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Druids are a pain to play.

They do everything but not great at anything.

1) They heal but unless you are resto spec its not as good as priest or a shammy

2) They tank but are a pretty basic tank

3) The cat form is a rogue but with not many of the abilities.

Balance druids aren't as good as mages.

Some of the best abilities only work outdoors.

I only stuck with him as I was in the 40's when I realised there are better classes.

I am next going for my rogue on TM.

Druids are the strongest of the hybrids, imo.

Ever try to kill a druid in PvP? If they stay in the one form, it's piss easy for the very reasons you mention.

If they know what they are doing and change forms constantly - good luck. You can't snare them, they have instant HOT's which even heal when dispelled and they have CC in every form (pounce, charge/bash, roots, cyclone) bar travel. They make one of the strongest combinations for 2v2 in arena and are viable in every arena group.

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Very nice.

If you were to level a warrior now for PvP, would you take a troll or orc for racials?

Im not saying im gonna btw. I was just looking at the racials the other days, and im not sure who i would prefer for PvP.

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Very nice.

If you were to level a warrior now for PvP, would you take a troll or orc for racials?

Im not saying im gonna btw. I was just looking at the racials the other days, and im not sure who i would prefer for PvP.

Orc imo. Bloodfurys extra AP would be handy and Hardiness also very useful in PvP.

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But considering you dont really shine as a class until you are with a healer, wouldnt the troll berserker be better so you dont get the healing debuff?

And how many classes got abilities which are classified as stuns?

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If they know what they are doing and change forms constantly - good luck. You can't snare them, they have instant HOT's which even heal when dispelled and they have CC in every form (pounce, charge/bash, roots, cyclone) bar travel. They make one of the strongest combinations for 2v2 in arena and are viable in every arena group.

Me and Si love druids almost as much as we love rogues, hunters and warriors.

Even though rogues are a bit harder now that blind can't be dispelled.

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An equally geared rogue + druid combo will cream you in the arenas.

Lol. I love the fact you are sooo sure of how well we play.

Equally geared Rogue would be dead and although the Druid would be harder I would fancy our chances.

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The fact that they have multiple cc options and you cant see them, makes it very easy. Sorry. And while Riss is getting the beeeehjezus kicked out of him, you would probably be incapacitated.

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The fact that they have multiple cc options and you cant see them, makes it very easy. Sorry.

yeah Ok Tarj.

Suppose thats why as Risso says we always seem to beat them.

But ofc, I shall bow down to your superior knowledge as its pointless arguing with you.

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Lal you have to stop taking things personally. Its just a fact that the combo is brilliant, and no matter how good warriors are versus rogues, they will take you down if they got a clue. Rissok dont have the gear to stand beeing focused by two of those.

And the reason you might always beat them COULD be cause of your rating. Because a rogue and a druid with equal gear level as yourselves and rating below 1500, wouldnt have a clue.

Just look at me and Kinxer. Warlock and Paladin. We have had quite poor gear all the way, but we have cruised from 1600 - 1665 and back all the time. This has nothing to do with gear, but the fact that the combo works.

And we aswell die without a chance when we face druid & rogue combo with equal gear.

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Not taking anything personally. You stated as a FACT that we would lose to that combo with equal gear.

I disagree. I think we would more than hold our own and would fancy us to beat them more often than not.

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Whatever. Im just saying that if a Rogue and Druid combo played up to whats POSSIBLE, they will beat you at the current gear level. For me its a fact anyway. You cant do anything with class abilities, just the way it is.

Its very much possible to hold a zerg as a shaman with good pvp gear and loads of resilience, but thats a must aswell IMO.

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An equally geared rogue + druid combo will cream you in the arenas.

As Si said, you're talking out of your arse. We've faced rogue/druid combos on many occasions, and never lost once. In fact the only classes we seem to struggle with routinely are mages, certain locks and BM hunters.

An equally geared rogue + druid combo will cream you in the arenas.

Except they never have, not even once.

