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Everything posted by limpid

  1. limpid

    New version

    I still don't understand what you are trying to describe, you makes it sound like the app is editing the original post instead of quoting it. However, it's probably the same bug we found previously when we implemented the maximum of 3 quotes per message. I've upped the limit of nested quotes, but seriously? 10 nested quotes? How can that be valid? Do we need a new posting guideline to stop people doing that?
  2. I've not got time to look now, but last time I saw a video of that title, it was nothing to do with any definition of "dimension" known to a mathematician or physicist.
  3. I know that the article is written by someone else, but if it is accurately representing what the mathmaticians are claiming then they are quite wrong. They dismiss the time dilation demonstrated by clocks in differing reference frames by claiming it's an effect of relative velocities. I'm pretty sure that sentence is meaningless.
  4. Time is a dimension of our universe as such it is completely contained within our universe. It has a starting point. We don't yet know if it has an end point. I think you have a category error in your understanding of dimensions. Time-like dimensions are bound by the universe in exactly the same way as space-like dimensions. There is a argument that time is not a dimension as usually accepted, but instead that time exists completely independent from space, with time as the quantity used to measure change (i.e., photon motion) in space. General relativity shows us that time is only fixed within an observer's reference frame. There is no "absolute time". If you can back up that argument, there's at least a Nobel prize in there for you.
  5. It's not expanding, it's inflating. Think of points on the surface of a balloon. Now inflate the balloon. The points haven't moved relative to each other, but are now further apart. Inflation is like that, but all of the space-like dimensions are inflating, not just an arbitrary boundary. It's not the outside edge getting bigger, it's everything When our brains evolved to help us become better apes it didn't equip us for modelling things so far outside of our experience. This is why it's hard to get your head around it. You have to stop trying to put it in the context of other things that you know.
  6. "Big bang" is a sound bite taken out of context. A bit like happens to football managers. Hoyle was dismissing the idea when he used this term. The "primeval atom" model did not describe an explosion, but an inflation. It's modern usage is incorrect and leads to people making false assumptions about its nature. Time is a dimension of our universe as such it is completely contained within our universe. It has a starting point. We don't yet know if it has an end point. I think you have a category error in your understanding of dimensions. Time-like dimensions are bound by the universe in exactly the same way as space-like dimensions. The most promising unified model describing our universe postulates an 11 dimensional membrane. It is far from complete and is not yet robust enough to be testable. It may be that more dimensions are required especially as we still have nothing describing how inflation is accelerating.
  7. Oh no it isn't They may have been on the same server about 10 years ago.
  8. The dimension we refer to as "time" was created when the other dimensions were. Trying to use the word "before" in relation to this is meaningless. The time dimension in our universe is part of the fabric of our universe. This implies nothing about how the universe came into existence. If you go back in time you get to about 14.7 billion years and then there is nothing older than that. There cannot be as the "stick" you are using to measure it is only that long. Just like when you keep going south on Earth, there comes a point where it is impossible to go further south. If there is a something in which the universe was created then it is indescribable as we don't have the tools (not yet anyway). It might be that any "meta" universe has multiple time like dimensions, or none; if it even holds to any of the physical laws that our universe does. The wasn't a big bang. Bangs require something to bang in. What happened was inflation. Effectively the universe went from being tiny to large in a small amount of time. It didn't expand into a pre-existing void. The universe continues to expand as effectively every point in it is still inflating from its original starting point. In fact the rate of inflation is increasing. We have no models (yet) which describe what causes inflation let alone why it is accelerating. Without knowing that, we have to accept that inflation may stop or even reverse at any time.
  9. limpid

    New version

    Was that in English before you pressed submit? Does it happen with the beta?
  10. Your ratings and reactions please. Keep it respectful even if you know everyone else is wrong. Townsend 31 Soldado 69
  11. Yes, it's the patch I mentioned in the "Current Status" sticky. Only took Apple a week to do nothing this time.
  12. I'm not sure that modern Catholicism has much to do with a (lack of) belief in God; its focus is on control and coercion through privilege and tradition. God is just a weapon in their arsenal.
  13. limpid


    I'm thinking about this one.
  14. This is a thread for the discussion of tickets, please do not take it off topic. Start other threads for other subjects.
  15. limpid

    Smart Watches

    Even my pebble doesn't rely on bluetooth to tell the time. That's seriously dumb.
  16. VT doesn't allow upload of photos.
  17. limpid

    Business PCs

    pc.co.uk (and many others) will sell you a PC without an OS pre-installed. Put Linux on it and say hello to modern computing.
  18. Except that you've signed a contract which allows them to up your monthly charge whenever they feel like it and you are committed for two years. I don't understand why people do that.
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