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World of Warcraft


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Wow, this new instance requires the horde on the server to gather certain quantities of materials. Head to the valley of spirits and deliver wool, runecloth, leather etc, and you get a reward along with contributing to the overall number.


Stick the stuff in the AH at highly inflated prices! I just made 7G from 10 rugged leathers, bought out in seconds! All skinners make the most of this boom while it lasts!

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What it actually says is:

Welcome to FileShack! Downloading here on FileShack is free, we do suggest you create an account first. Get one now (Just scroll down), it only takes a moment and it's free. Want to try a couple of our no-login servers? Then just click Download without logging in below. Keep in mind these servers generally have a bit longer wait times than the rest of the free servers you get access to when you create an account.

If you don't create an account your DL speed is capped at 100, and you have to wait about 10 secs for the Dl to start, that's all. I registered (it's free) and got stupidly fast DL speed.

The Blizzard downloader not only doesn't work for me, it crashes my whole system.

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Quick question Bicks, how come you didn't roll "need" on that sword in ST last night?

Didnt Need it, don't use swords currently (havent for ages) and if anything I'm looking at going two handed daggers again as I can get three +15 AGI enchants into the equation (300g :( ) A sword right now is of little interest plus I'm not sure, if its got better stats than the polearm I currently use (can't remember tbh)

Just saw a sword and didnt think NEED at all

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I was so chuffed when that shield dropped last night, it's absolutely perfect for shammies, as it has a lot of +attributes, and we probably need a bigger spread of stats than most. I'm mostly elemental, so I need good +int for spells, but also decent +agi and +str for melee, and a bit of +spi for what little healing I do.

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ANd I just remembered, I've found a positive about 1.9 patch, I quit the game MUCH easier than before and it doesnt tie the machine up for a good ten minutes closing WoW down now

Still waiting for a tip on the loading screen I didnt know though

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The 1.9 patch is tonight.

The big thing is The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, a couple of new 20 and 40 man raid dungeons.

But they need to be opened by a world event, which includes each realms' alliance/horde side collecting and depositing ALL of the below items to open the gate..... WTF?! Grind-fest!

Required materials:


90,000 Copper Bars

22,000 Tin Bars

28,000 Iron Bars

18,000 Mithril Bars

24,000 Thorium Bars


96,000 Peacebloom

19,000 Firebloom

26,000 Purple Lotus

20,000 Arthas Tears

33.000 Stranglekelp


180,000 Light Leather

110,000 Medium Leather

60,000 Heavy Leather

80,000 Thick Leather

60,000 Rugged Leather


10,000 Lean Wolf Steaks

20,000 Roast Raptor

14,000 Rainbow Fin Albacore

17,000 Spotted Yellowtail

10,000 Baked Salmon


800,000 Linen Bandages

600,000 Silk Bandages

250,000 Wool Bandages

250,000 Mageweave Bandages

400,000 Runecloth Bandages

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Well my patch was all nicely downloaded for me when I got home, and it's just installing now.

edit: Boo, installed but now I can't get past the "authenticating" stage...


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Thoughts on the new patch then?


New AH's

Extended chat

Making 70G from selling leather in one night!

Riding round UC, even if does feel a bit crowded now!

AH receipts


Um, none really. Purge now costs a lot more mana than before, but that's about it, oh and Silithus was a bit of a no go area last night, but other than that, I like it.

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Last night I swam/walked from Booty Bay to Swamp of Sorrows so that my alchemy can go past 225. Then I went to bed.

I got about 2500XP for delivering one message though.

Tonight I should have rested XP to lvl 38...

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