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Gym Routine


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Ah Bannatyne's. Apparently they're one of the worst at making it difficult to cancel your membership and squeeze money out of you.


Good news is they've signed up to the new "rules" I was talking about earlier. So yeah, that should definitely change in future.

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Coda, did you resolve the notice period issue with your gym?


I had my first fail today (embarressing when you consider the low numbers I'm lifting!)  It was the Barbell Row, which wasn't the one I was expecting to fail on first!  I failed on 37.5kg, which I realise is rubbish but I will just have to give it another shot next time I'm doing workout A.  I wasn't too far off I suppose, I failed on rep 5 on set 4 and reps 4 & 5 on set 5 :(


I'm slightly concerned I'm going to fail on my overhead press on friday too as I've been struggling on that one, would really make it a rubbish week if I fail on two!

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15lbs down.


Still hitting the 1lb a week but it's getting harder. The amount of work I put in last week would have seen 2lbs at least a few months back.

Although, to be fair, last weekend (24th) I had a binge weekend when I went to see family and ate and drank a lot. So I probably did lose more than 1lb, it's just I'd gained a bit since I last weighed in.


5 weeks until holiday, 5 more pounds to go.

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Definitely won't make myself ill. I'm doing it the right way. Still hitting around 2,700 calories per day.

It's a healthy defecit.


Just a bit tired. But the long weekend consisted of three 12 hour sleeps in a row for me, so I'm feeling suitably refreshed this week!

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PS this isn't my ultimate target. That'll require another 10lbs at least after my holiday. But my plan was to hit 15% bf by my first beach holiday this year 4th May.

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How do you measure it accurately? Don't you have to do one of those watery physicals(£) to get a proper reading or something?

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I've got bodyfat calipers.


It's not hugely accurate, but it's consistent so it'll give you a good idea of progress.


But the jumps are huge which makes your progress jump massively.

For example, the way it works is it takes a measurement of your fat flap (I don't know a better word for it!) in millimetres. Then you use a chart to convert that measurement into a bodyfat percentage.


But the jumps are huge. So I'm currently at a measurement in mm of 16mm. The conversion chart says 16-17mm is 18.1%. But 14-15mm is 16.3% (I think, from memory). So according to that I'm currently at 18.1%, but next week (at a guess) when I drop down 1mm, I'll drop nearly 2% bodyfat.


Not to mention that if I were a year younger (so if I'd done the measurements 4 months ago) I'd be 1% less, which doesn't make much sense to me.


So yeah, it's a rough guide to be honest, but as I said it's consistent (as opposed to those electronic devices that measure you which are all over the place) so you can track your progress quite well.


There's a calculation you can do which I can't remember (involves wrist size, weight, wasist size etc etc) that is a good measure. I've done that before and came out in the same ballpark so I'm happy to assume it's reasonably accurate.

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Calipers are well cheap by the way, from somewhere like Amazon. I'd recommend them to people looking to lose fat.


It's not (always) about weight loss. You can weigh more but be less fat (I weigh nearly 10lbs more than the last time I was at this bodyfat, for example)

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Right, I'm back. Benched 67.5 and probably could've done more. Pendlay 80 although the last set was ragged with poor form. Still, it's close to my max so I'm content enough. But the squat. I warmed up on 80kg then went to 100kg. While walking for more weights to go to 110kg I just felt a 'complaint' from my hamstring and then when I went to go under the bar to start the next set it complained again so I thought better of it. It was on the brink of pulling. So, again, I'm happy enough because the weight wasn't a problem at all on the parts that matter. Then did the usual isolation of dips & skull crusher on triceps and bicep rows. I am going to be foooked in the morning :) I can feel it already. Happiness :)

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My hamstrings (and groin for that matter) are a mess these days too. I have to stretch them for about 15 minutes before squatting or playing football. It's either age or the lifting that's doing it!

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I refuse to give in because I think it's a female thing, but I'm assured that stuff like yoga and pilates help immensely with weight-lifting flexibility. It'll be a cold day in hell before you see me at it though :) (although I can't help thinking it would be a great way to meet women ...)

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