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Just in case you wanted a chat with anyone in game from Dashers Nays, Shack and Vasha are the GMs, and Ajaal is the warlock leader.

Great application by the way, dont think you'll have any problems.

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Shit, have Hunters been hit with a big pointy nerf stick in 1.10!

Ok, they dont have any weaknesses whatsoever at the moment (still dont know why Blizz give the mail armor when they can out nuke their most similar classes: Mages and Warlocks, instant aggro loser/combat breaker, they have ranged and melee roots and snares and much superior crowd control to the Mage and Warlock, and have a pet that can do awesome DPS all by itself. They should have been given cloth or leather at a push.) but this is on the Hunter forums:

I grabbed this from the US forums and it all seems to add up to a big smelly nerf. I'm still not sure if scattershot now shares the same cooldown with FD or traps.

1. Aimed Shot and Multishot have been Normalized to 2.8 attack speed.

2. Traps are now stealthed.

3. Flare has a huge visible area.

4. Feign Death doesn't clear targets so FD+Freeze trap is damn near impossible against melee classes.**

5. Beaststalker set bonuses were reduced significantly.

6. Shadowmeld was nerfed so that you now become visible when you start casting a spell or Aimed Shot.

7. Traps now suffer diminishing returns and share a diminishing returns timer with Scattershot. (bug fix)

8. Scattershot now shares the same cooldown as FD.**

With these changes, I suspect we'll have to do an awful lot more kiting in PvP and PvE - which is fine up to a point, but it emphasizes that which makes our class difficult to play - the deadzone. Frankly I think it's reaching the point were we need to remove the deadzone - I'm serious.

** claimed as being bullshit by people who have played on the test realm.

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Me and Dan bonding with Alliance. A Warrior who didnt mind being killed, a mace specced Rogue (only one on the entire game??) and a Warlock who just didnt want to fight.

Then some level 40 warrior steams in and attacks, realises that no one is going to help him and shits it. Im not sure the screenie really puts accross the sense of panic the Warrior had, but it actually made me laugh out loud.

Then he kept attacking the Warlock, thinking that cloth would be an easy kill.

Not when the cloth is on someone 20 levels higher than you mate!

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Yeah baby!

May i say DPS

Shit thats a good wand!

I know a Lock could put on 10% extra damage with succubus summoned if talent points are spent in demonology, and another 10% from curse of elements (which also lowers a targets fire resist for even more damage!)

Priests get a huge boost to damage (25%?) with talents. That gotta be worth a respec if you had this ****.

Would anyone who had this wand ever need to use any mana ever?

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Another shit, noob tank **** up a DM run again. So if you see a tank called Sacred, avoid like the plague. No idea on safe pulling, couldn't hold agro, and attacked the first boss on a Tribute run. clearing in the woods.

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I am *so* embarassed.

That guy Uraquai is on my friends list. Frankly, I pride myself on not knowing what to do in this game. its huge, I'm stupid. Not a great combo. But as a warrior, I bumped into this guy near Hammerfall about 3 weeks bacvk when he was in his low 30's and I about 5 levels higher. He was clueless, but seemed a nice guy to chat to. So I spent 2 nights "babysitting him" basically sitting back and healing him whilst he completed a couple of q's.

Now, I remember thinking he hadn't even in his mid 30's really quite understood some of the subtlties of the game, but that makes me cringe because I know the guy!

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Had a great laugh in Westfall over the weekend. Was just having a ride round having a look see, and generally trying to put the shits up any lowbie ally.

I was met with the usual mixture of spitting and bowing before me, but then I arrive at one of the small towns, and a couple of L20's decide to try and gang up on me, not the smartest idea they ever had, and a couple of swings from Staff of the Ninja and down they go. And they started it! Then all of a sudden about half a dozen at least more lowbies start in, and it's total carnage! A few froooooostshockkkkks, a well timed nova totem, and down they all go, which was repeated a few times. I knew it was only a matter of time until the big boys get a call, and the reinforcements show up. Right on cue a L60 Drood and 50 odd rogue arrive, and the comination just proves a bit too much, and down I go.

Obviously all the lowbies have a mass spitting/rolling on the floor laughing/dancing festival at my expense. The fools! A quick res followed by a mana pot, and the drood goes down. The rogue had buggered off anyway, so then it was just a case of exacting as much revenge as possible, before riding off into the sunset. Lovely!

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I can never find lowbie ally, you must show me where to go and how to get there.

Oh, and it seems PDX have started trying to be all professional, and Thenew(ninja)morten is an officer!


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I can never find lowbie ally, you must show me where to go and how to get there.

Oh, and it seems PDX have started trying to be all professional, and Thenew(ninja)morten is an officer!


Not that professional though:

Hunters: We still need many more Mages, any talent build will do.

The shittest guild ever. And if that twunt Newmorten is an officer, god help them. A ninja AND a shit player!

PDX are the perfect example of quantity rather than quality.

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He's a ninja and a lucky bastard, apparently he won a pwnzor epic staff from ZG yesterday, thats to go with the epic rogue dagger he got from UBRS because "there was no rogues in the group".

Speaking of UBRS, this dropped from a trash mob for a guildie yesterday!

Me and Nayson had a bit of a debate over it as he said he would roll on it, despite it being a "Mage" staff.

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