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Everything posted by limpid

  1. Villa v Fulham Please do not mention streams in this thread. Please note that there is no distinction between legal or illegal, video or audio. If you aren't sure, it doesn't go in this thread. You will receive warning points if you ignore this.
  2. That's only true because (most?) fish don't have a way to expunge mercury. It isn't a truism about food chains in general otherwise beef would taste of grass. IT mostly eat pizza and beer But is that a problem? Is it a high enough level that we need to be concerned about it in our diet? If it is, is it a problem if we eat it every day, or once a week? Is the mercury bonded to something which effectively renders it inert in our bodies? (Like the completely safe mercury in vaccines.) Are you making your judgement based on data and evidence or on what sounds right? Or so you just not like tuna? That more people don't think like this pisses me off
  3. limpid

    Excel question

    I'm not allowed to answer.
  4. High is a relative term. High compared to what?
  5. Like when supermarkets age check women when they buy alcohol. It reinforces brand loyalty and it's free advertising. I heard that people misspell favourite in order to undermine usage of the correct spelling.
  6. Can I remind people that periscope is streaming. Don't mention it in this thread.
  7. Ha ha ha I thought Pompey thanked you for retweeting - just re-read it and my mistake
  8. I can't link @It's Your Round's tweet as he doesn't follow @VillaTalk and has his tweets private
  9. @Marley the Bognor Villan didn't tag VillaTalk in the tweet so it took me a while to find it
  10. Reading v Villa Please do not mention streams in this thread. Please note that there is no distinction between legal or illegal, video or audio. If you aren't sure, it doesn't go in this thread. You will receive warning points if you ignore this.
  11. Your ratings and reactions please. Keep it respectful even if you know everyone else is wrong. The players names will be added to the poll when a mod gets chance.
  12. She didn't. It's not the police's job to establish whether a rime has been committed. It's not even their job to decide whether to bring a prosecution. Anyway, we're off topic now. If we want to discuss how the criminal justice system works, can someone start a new thread in OT?
  13. I've removed your number and put your post in a new thread. Anything else about it by PM please.
  14. I'd think you were mad if you did.
  15. I suggest that you start a new thread for it for each game so that it's easier to find
  16. What lie did she tell? She never accused him of anything.
  17. In the UK, you can't be found innocent.
  18. Well, the things they've decided to fix will be available. A lot of people don't install them. (Although I can only speak from personal experience.) I agree though. It would be good to get a monthly patch bundle which doesn't require us to wait for the manufacturer. I don't really understand why manufactures do anything other than pre-install a few apps; their other changes rarely make anything better.
  19. An Oukitel K6000. It's been faultless. I've got my three SIM and work's Voda SIM in it and everything just works*. It's going to be really hard going back to a normal battery one day though. * Except Vodafone coverage. Being able to do a side by side, I'm amazed they have any customers.
  20. You shouldn't need to do it, but it least it gets you past the problem. I've no idea what the browser does that causes this. It'll get fixed magically at some point in the webkit code, but until then it'll happen from time to time. Usually the methods in this thread work. If it's a regular problem for anyone, consider using the @mjmooney tagging. Type @ and the beginning of a poster's name and click the poster when it pops up.
  21. Your ratings and reactions please. Keep it respectful even if you know everyone else is wrong. The players names will be added to the poll when a mod gets chance.
  22. Villa v Wolves Please do not mention streams in this thread. Please note that there is no distinction between legal or illegal, video or audio. If you aren't sure, it doesn't go in this thread. You will receive warning points if you ignore this.
  23. Even clearing cookies and cache doesn't remove it?
  24. Now if only there was a search function on every page
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