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Mr Cliff Walker, welcome to Level 60:


I love fighting him now. If im lucky with him not running ot of nuke range when feared,

i can take him out without getting hit so much as once.

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Sold my Epic axe as some of you know - 170g. Sometimes it pays to be cheeky :D. Especially as teh other one handed epic axe (theres only two in the game as far as I'm aware) was also in the AH for less money to buyout - My axe (lvl 42) - 170g - t'other axe (lvl 53) 150g and mine sold - go figure

We need to do sunken temple soon, enough of us and we'll do it I reckon, Me and Dan had a crack at it for a laugh last night - yes just the two of us :D We also need to do the pricess run - properly this time, with a healer (thats YOU tarj :D)

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Sorry I didn't make it to Blasted Lands last night Bicks. I was finishing a q in Searing Gorge, and ended up getting camped by a warrior and priest, so got pissed off and turned it off!

**** bastard shadow priests (sorry Tarj, how do you kill those ****?!) Fear and shield and DOT spells, no chance! I got the priest down to his last bit of life, but then he feared me again and I was toast. Overpowered ****!

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thats ok Riss, I finished my q's therew for now, until I can find a group who can do a certain q(dan cant we discovered)

I've mailed you my spare q items to get you going there, there may even be enough to complete one q straight away.

Come straight in down the bamk on the rhs, two blokes in a burntout house, 5 grinding q's - you have a start

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Nice one Bicks. Get getyourself to searing gorge when you've finished there, as there's some good q's there, althought the camp where you can get the q's is often full of Ally in the early evening for some reason. During the day and at night it's not too bad though.

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Tarj, I killed a Mage in a dual and then asked if he'd do BRD later and he said him and his Warrior mate were up for it.

Might be best to have a raid group with a few extra people though.

The funny thing is, that in the dual, he was beating me, until I pulled out my best ever crit!

(only proof I have as it didn't take the screenshot grrrrr)


1953, pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwned!

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Here is a question: How often do you use your racial abilities?

I use mine loads. Here they are:

Undead Racials

Will of the Forsaken - active

Activate to become immune to Fear, Sleep, and Charm effects. Can also be used while already afflicted by Fear or Sleep

- lasts 5 sec - 2 min cooldown

Used so much its actually a hotkey on my mouse. Every time i get feared, centre mouse breaks it. Very nice racial.

Cannibalize - active

Activate to regenerate 7% of total health every 2 sec. by consuming Humanoid or Undead corpses within 5 yds - lasts 10 sec - 2 min cooldown

I use this loads. Even if i dont need it to heal myself, its a fantastic ability for Warlocks, who have a spell called Lifetap. Turns Health into Mana.

Hit Lifetap 4 times in a row, instant 1200 mana. Canniablise, get the 1200 health i traded for the mana back in 10 seconds. My most useful racial.

Underwater Breathing - passive

Underwater breath lasts 300% longer than normal

its probably very handy, but for me, its **** useless. Warlocks can breathe underwater forever.

Shadow Resistance - passive

All Undead get +10 Shadow Resistance

All resitances are good. This combined with the Warlock spell "Shadow Ward" (absorbs about 500 points of shadow damage every 30 seconds)

and the Felhunter buff (+60 resistance to all schools of magic) means i can tank magical abilities with the best of em. Just a shame about the cloth armour...

I dont know a lot about the others though:

Orc Racials

Blood Fury - active

Activate to increase base melee attack power by 25% for 15 sec but take a 25% decrease in base melee attack power for 45 sec after Bloody Fury wears off - lasts 15 sec - 2 min cooldown.

Is this any good? I suppose if you think a fight will be over in 15 seconds (Rogues usually are?) then its great. If you get caught with the penalty for the next 45 seconds and still have to fight, that would be pretty shit, wouldnt it? Maybe good to use mid fight or as a panic button?

Hardiness - passive

25% resistance to stun and knockout effects.

25% chance to resist being Stunlocked by a Rogue? Yes please! Very nice ability.

Command - passive

Pet melee damage increased by 5%.

Id say the Stun Resist chance is why people pick Orc Warlocks over this. Only Succubus does significant melee damage. The others are all magical. Ace talent for a Hunter to have though, surely?

Axe Specialization - passive

Orcs get +5 to Axe skill.

I take it you can have 305 axe skill at level 60 then? If not, then this sucks.

Tauren Racials

War Stomp - active

Activate to stun up to 5 opponents within 8 yards - lasts 2 sec - 2 min cooldown

This is quite brilliant, isnt it? AOE Stun? Id use it all the time. Good escape spell if you need to run, even better offensive spell if you want the first hit!

