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The New Condem Government


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Not really Jon, the Liberals manifesto has been consistently more left than Labour for at least 15 years (pre-Blair), when Labour became a centre right party. Kinnock was the last time it could be seen to be visibly centre left and right now I'm undecided where they sit despite Tory Central Office's best spin to make the people think Milliband is the reincarnation of Uncle Joe

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Tony please stop now you are causing problems again and making yourself look a fool In relation to links - that is one thing that the app cannot do (cut and paste - note to all I users). So if you now please accept that you misread the post, the Edit bit was not linked to the previous comment re the memorial / funeral thing and as has been explained by others Gove giving his support for the Mail is something that he (and the Tory party) must examine, we can all move on.


Anyway, ignoring this deflection, it seems that this whole story just wont go away and the impact is one that could have an impact on various things so it seems. You wonder if Dave and co are now hoping for another major story to emerge to move the emphasis away from Milliband


cut and paste works on an I-phone and the VT app btw but as your next posts had links either you worked this out or switched devices ( As this isn't the Trueman show perhaps from now on you could tell us at the end of each post what device you are using so then we'd  know before making a comment )



A) will you stop with the pointless name calling ,it just makes you look silly and churlish ..


B) perhaps you'll be kind enough to apologise at some point for your over reaction to a polite question


read the post again , I asked a question , asked you to clarify what was  written  .. that you went off some pointless attack is rather curious   ....

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I think this is the crux of the matter, most people don't give a toss about politics. I think the majority will not be swayed either way. The Mail has almost twice the readership of the mirror, but that doesn't show in Voting at Elections. You could argue many Labour voters buy the mail. I think people buy papers for the other stuff, crosswords, sport etc. So the mail will print what it likes if it thinks it will sell papers. And politicians will use the papers as much as they are abused by them

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peterms, on 03 Oct 2013 - 1:16 PM, said:

This latest intrusion by the Mail is astonishing.  Sneaking into a private service, holding the hand of one of the mourners and pretending to commiserate - it's like a parody of the sort of thing the Leveson Inquiry heard about at great length.




where is this coming from ?


I've only seen that they sent a reporter ,uninvited into the service " seeking comments on the controversy over the Daily Mail’s description of my late father as someone who “hated Britain”. "


reported anywhere , no mention of hand holding etc








The reporter at one point held the hand of one of the grieving relatives and then twice asked her to comment on Ralph Miliband, the source said. She refused to do so.

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peterms, on 03 Oct 2013 - 1:45 PM, said:


tonyh29, on 03 Oct 2013 - 1:24 PM, said:


peterms, on 03 Oct 2013 - 1:16 PM, said:peterms, on 03 Oct 2013 - 1:16 PM, said:

This latest intrusion by the Mail is astonishing.  Sneaking into a private service, holding the hand of one of the mourners and pretending to commiserate - it's like a parody of the sort of thing the Leveson Inquiry heard about at great length.




where is this coming from ?


I've only seen that they sent a reporter ,uninvited into the service " seeking comments on the controversy over the Daily Mail’s description of my late father as someone who “hated Britain”. "


reported anywhere , no mention of hand holding etc









The reporter at one point held the hand of one of the grieving relatives and then twice asked her to comment on Ralph Miliband, the source said. She refused to do so.



Ta  .. I'd only really seen Ed's letter and he didn't refer to this  so was curious as to where it had come from 

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I think this is the crux of the matter, most people don't give a toss about politics. I think the majority will not be swayed either way. The Mail has almost twice the readership of the mirror, but that doesn't show in Voting at Elections. You could argue many Labour voters buy the mail. I think people buy papers for the other stuff, crosswords, sport etc. So the mail will print what it likes if it thinks it will sell papers. And politicians will use the papers as much as they are abused by them


The Mail is getting a lot of publicity at the moment , all be it mostly / all negative  .. but they always use to say There is  no such thing as bad publicity   .... but that was before twitter and the like , so it's possible that a bandwagon is forming as we speak and the Mail may face a backlash that they weren't prepared for  

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Hasn’t the MoS offered an unreserved apology?


Without a doubt the culture of Cing and Double Cing at the Mail has many of its staff living in fear of the sack...


It's not clear.



alex thomson @alextomo 27m

Mail on Sunday refuse to say whether or not editor has 'unreservedly apologised'. Refuse to answer any questions at all by phone...

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Hasn’t the MoS offered an unreserved apology?


Without a doubt the culture of Cing and Double Cing at the Mail has many of its staff living in fear of the sack...


It's not clear.



alex thomson @alextomo 27m

Mail on Sunday refuse to say whether or not editor has 'unreservedly apologised'. Refuse to answer any questions at all by phone...



Guardian now carrying the text of the apology.


So it must be true.

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peterms, on 03 Oct 2013 - 2:24 PM, said:


peterms, on 03 Oct 2013 - 2:00 PM, said:


PauloBarnesi, on 03 Oct 2013 - 1:49 PM, said:

Hasn’t the MoS offered an unreserved apology?


Without a doubt the culture of Cing and Double Cing at the Mail has many of its staff living in fear of the sack...


It's not clear.




alex thomson @alextomo 27m

Mail on Sunday refuse to say whether or not editor has 'unreservedly apologised'. Refuse to answer any questions at all by phone...



Guardian now carrying the text of the apology.


So it must be true.




Not sure if serious

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In the old days the typesetters were paid for the amount of copy they set, not the amount of correct copy...


That's like the story of the collapsing ceilings in ballrooms, traced back to a chandelier company which used a performance indicator based on weight of production...

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