And the reason you might always beat them COULD be cause of your rating. Because a rogue and a druid with equal gear level as yourselves and rating below 1500, wouldnt have a clue.

So explain to me how that works. An equally geared team will ALWAYS cream us, but if they don't, it's because they're an equally geared team! :crylaugh:

See that black, it's white it is. Unless it's black, then it's white.

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My Macros for pets Tarj.

/cast [pet] Phase Shift; [pet] Sacrifice; [pet] Invisibility; [pet] Devour Magic; [pet] Intercept

/cast [pet] Devour Magic

Thats for pets defensive abilities (mainly VW bubble and felhunter dispel me) CTRL and the macro will dispel my target instead of me.

Skillguards intercept is in there for space reasons.

/focus [modifier]

/stopmacro [modifier]

/cast [pet] Fire Shield; [pet] Suffering; [pet] Seduction; [harm] Seduction; [pet] Spell Lock;[harm] Spell Lock

Thats mainly Felhunter and Succubus seduce/spell lock macro. Ctrl and macro will set whatever you are targeting as a focus. Ctrl and macro with no target will clear your focus.

If you use the macro with a focus set then it will seduce/spell lock your focus.

If you use the macro with no focus set then it will seduce your current target.

Tested and working as of patch 2.2 (4th October 2007)

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An equally geared rogue + druid combo will cream you in the arenas.

They are a VERY strong combo - but I am going to side with Risso and Si here.

Assuming Si is sapped and uses his trinket, that leaves 2 options for the druid/rogue combo:

1) Focus fire Rissok

2) Rogue focuses on Rissok, Druid CC's Si.

(Of course, they could focus fire the warrior, but that just makes it too easy for Riss to heal through, even if they attempt to CC him first.)

Earth shield - not dispelable by this combo - along with mail and a shield will easily outlast their damage/CC. So

1) Si is free to rip the rogue a new A

2) Only 1 person is hitting rissok and earth shield has that covered.

Once you have outlasted the initial burst, it's over. If they want to stealth and try again when cooldowns are up - good luck. Riss will heal to full, have full mana (with mana totem dow) and now both Si and Riss are less susceptible to their CC.

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As Si said, you're talking out of your arse. We've faced rogue/druid combos on many occasions, and never lost once. In fact the only classes we seem to struggle with routinely are mages, certain locks and BM hunters.

Nope you are talking our of your arse im afraid. If you beat any druid/rogue combo's now its because they simply are shit. Which is easily proven by your shit rating.

Except they never have, not even once.

Because all the druid/rogue combo's you meet have worse gear then you. Which is why i wrote equal gear level. You should read things a bit more through.

So explain to me how that works. An equally geared team will ALWAYS cream us, but if they don't, it's because they're an equally geared team! :crylaugh:

They will always cream you until you as a healer reach a certain PvP gear level. At your level if you beat any such combo its because your opponent have worse gear then yourself.

Once again you dont actually read whats been written.

Sorry, you simply dont have good PvP gear Risso. You cannot stand a rogue/druid zerg from an equally geared druid/rogue combo. When you get 300+ resilience you can talk and way more stamina, but you dont have that.

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Earth shield - not dispelable by this combo - along with mail and a shield will easily outlast their damage/CC.

Oh they will. And the underlined jumbo is just wrong. A druid/rogue combo **** over riss with equal gear level will rip him apart. And just assuming Si breaks free a tad to early they can pop maxed combo points to keep him **** to death.

Brilliant Nayson, will check it tomorrow. Could you add the macro for selfbuffing aswell? The patch nicked everything i had, including my guffaw one 8)

Just went out of WSG losing so **** hard. And the entire victory was due to 4 or 5 alliance which could no die EVER. The paladin just healed 7-8 times more then ours, and their priest was the same kind. Along with this a warrior, warlock and possibly a rogue or a second warrior.

Tbh it was just stupid. Enough with beeing outgeared, but meeting the same people with dedicated healers was **** frustrating. Linked em on a thread at the wowrush general.

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