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Gym Routine


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Embarrassingly the Uni of Bham gym is a shocker, it’s a shoe box. Considering the unis emphasise on sport you would think they would invest some more into it. They even have spare sets on eleiko plates in storage from the Olympics as they do not have the space to use them.

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I think I can probably trump the 'crap gyms' debate with Chepstow Leisure centre.


As I said previously, I like the place for a number of reasons, but the equipment available is appalling. The Dumbbells only go up to 26kg, they have no Barbell bench (fortunately we have one in work that I use), no Squat Rack, no Smith Machine, no Decline Benches and they only have 1 tiny barbell, with weights that add up to a poultry 50kg.

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Come to think of it, no, i'm not sure at all.


Thankfully we have a fairly meaty set of weights at work, with a decent barbell and bench. So I save my chest, squats and leadlifts for here, then use the cables & weights at the gym for back and shoulders. There's little point in the gym, but I find it motivational to workout among other people, and there are few better options close by unfortunately.

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As long as you have access to some heavy shit some of the time you're ok ;)



I'm actually the opposite though. If the gym was completely empty apart from me I'd probably go every day. I love it when it's quiet (which is often why I end up going first thing on a Saturday morning when I could have easily wait 5 hours and have a lie in instead).

When it's busy it stresses me out.

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I think I'm a mixture of both...

In all honesty, I get my best workouts done when i'm on my own and have some serious time on my hands to get through sets at the maximum weights that i'm capable of. Friday afternoons in work everyone clears off by 4, leaving me with a good 90 minutes to get through my chest workout. The space and time I get to do this really helps me to push up my weights on a weekly basis. Admittedly a crowded gym can be a bit of a burden to your workout, plus there's always the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you shouldn't be taking so long on the equipment when there are people waiting for it.

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My routine has been scattered lately with helping a lot of family in my spare time and then of course our version of the "cold winter" hit. We do get freezing cold weather but the sun is still out and it lasts about 2 days at a time. I do NOT workout well in the cold. It makes me grumpy and I refuse to move. But I have been doing  much better with my cardio again and trying out new intense work out routines with my own body weight as resistance. It sucks, but I feel great after, which usually doesn't happen. I will say I do well with a running partner or with music. Without one of those my run is terrible.

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ME, I've been doing a lot of high intensity training recently using bodyweight exercises or dumbells and bar bells and yes it's really hard, but it does feel great when you've finished as you say. I've also noticed a big difference in my body shape, a lot stronger but with lean muscles and a decent amount of weight loss. I should say that I'm a girl as well (not obvious from my username!) and I'm never going to have that skinny look, but the weights/ HIIT regime 4 times a week has really worked for me, and I don't completely dread doing it, which is half the battle!

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ME, I've been doing a lot of high intensity training recently using bodyweight exercises or dumbells and bar bells and yes it's really hard, but it does feel great when you've finished as you say. I've also noticed a big difference in my body shape, a lot stronger but with lean muscles and a decent amount of weight loss. I should say that I'm a girl as well (not obvious from my username!) and I'm never going to have that skinny look, but the weights/ HIIT regime 4 times a week has really worked for me, and I don't completely dread doing it, which is half the battle!



That is so great to hear!!! I love it so far. I have a few hormone issues so losing weight has been proving difficult. But inches have gone!! And, I too, will never been skinny. But having curves in the right places is always nice. It has really helped re-sculpt my belly. Although triceps is what I'm hoping to improve. 

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Only got to 4 reps of 147.5kg deadlift. The aul' lower back was tired and I didn't want to risk a pull. Had a quick breather and lifted the 5th, but that counts as a fail which is the first fail I've had on the deadlift :angry::(

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Only got to 4 reps of 147.5kg deadlift. The aul' lower back was tired and I didn't want to risk a pull. Had a quick breather and lifted the 5th, but that counts as a fail which is the first fail I've had on the deadlift :angry::(

That counts as a fail?!?! Jeeeeez you are one harsh critic. I was about to applaud you for seeing it through and making sure to protect your body instead of risking injury. 

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Fail in the context of the programme I'm on. If you can't lift the 5 reps then you have to lift that same weight on your next deadlift day (Monday) instead of progressing by 2.5kg. I'm more irked that it's my first deadlift 'fail'. It's OK though. I'll get it next time, then it's 150kg!! Woot woot.

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You'll get it BOF!

It's now standard for me to take 2 weeks to get 5 reps of a weight out on my deads.

LIke tonight is my first attempt at a new weight, but I'm fairly sure I won't get 5 out. Then next week is an absolute must to hit the 5, otherwise I'm resetting my cycle.

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I've decided to start squatting only once a week. Despite having the proper form, the sheer compression around my shoulder area and neck was hurting i.e. when I re-racked after a set, it felt like I re-grew an inch. So rather annoyingly that has become my limiting factor rather than my legs. The choice was to squat at ~80% max every workout or do one a week at 100% to co-incide with my first bench/pendlay workout that week. Unless someone has any tips to make it a more comfortable exercise. An even bigger spongier towel might help :)

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I've decided to start squatting only once a week. Despite having the proper form, the sheer compression around my shoulder area and neck was hurting i.e. when I re-racked after a set, it felt like I re-grew an inch. So rather annoyingly that has become my limiting factor rather than my legs. The choice was to squat at ~80% max every workout or do one a week at 100% to co-incide with my first bench/pendlay workout that week. Unless someone has any tips to make it a more comfortable exercise. An even bigger spongier towel might help :)


You can get specially made rubber padding to go around the barbell to help with this. Much like the kind that used to be wrapped around the upper central frame on your bike when you were 10.

Edited by Shillzz
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Legal freebies.  Here is Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength book. If you click "Look Inside" just above the cover image you get a look at some of the book.  One of the free preview sections is "Learning to squat".  Which is handy ;)  I've picked up some little titbits just by reading that.  I shall be applying them on my next squat (Wednesday).  Every day's a school day.

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I have no idea what the Harlem Shake is. I'm vaguely aware that it must be the newest dance craze but so far I've successfully managed to avoid watching it in any shape or form.

My gym sent out a text the other day inviting me and a(ny) friend to turn up today (Wednesday) because they want to film the whole gym doing the Harlem Shake.


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