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Davkaus last won the day on May 22

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    I don't like Mondays

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  1. I just watched an episode of Red Dwarf for the first time in about a decade. I've been watching it since I was 8 or 9. Suddenly, and I'm not quite sure how this happened, I'm clearly older than Rimmer and Lister. ****.
  2. Well, it's not on the Guardian, it's not on the Beeb, and the handful of places talking about her being banned from standing (The Times) were hours before the news broke that she had the whip back, so we will see
  3. And their top choice is the DVB who helped take them down
  4. The club should be learning from that. He's an adult and he's responsible for his own actions, but he was also a young employee in an unfamiliar country going through a hard time, plus, selfishly, a multi million pound asset. Just from that snippet, it seems we could have been much more proactive in helping him work through it
  5. I am just disappointed that Brexit Hard Man Steve Baker is over there funding Greek businesses instead of voting with his wallet and supporting our great British holiday destinations. I can only hope that he's over there trying to steal more parthenon marbles.
  6. It was reported here https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/diane-abbott-labour-whip-antisemitism-starmer-b2513315.html Note that the article was published in mid March, so after she'd already apparently done the course. If the facts are as represented in today's BBC article, it's a really stupid approach from Labour, if they wanted her out they should have resolved it in December, not kicked it into the long grass so it became a story during the election campaign.
  7. It's like getting childminder reviews from Gary Glitter.
  8. First I've heard of that - but the only reason the role was going was that Cummings wanted control over who the treasury spads were. Javid refused and stood down, Rishi was installed as Chancellor with no front bench experience, as Cummings' and Johnson's useful puppet.
  9. Whenever I feel sorry for him, I remind myself of how unsuited he was to be PM in the first place. Parachuted into a safe seat in 2015 and won by virtue of having a blue rosette, did very little for 5 years, then gets given the second most powerful office in the country because he was willing to say "yes sir" to Dominic Cummings, then walks into the PM's office by default after losing to Liz Truss. He looks comically out of his depth, because he is. It's tragic he was ever able to become PM in the first place. He'd achieved absolutely nothing of note to become a front bench politician. Judge him on his record, he says.
  10. Of course not, he's here for the long term, and incredibly passionate about representing the proud, hard-working people of Richmond.
  11. I think they have done the maths, and it's all about damage limitation to ensure they are at least the opposition. They're not trying to beat Labour, they're in full panic mode trying to stop the bleeding Appealing to under 60s? Well, that's the next leader's problem in 2029.
  12. Davkaus

    Snap Poll!

    Wouldn't mind beating Bayern again. I doubt many of them know who we beat in 1982 though
  13. "Triple lock plus", fudging the income tax threshold specifically for pensioners so that they're 2k a year better off. Another attempt to take from the young to give to the old. I think they're determined to have no voters under 40. At £2.5 billion a year, it costs 20% more than the "unaffordable" pay demands of junior doctors.
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