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What Do Us Villa Fans Want?


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I want a group of footballers at AVFC that I admire, who are passionate and professional. 
I want a group of footballers who can perform their role and put in 100% every minute they are on the pitch.
I want a group of footballers at the club who play football for the love of the game and not for the money.

I want a manager who can control the players, sometimes you have to be harsh. 

I want a owner that is more visable.

I expect Villa to finish mid table as we have been bought out of positions by many teams in this league. 


Right now I see a group of footballers that I DESPISE bar a handful who are committed and passionate. 

Right now I see a manager who has no grit nor determination. 
Right now I see an owner who is absent. 
Right now I see arguably one of the best fan bases in football in bits over their teams misfortunes.   

Aston Villa can be whatever it wants to be.  That is up to the owner, the staff, management & the players.  We are powerless as fans. 

I put it to Randy Lerner that he doesn't go out and spend money on this football club.  I suggest he goes out and INVESTS in this club. 

You have 5 days Sir to turn this around.  I suggest you act quick!  

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Just want improvement then hopefully in 2 or 3 years we can make a push for the top 6 again, as it stands now if this is how its gonna be for the next few seasons then let's get relegated and be done with it because then we can start from scratch and build from there

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