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If you were buying one and were really motivated by spending as little as you could, while still buying quality, what would you go for Chindie?

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The galaxy ace is a cracking price. If you have no interest in using flash in the browser then that looks the best value.

The nexus s is a galaxy s so couldn't recommend that at 50 euro more and given you're probably new to android I would recommend the desire s over the galaxy s unless you would be using the phone for watching video in which case the galaxy s would edge it.

So to summarise.

Ace is best value

Desire S best all rounder

Galaxy s best media phone

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If the price is the absolute deciding factor (which it seems to be), I'd probably agree with CVByrne and go with the Ace. I had a quick look at one when I was picking up my SGS2 and it was fairly impressive. At 23 moon units of currency I guess that's a damn good bit of value. It's a bit like the SGS2 with the big money features stripped. Regardless, still impressive.

I recommended the Nexus S largely because my brother has one and it's always impressed me, however I wasn't overly looking at the prices there ;). It's got a stock version of Android so very little bloatware and shit on it, and it's just a nice bit of kit, but the price is high I think.

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Yeah but the galaxy s and desire s add loads of actually useful stuff to vanilla android. It's not all bloatware. Defo wouldn't recommend a nexus s as a first android handset over a Desire with all that sense goodness.

Ace is the clear winner here at the prices. Just don't go signing up for 18 months brian.

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The Nexus S is the best phone on the list.

Dunno why CVByrne constantly insists its a Galaxy S because they have similar hardware, because they are different phones entirely. If you want a stock Android experience without all the shit proprietary software that hardware manufacturers insist on putting on their phones, and if you want updates before anybody else (often months before anybody else) then you get Google's baby, the Nexus S.

If I were going cheap and cheerful I would go with the HTC Wildfire S, as it runs on Android 2.3, the most up to date version. The Galaxy Ace runs on 2.2 and given Samsung's appalling track record at updating their phones post release, it will probably stay like that for quite some time. The Galaxy Ace doesnt have the gorgeous AMOLED screen that other Samsung phones have too.

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I have to strongly disagree south rev here. He's coming from an experienced android user side of things, the software updates mean a lot to him., But for most users the updates are so minor that you probably wouldn't notice them. For example what big update came with android 2.3 that casual users would notice?

What he calls shit propriety software many, myself included call enhanced experience., especially in the case of htc and their sense overlay. The galaxy s has many software enhancements over the vanilla android experience, the media player is infinitely better than the stock one and any on the market. The kies air and all share samsung apps are excellent as is the messaging and contacts section.

Some value the vanilla android experience, like rev and darren, but most appreciate the enhancements.

Also do not what so ever buy a wildfire, they have for terrible reviews every where. It's the one phone on the list I'd be strongly against. A huge let down

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You can't get the blade over here though.

Are you getting a phone on contract Brian?

Yeah, it's a company phone, so it's effectively free to use, other than the contribution price that I'd have to pay to buy it initially - hence the desire to pay nothing!
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DRM'd up the wazoo. Oh well.

I could just go track down a copy online but to be honest I can;t be arsed to dig through **** knows how many shite copies to get a watchable one. I might try something like Handrbake to get the DRM removed.

Not sure what you mean re. iTunes.

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Ace all the way then. Brand new phone got sold reviews everywhere. There is no flash support in the browser though. Conscious limitation they put in there.

But still for a hundred euro more you could have the Desire S and for me it's worth it. So if I had to choose, I'd go desire.,

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Also do not what so ever buy a wildfire, they have for terrible reviews every where. It's the one phone on the list I'd be strongly against. A huge let down

It's not a Wildfire though, its a Wildfire S.

If you do go with something like a Wildfire S or a Galaxy Ace then yes, you are getting a mid range phone. If I were buying I'd stretch to the Desire S or the Nexus S, but everybodies budget is different.

And I think we are destined to disagree forever about vanilla android vs proprietary software. I really like the vanilla experience, and I say this as somebody who used HTC Sense for a year or so.

What is so great about the Samsung media player by the way? What can it do that the stock player or something like DoubleTwist cant?

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Right so thanks guys. It appears to be down to the Wildfire and the Ace.

Where the Wildfire seems to win is that it is flash enabled and has Android 2.3, though as an android virgin that means nothing to me.

Where it loses is that it seems to have a sluggish processor, a poor camera and the Ace has a long battery life.

Is it possible to download a browser to the Ace that does support flash, or install flash after purchase? I'm just conscious that flash is ubiquitous on the net and it might genuinely affect my use of the phone.

Neither seem to be amoled either.

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I've done it before but getting a decent copy in my experience has been a ****ing pain. I don't use torrents anymore either.

As said working on a Handbrake copy now. If that doesn't work, I'll just trawl the net for a while.

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