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Had to do Auchenai Crypts with possibly the most mismatched group ever. Had me and Beorn healing (L65 feral druid!) Rehtori (L64 huntard), Plumpy (L70 Lock, I suspect an ebay character) and Gurok (worst tank ever!). As Nighteye said, either Gurok or Rehtori is enough to drag most groups down, both was asking for trouble. Finished the shortest instance in the game in a smidge under 3 hours!

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Hahaha true thing. I wonder if the guild in general got an opinion on who they would like to do instance runs with and not to, regarding not only gear & spec. but also the skill of their class.

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Hahaha true thing. I wonder if the guild in general got an opinion on who they would like to do instance runs with and not to, regarding not only gear & spec. but also the skill of their class.

Tell me about it, our Lock tonight kept pulling aggro, released on a wipe so he couldnt be ressed meaning we had to clear respawns, then fear pulled a load of adds, wiping us and swiftly logged!

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Have to be up at stupid o clock for work, so i couldnt hang around after the respawns came back. Though a five hour kip this afternoon seems to have made it impossible to sleep straight away anyway. Its a good job i like ya though, or my reply would be a lot more vicious ;)

Yes, it was a shitter at the end. Wiping on the final phase of the last boss is always annoying. Especially in a long and (fairly) difficult instance.

What i dont like about Tempest Keep is the way the release is handled though. As soon as you click release then you cannot be ressed. This is the only place on the entire game where this happens, and i think its something of poor or intentionally unfair design by Blizz. Okay, you cant get into Tempest Keep unless you are level 70 because you need a flying mount to get there. Warlocks have their summon spell removed from them while on the platforms outside the instances to strengthen this need for aflying mount thing more. But its virtually impossible not to have the money a mount when you ding 70. The percentage of players who have the level requirement to enter but no way of getting there must be so small its insignificant. To me it smarts of just trying to make the content last longer by forcing situations like ours tonight.

Imagine having no soulstone/ankh there? Lots of 5 mans will. Wipe and game over because there will be lots of respawns standing in front of tired gamers. Redemptus was getting tired, i was too and the mobs were respawning fast. The room after the one with the final wipe needed completely clearing again, and common sense would suggest that every room would be getting new respawns faster than we could kill the old ones so it would be a complete trash clear of the entire area. Not really gonna hold peoples interest at that time of night. But they know we will be back to try again tomorrow, we cant help ourselves.

Now its easy to cry noob if you have tools to escape dying in the first place (vanish/feign) or if you release instinctively and then realise you can stealth back (Fluffy) but for the bulk of people who find themselves in there, not being able to be ressed after releasing is an absolute ****. Same actions but with different consequences yet its alright if you can get away with it? Double standards mate. Dont go down that road, it really isnt needed. Repeating myself, but there is no other place on the game where this is true and Blizz are playing on peoples instincts here. Tempest Keep plays the same tricks as BWL did (2 hour reset on Vael in the early days, Nefarian's door stayed locked too so if you wiped and had no Soulstones available, that was it for a week) to slow people down so that they dont exhaust content so quickly. The lifts in the Mechanar wing have undoubtedly put foul to many groups, as has the situation we found ourselves in. Being rude to people about it wont change anything Dan, and i must say i found myself quite surpirised by your attitude, especially towards Sam who is supposed to be a mate.

Can we remind ourselves this is only a game, and on the most part one that is bloody good fun? Cheers.

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Good post Nays. Even in our shitty Crypts run yesterday, we managed to retain a sense of humour. Gurok decided after the third wipe to "change into my tanking gear"(!). Plumpy forgot to soulstone me before the first boss fight, etc etc, but it really doesn't matter, does it?

I'm feeling a bit pissed off with the game at the moment, because there are so many L70's, it's virtually impossible to get a decent team for a non L70 instance (apart from you guys who always seem to help out, cheers). Consequently these last 2-3 levels are taking bloody ages. As soon as I hit L70 I'm respeccing full resto again, so there'll be another healer about, and people like Gulthrak who have helped me loads will get loads of help back.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again; Warcraft has the very strange ability to temporarily turn a gentle soul into a total arsehole driven by selfishness. Players really do seem to just forget the fact they're playing with friends and turn into a vicious pack of venomous school children. The emphasis is all on achieving numbers in WoW which leads to competition and frustration between players which then always leads to vitriol throwing between them.

I've found, for the second time in fact, that when you put the game down for a while and distance yourself, you realise the above all the more.

I mean, what the hell is it about this game that can bring out such negativity?

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The point Drekthul was making was that the repops come at the rate in which we killed them last time, so the only way we're going to "overtake" them as such was to skip certain mobs, which was entirely possible in those 2 rooms. I had killed the bosses I needed, no loot ofc, I didn't care about the last boss, but realised that Drekthul wanted him badly and was willing to help him out. He was quite angry after the stunt you pulled, I tried to convince him to do another 5 man but he claimed to be too pissed off.

As for my "attitude" yes I was a bit arsey last night, but most people can take the comments in the spirit in which they were meant, I worked my ass off in that place and didn't rise to Drekthul calling me a slacker, just took note of what he said and learned from it.

I've no idea why there were repops though, we only wiped on the first boss. Red off healing was definitely needed at times and I'm never doing that place without 2 healers, preferably a shaman, so we can have 2 cracks at that last boss when he ankhs.

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For levelling i didnt do many instances at all. I think 60-65 were done with Sie and Sam, then 66-70 pretty much with Tarj. All quests really. Mind you, I did have the day where I did about 83 quests in Nagrand with Tarj and it was an absolute pleasure. I think a levelling buddy is the best way to go and im kinda lucky that i had three.

As for this page and the instance thing? Well, its the beauty of our private little thread. Everything is always cool even if we disagree sometimes. Ive probably spent more time talking to you lads over the last year than i have over a lot of my friends and family. That always comes first over anything else, and it always will. I do think the feeling is mutual on everyones part too, and to a certain extent it runs in the Dashers. Its probably the reason im still playing. In fact its entirely the reason im still playing.

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You dont need 2 healers at all for that. What you need is ranged dps who got gear and some idea to control their aggro.

Are you volunteering to solo heal the whole instance then?

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