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Ok so I got going yesterday as a Tauren hunter and I'm currently level 12/13 any tips that might be helpful would be appreciated.

What's your character name? We'll all probably send you some cash, to buy some decent stuff for your level. (Apart from Tarj, you've already probably got more money than he has, it's because priests are shit or something!)

My advice would be to take up skinning as one of your professions, that way you can skin what you kill.

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My characters name is Rishj I have taken up herbalism and mining although if I was starting over I'd go with skinning and herbalism.

Is there only Horde on my island (if that makes sense) or is it mixed as some level 70 human priest was in the croosroads yesterday killing everyone.

Thanks for the help.

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Having a shadow priest, ie Sam in a 5 man really makes it easy mode for me, loads of mana regen and healing, awesome. We did Shadow Lab with us two, Madvillain and a pug tank and hunter, and had no deaths on bosses at all. Murmur went down with hardly, a, erm, murmur, with everybody on full health, and he kindly dropped my imba healing chest so I could replace my shit one from Slave Pens.

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Yeah i know. Might be the reason they nerfed VE from all i know, but the constant group healing, makes hybrids shine because you wont get problems with the AoE healing.

VT still is amazing though. The threat reduction might lower the amount of regen in pugs, but im not sure if you will have a lot of problems in raids. Still, seeing SCT listing 60+ 50+ 200+ 80+ 70+ mana constantly is ace.

Id say the best healing combo in the game atm. would be a shadowpriest and paladin. DPS, regen of all sorts, unmatched healing efficiancy, along with high survivability.

Why bring a priest who dies when touched, who is outhealed, and got zero efficiancy?

Paladin = plate, auras, LoH, über efficient, HUGE manapools, each crit = free heal, lots of mp5.

Trl - Mr Angry

Cheeky fecker...remember that ive got this quote in mind when your SoC brings 5 elites your way.

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Just whisper one of us or add us to your friends list.

Nayson - me

Evildan - ED

Trl - Mr Angry

Rissok - Risso

Limpid - er, Limpid

Samisdead - man who never posts on these forums!

Also type /join vt and you will join our private chat channel.

If you catch Limpid online he has a Hunter character so he could probably offer some advice.

Im playing on a low level character, a Paladin, who is level 13 at the moment. Im sure we could meet ingame though im not sure you have twigged just how huge this World of Warcaft actually is yet! From where i am on my Paladin to where i imagine you are on your Hunter is quite some distance!

Anyway, look forward to seeing you ingame.

'never posts'

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We got ONE spell, and that they have taken away. Lets remove CoS, Vanish, Blind, Sprint.

It didnt get taken away, it got put on a cooldown, a shorter cooldown then every rogue spell you just listed!

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Joined: Dec 18, 2003

Total posts: 144

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You lot are teh n00b joiners - fear my joining date!

Except Riss and Oz ofc....bah.

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Hehe exactly my thought Dan.

And Oz, the forum login isnt the ost stabile thing in the world. Its workd 2/3 times, but sometimes it just refuses. Dunno why.

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Sorry, had company. Dont think having them sitting watch me play WoW would have had made me the politest host in the world.

Ive been playing with more macros. Since Sie quit ive kinda lost my guidance there, so i have been looking around for some advice today. This one was interesting:

Hover Targeting:

We are talking Hover Targeting, or the ability to dynamically cast spells on different players without having to target them, but by just hovering your mouse cursor over a protected unit frame (in this case a party/raid/target/targettarget unitframe). Example:

/cast [target=mouseover,exist] Healing Touch; Healing Touch

...will cast Healing Touch on the person which unitframe is being hovered over by your mouse,

I changed that to BNASIHH!! So banishing stuff can be a little easier for me.

I guess if you want to change that to Flash Heal, or Prayer of Mending or dispel or whatever, it could be useful.

I found i got an error about the word "exist" when i had my BNAISHSS!11 macro set up as this though:

/cast [target=mouseover,exist] Banish

It seems to be in every healing Macro though, though im not at all sure why its there.

/cast [target=mouseover] Banish

That worked perfectly fine for me. I changed it further to the full:

# showtooltip banish

# show banish

/cast [target=mouseover] banish

Just so it would look normal on my action bar.

Dunno if healers/dispellers would get any use out of that. Will moving the cursor over the persons unit frame, or over their character on the screen make multi target healing easier than having to reselect the target? Will it mean you can keep the maintank targeted at all times and move away from him more safely?


Tested this a little with my lowbie loladin, and its great.

Mouseover peoples character onscreen, or and action bar. Switching targets is a lot faster. I might try to play with modifier keys too. So say, mouseover and button is heal #1, then hold down shift and you get heal #2.

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