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Everything posted by limpid

  1. Please keep this thread for talking about tickets. Please start other threads for other things. Thanks.
  2. This is nothing to do with Android. Create a calendar in your Google calendar. Share it with the wife. The end.
  3. Seeing as the OP has been absent since February, I'm locking this. If anyone wants to something similar this season, please start a new thread for it. Thanks.
  4. limpid

    iOS app

    If there is enough interest, I will set something up.
  5. limpid

    iOS app

    Absolutely not. That is for donations for running the site (and removing the ads). This needs to be separate.
  6. limpid

    iOS app

    To all iOS users. I've had this year's extortion email from Apple to renew my developer licence. As you may or may not know, VillaTalk runs at a loss which I make up from my own pocket. As I don't use my Apple developer licence, or the virtual Mac I also am forced to rent for anything other than uploading the VillaTalk app, I am appealing here for someone, or a group, to sponsor this activity to the value of £100. This will pay for 12 months. If there is any interest, I'll work out the details. If there isn't the VillaTalk app for iOS will be discontinued in 30 days.
  7. There will be an outage of the app at some point this evening so that I can upgrade the back end software on the site. It will reset your notifications.
  8. The fixtures have been announced. Please use the match forums for discussions.
  9. limpid

    General Chat

    PM me next time you are on, will give it a listen. Or put your schedule in your SIG....
  10. Hmmm, has anyone used either with a GPE ROM?
  11. Because of the treeline or the snowline? It's the wild animals and queues of mountaineers that's the giveaway. ... and the yodelling.
  12. Because of the treeline or the snowline?
  13. limpid

    General Chat

    and then what did you introduce her as?
  14. My Nexus 5 has started playing up (turning itself off randomly). I'll probably get Google to fix it, but I'm thinking it might be time for something new. In the absence of any one+ one invitations, I think it'll be the G3 or the Z2. Does anyone have experience of both? Preferably with a GPE ROM?
  15. I boycott Starbucks due to their crap coffee. Will you therefore be supporting them? I've scoured the streets of Baku just so I could post this whilst drinking a cup of their coffee , but had to admit defeat and settle on some local brand instead , can you boycott the coffeeshop company instead please Do they sell crap coffee? If so then yes, I'll happily boycott them
  16. Not really a boycott though, that's a personal preference for better coffee. It's my own protest at their "coffee". That makes it a boycott.
  17. limpid


    That's just a ploy to get you buying things through the Play Store.
  18. Small things rarely make loud noises. And I really carefully constructed my sentence so that it didn't say anything about the noises made by large ones. They definitely made noises, even if it was just footsteps. However most of the things that descended from dinosaurs make noises. It's unlikely that convergent evolution led to multiple descendant species of dinosaurs developing "vocal" abilities, more likely that our vocal chords and their's date back to a common ancestor.
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