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Stevo985 last won the day on April 22

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About Stevo985


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    Mrs. BOF née Bennett

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  1. What do you mean? Rishi says he loved going to st Mary’s as a kid to watch his beloved saints…
  2. Loads of people didn’t have sky. That’s why it was a stupid thing for him to say. It’s not deprived to be without sky tv. Shit loads of people didn’t have sky
  3. Yeah they’re fine at the Olympics. But I don’t think anyone would miss them. I can’t imagine someone going “these Olympics have been amazing but I wish there had been an opening ceremony!”
  4. I just said to my mates if they cancelled all opening ceremonies at every sporting event from now on, would a single person give a shit?
  5. I was surprised when I checked that my new constituency just down the road (I'm just inside the Aldridge and Brownhills constituency now) is more Tory than Sutton was. 71% vs 60%
  6. And some people in another thread had the audacity to suggest that other fans loving stadium wasn’t true
  7. I don't know why that's such a crazy figure given all the work that's being done. £20m would be cheap if you ask me
  8. Bit like when you get adverts for Sky on demand when you're literally watching sky on demand
  9. Weirdly the only leaflet I've had was a Tory one, and my constituency was 71% Tory last time out
  10. Logan Sargent has been out qualified by his teammate Albon in every race since his debut. 30-0 But he’s out qualified Sergio Perez 6 times
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