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this video is great because:

1] its about a warlock

2] its about a warlock killing lots of alliance

3] actually its about a warlock in full BWL epics ganking level 20-30 alliance

4] it has a comedy soundtrack

4a] with banjos

Gotta love the Rowdy Roddy Piper intro.

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Got the q for Legplates of Chromatic Defier, ie epic legguards.

Something like 400 armor, plus 25 int, and +5 all resistances. Nice.

Just need 9 more Brilliant chromatic scales, 10 blood of heroes and 3 more skin of shadow.

Easy then!

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Got the q for Legplates of Chromatic Defier, ie epic legguards.

Something like 400 armor, plus 25 int, and +5 all resistances. Nice.

Just need 9 more Brilliant chromatic scales, 10 blood of heroes and 3 more skin of shadow.

Easy then!

You could have the cloth/leather version of the Q, where the reward is one of:




All you need is a Pristine Hide of the Beast. Only 1200g on the AH!

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Oh dear oh dear oh deary me. On my way to help Nays and Dan's group kill Drakki, only the rest of group decide they don't want to wait. So after I waste 15 minutes getting to Badlands, they decide to start. Only it doesn't go very well, and the priest makes the fantastic decision to use the soulstone in battle. Oops.

After much maniacal laughter from yours truly, I get booted from the raid group, which was only a shame as I'd have liked to see the priest explain THAT one away!

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After 2 disastrous UBRS runs, I ended the night on a high with a Baron run that went like clockwork. We lost our tank 1/2 way through, so the Druid went Bear form, Christ those things hold aggro like mofos, we pissed all over the Baron, except he dropped Mage leggings Grrrrrr

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I agree Dan, a good feral druid pisses all over warriors when it comes to holding agro. We did LBRS as a four man with a feral druid tanking, and he was awesome.

Well the thing I need to do most is Test of Skulls, so I'd appreciate any help in getting it out of the way.

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Regarding that screenie, we should always Alt Z before we take one, it looks alot better (Cheers Blizzard tips!)

I've realised I now have BWL key, MC key, Onyxia key and UBRS key! My keyring is starting to weigh me down! (Actually only 2 are actual keys, the other 2 are quests...) Should serve me well in my guild applications, Risso, get off your arse and find a guild, I'm **** desperate to do Onyxia and MC and with cow buff I have 137 fire res (not to mention Shammy totem).

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You should have no trouble finding a decent guild with that amount of fire res Dan, most ask for about 90 unbuffed. With my fire resist totem you'd have nearly 200!!

I'm **** sick of PDX, they're as much use as nothing. I'd help anybody with anything in the guild if they asked, but can I get any help from them for Test of Skulls? Can I buggery! It's not like it'd even take that long, certainly nowhere near as long as a full UBRS run.

Wish I could change but no other decent guild seems to be recruiting, and if they are my fire resist is still quite low (about 30).

BTW anybody doing UBRS can you ninja the brilliant chromatic scales for me, and I'll buy em off you. Ta!

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Its almost as if Blizzard knew Riss:


- World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.9.4 (2006-02-09)



- A new Guild Recruitment channel has been added. This channel will be

on by default.

- Fixed a bug that could cause players to appear to be porting around

in a small area.


- Addresses a timing accuracy issue on Intel-Mac systems that affected

the perceived speed and/or progress of transports and other moving

objects in the world; PowerPC-Mac systems were not affected.

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Ive been banging on about how Locks are the coolest class on the game forever now (we are. black magic is the best thing ever, admit it.) but it seems Blizzard agree. Scroll down to Warlock, and highlight the text as if you were going to copy and paste...

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