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Takeover parts 1 & 2


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Is there a "wheels down" time?

Could this be the reason why this so called press conference isnt happening until LATER today

or like somebody else has said, it could be something to do with Geraldines test results.

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How fickle am I, the nationality of my chairman could swing my views about an entire nation :|

That's a WHOLE other thread :)

How about ASTON MARTIN being your favourite car :P

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This :

oooohh you know something denis?

let us just say that if the rumours are correct, while MON will be Villa's next manager, he wont be Ellis' 14th appointment. if the rumours are correct then MON will not report to Doug during these, the latter's last days at the club, but will be working to a schedule drawn up by someone else. If the rumours are correct then Ellis has had absolutely nothing to do with this appointment, with all the details being handled by a third party.

if there is a press conference today (and there is no guarantee there will be) then it seems highly unlikely that Doug will be anywhere near the place while it is going on.

We will see

Together with this :

I may be getting ahead of myself, but.....

O'Neill has a press conference this evening, it's rumoured.

So, why this evening? Why not now?

Perhaps a certain American will be there too..........

Or am I just hopeing to much?

Has me quite excited, 2 moderators (generally appearing to be "in the know") getting excited baout rumours suggests to me there may be more than just rumour here !!

Champagne is on ice !!

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so press conference this evening - guess everyone is going to get off their pcs and get on with their lives until then :o

You'd think that wouldn't you :)

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I may be getting ahead of myself, but.....

O'Neill has a press conference this evening, it's rumoured.

So, why this evening? Why not now?

Perhaps a certain American will be there too..........

Or am I just hopeing to much?

not rumoured JC, just had a women from the PA pn the phone asking for an interview confirmed the PC later this evening.

and it is a strange time to annouce one ...

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Like a lot of people on this site, i've known Ellis and his ways for a very long time.

Therefore, i just canot belive he won't be there tonight, if indeed, the press conference proceeds.

I'm sorry to sound so cynical, but Ellis and the way he does business have made me this way!

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Ahh but a press conference wouldn't be called for him to say 'sorry not taking the job.'

He'd just release a statement.

I think with all the fanfare that has erupted, and the incessant rumours about him being Villa manager that a conference is now warranted regardless of the decision. Because of what has happened over the last 3 weeks I don't think a 'statement' would be sufficient for him to explain himself if he was to decide not to take the post.

So in my hesitantly optimistic opinion, a conference doesn't presume any decision.

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