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Its gaming gold, isnt it? One good thing about being Horde is its easy to drown people (Alliance have to play vs Undeads who have a 4 minute breath timer)

I got a few people with either fear or seduce spam while underwater. The best place is in the tunnel to SSC. People are fairly low on breath by the time they get there so it takes less CC to bump them off. Oh, and i dont know if you have thought of this on your Rogue or Pally, but if you chug Noggenfogger until you get the Skeleton buff then you have a 10 minute underwater breathing timer. A few well placed stuns (or a sap, a blind and a couple of stuns ^^) should see some comedy kills. :)

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Its gaming gold, isnt it? One good thing about being Horde is its easy to drown people (Alliance have to play vs Undeads who have a 4 minute breath timer)

I got a few people with either fear or seduce spam while underwater. The best place is in the tunnel to SSC. People are fairly low on breath by the time they get there so it takes less CC to bump them off. Oh, and i dont know if you have thought of this on your Rogue or Pally, but if you chug Noggenfogger until you get the Skeleton buff then you have a 10 minute underwater breathing timer. A few well placed stuns (or a sap, a blind and a couple of stuns ^^) should see some comedy kills. :)

Yep, I've got a fair few with a well placed frost shock on the way through there.

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Yep, I've got a fair few with a well placed FROOOST SHOOOCK!!!1!one on the way through there.

Had to fix that ;)

And btw, now that Shammies are getting the old FROOOST SHOOOCK!!!1!one back in 2.3, reckon it will be the most complained about spell ever again?

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Skinning is a primary.

The Secondary skills are Fishing, Cooking and First Aid. Unless you play a healer you should definitely skill up First Aid.

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375 spellfire tailor (some of the best gear in the game for mages)

375 elixir alch


375 miner

330 eng (will lvl when I have more cash)

and pretty much much everything else on the lowbies.


first aid to max for level on all asap

cooking on hunter and some lowbies

fishing on mage and some lowbies - the hunter needs a catchup for pet food...

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Dont know how many of you read the EU PvP forums, but there was a guy called Athene who started thread on there.

Hi, i'm Athene from Movielol (The best team on Emeriss, the battlegroup, possibly the world).

I am selling my arena team 2500+ rating, you may transfer from any server to have the privalege of buying this team off me. The current price is 8500g.

I am also currently in the progress of making my new PvE guild and are taking applications.

Dont reply if your a 1900 rated noob with epic gear from PvE, I only want the best PvPers. you must be almost as good as me to get in.

My guild will progress at 5 times the speed of any other guild, because I have the skill.

My reactions are so fast, you couldnt possibly ever counterspell me as i fake heal every counterspell in the game, and NEVER get mana burnt. If you feel you are also this good you must apply.

Nolihum have nothing on us, i have heard how they play, and it is like a retard.

I dont want the players from terrible guilds like Dead or taxes, Nohilium or even Method.

I just want the elite skilled people ONLY.

If you beleive you have got what it takes to play with me get in contact with me on Alliance Emeriss or leave your reply on this forum.

It generated quite a lot of responses, mostly flaming him, calling him big headed, a dickhead and a noob (etc) you can read them here

Anyway, Athene made a video response to the flames which you can see

Having watched the movie, i can only conclude that Athene is a superstar.

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"People say Warlocks are overpowered? What the ****, kill the pet kill the pet Boom!"

Somehow it reminded me of that old Harry Enfield sketch with the two amsterdam coppers. Comedy gold that boy.

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Dont know how many of you read the EU PvP forums, but there was a guy called Athene who started thread on there.

Hi, i'm Athene from Movielol (The best team on Emeriss, the battlegroup, possibly the world).

I am selling my arena team 2500+ rating, you may transfer from any server to have the privalege of buying this team off me. The current price is 8500g.

I am also currently in the progress of making my new PvE guild and are taking applications.

Dont reply if your a 1900 rated noob with epic gear from PvE, I only want the best PvPers. you must be almost as good as me to get in.

My guild will progress at 5 times the speed of any other guild, because I have the skill.

My reactions are so fast, you couldnt possibly ever counterspell me as i fake heal every counterspell in the game, and NEVER get mana burnt. If you feel you are also this good you must apply.

Nolihum have nothing on us, i have heard how they play, and it is like a retard.

I dont want the players from terrible guilds like Dead or taxes, Nohilium or even Method.

I just want the elite skilled people ONLY.

If you beleive you have got what it takes to play with me get in contact with me on Alliance Emeriss or leave your reply on this forum.

It generated quite a lot of responses, mostly flaming him, calling him big headed, a dickhead and a noob (etc) you can read them here

Anyway, Athene made a video response to the flames which you can see

Having watched the movie, i can only conclude that Athene is a superstar.

Haha thats quality trolling.. he really is the special one though :lol:

And the **** titanic part :lol:

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