is now working as confirmed by choffer.
  14. Is there a problem opening new threads? If you pull together a list of all the ones you want, I'll add them in one go, but please put them in a new thread. 5 minutes.
  15. limpid

    General Chat

    Please post your problems in the New Site forum and I'll see if I can help.
  16. If you click the dot / star it takes you to the latest unread post every time. Clicking the title takes you to the first post. That's how it works. I don't think I understand the problem. This is the same as the old site (except it was an arrow and it didn't work very well). You will always go to the first post if you click the title of the topic. You will always go to the first unread post if you click the little dot/star. The "hover text" also tells you this.
  17. limpid

    General Chat

    Damn, we must have run out of new topics. What error did you get when you clicked "Start New Topic"?
  18. In the forum list, are you clicking on the black dot or star to the left of the topic name when this happens? Does this still happen after clearing your browser's cache and cookies? Does it happen in another browser on the same PC?
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