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More changes:


* Ravage: The damage multiplier on this ability has been increased from 350% to 385%.


* Ambush: The damage multiplier on this ability has been increased from 250% to 275%.

* Hemorrhage: This ability now correctly does additional damage when its debuff has already been applied.

* Preparation now resets the cooldown of Shadowstep and no longer resets the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush.

* Shadowstep now adds a 3 second, 70% movement speed increase.

* Sinister Calling now also increases the percentage damage bonus of Hemorrhage and Backstab by 2/4/6/8/10%.

Seems Blizz are desperate for Rogues to go into Subtlety beyond Prep, doesnt it?

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So our cooldown resetter wont reset:

Blade Flurry




Good **** game

They effectively nerfed an entire build into non-existance. Like saying "you cant use pom and pyro"

clearings in the woods

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anyone coming uop for the wigan gane ovre Xmas?

Nah saving up to go away

Quoted to preserve drunken typos, next thurs will be my turn!

Note to self, just go to bed after Christmas party next year!

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Do you ever start threads about things you like? :(

do 99% of your posts involve world of warcraft?

this thread is a bit of fun, now if you dont want to get involved why dont you go a fight some elfs in the world of never with your axe of wonderland.

Sorry, but this was in danger of going unnoticed by all! :mrgreen:

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I've ended my sub, and Nayson left the guild.

Gz Risso on being promoted to Chief though ;)

Gz Riss.

Am going to apply to Fallout I think.

Drek and Cait as well....reconsider Dan?

if not,what shall we play next ? ^^

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I've ended my sub, and Nayson left the guild.

Gz Risso on being promoted to Chief though ;)

Gz Riss.

Am going to apply to Fallout I think.

If you leave Sam, that's it for me. It's only you, and a few of the old guard like Noctus and Mugs, and a couple of the new lads like Cadwallon and Tyranus that make the guild semi bearable atm.

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Emo Dan :wink:

Nerf Rogues might be doing ZA during the Christmas, and we intend on doing it all. So far we got 5-6 people with decent gear available. Let me know if you fancy creaming Zul'Jin or whatever his name is.

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Yeah, have to say my sub runs out in a few days and I doubt I'll be back until the expansion if at all.

Lost interest in PvP which is my main means of gearing up and I think we all know I'm never gonna be an instance fanatic.

So, I'll see how I feel when the expansion comes out, but the thought of another 10 levels and all the gear I've managed to get together becoming defunct again is not exactly enticing.

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Basically the game has turned incredibly dull. I'm in a guild that doesn't raid anymore and even when they did raid, I didn't fancy it much, the new 25 mans are nothing compared to what the old 40 mans were like.

My rogue is therefore just a pvp machine but I cannot find a partner who will enable me to get to 1850 rating because rogues are so damn gimped against the warrior/druid combos you constantly meet in the 2v2 bracket.

Even more so now Blizz have nerfed my build into non existance, trying to burst down a warlock with hots on him will be more or less impossible without 2 ARs, blizzard are forcing rogues to go shadowstep for pvp which DOES NOT CUT it as there are talent points in combat and assass you simply must have in order to compete in the arena.

Theres my druid who's just hit 70 and I can't be arsed to gear him up in pug 5 mans

My Paladin who is just a buffbot for the 5v5 which is actually quite fun but its not enough to keep me playing.

I will not be in the UK for most of 2008 so I have to end it sooner or later, might as well be now, all thats left to decide is who to give my stuff to ;)

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