Endurance - passive

Max Health increased by 5%

Another good un. More health is always welcome

Cultivation - passive

15 skill bonus to Herbalism

Good for the flower pickers, i guess. Again, can you get 315 herbalism if you are Tauren?

Nature Resistance - passive

All Tauren get +10 Nature Resistance

Troll Racials

Berserking - active

Activate after being the victim of a critical strike to increase attack and casting speed by 25% but take 10% more damage in the process - lasts 20 sec - 2 min cooldown

Good for Rogues who are stunlocking, isnt it? Probably worth an extra firelball in the time for Mages too?

Regeneration - passive

10% health regen bonus, 10% active in combat


Beast Slaying - passive

5% damage bonus to Beasts

always handy. surely?

Throwing Specialization - passive

+5 to Throwing Weapon skill

And while welcome, is it any good?

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Blood Fury - active

Activate to increase base melee attack power by 25% for 15 sec but take a 25% decrease in base melee attack power for 45 sec after Bloody Fury wears off - lasts 15 sec - 2 min cooldown.

Is this any good? I suppose if you think a fight will be over in 15 seconds (Rogues usually are?) then its great. If you get caught with the penalty for the next 45 seconds and still have to fight, that would be pretty shit, wouldnt it? Maybe good to use mid fight or as a panic button?

Yeah, it's great for finishing off fights, either PvP or PvE where things are getting a bit 'close'. Only of use if you're not going to be fighting again straight after though, due to the 25% reduction.

The axe specialisation is pretty good though. I read somewhere that it's basically like fighting at one level higher, don't know if the maths backs this up or not though. Exactly like you said Nays, if you're level 300, this makes it 305. The hardiness is pretty good, but the command totally useless for me. Not that I knew any of this when I started! I think the Tauren stomp is generally regarded as the best racial talent for shammies. Warstomp plus ghost wolf has seen many a shammy get out of trouble easily.

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Best night of PvP ever?

Me, Dan & Tarj vs loads of Alliance. And we won. And how we won! Some poofy level 56 warrior has done away with the myth that warriors are the only people on the game who had a proper hardcore blokey set-to. He just tried to charge stun Horde when the bruisers were killing his target. What a poof. An embarrasment to his class.


Still, the Fear > Nuke thing, and the powers of Dan and Tarj helped the lad have the shit kicked out of him repeatedly. 5-2 was my score against him at least. I dont know whether you can do this Tarj, or if its Lock specific, or even if i just got very lucky tonight, but if you fear and Ally on a Mount, you can blow the shit out of him with Nuke attacks, and he will just take the damage and stay feared. And i guess if he did fall off, he would be stunned, wouldnt he?


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And oh sweet jesus!



This one was a wild one. I was going to farm Shards in The Hinterlands, and i just thought id Curse of Doom something, now i have my shiny new level 60 spell. And this fella appeared! No Soulshards means i cant tame him, so i tried to pull him into Orgrimmar. I got him from the Zep Tower to the gate with use of ?Banish, but the guards jumped him and took the aggro off of me. Then he was kicking the shit out of the guards and some lowbie Druid started healing the Guards. When the Druid was out of mana, the Doomguard (and the Druid would have just seen it as a level ?? Demon) decided to kill the Druid. And he did. Ho Ho!

By now, quite a crowd had gathered, and Mr Doomguard was killed by the Horde...

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Best night of PvP ever?

Me, Dan & Tarj vs loads of Alliance. And we won. And how we won! Some poofy level 56 warrior has done away with the myth that warriors are the only people on the game who had a proper hardcore blokey set-to. He just tried to charge stun Horde when the bruisers were killing his target. What a poof. An embarrasment to his class.


Still, the Fear > Nuke thing, and the powers of Dan and Tarj helped the lad have the shit kicked out of him repeatedly. 5-2 was my score against him at least. I dont know whether you can do this Tarj, or if its Lock specific, or even if i just got very lucky tonight, but if you fear and Ally on a Mount, you can blow the shit out of him with Nuke attacks, and he will just take the damage and stay feared. And i guess if he did fall off, he would be stunned, wouldnt he?


Nice screenie of me in action, what was said in party chat though that has since been blurred?

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So I go to put one of my best drops ever in the AH (Frenzied Striker) only to see that theres already one in there, put there by someone called TRL! Wheres that come from Mr "I never get good drops"??? I think he's a lot richer then he makes out and just pleads poverty.....

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And oh sweet jesus!



This one was a wild one. I was going to farm Shards in The Hinterlands, and i just thought id Curse of Doom something, now i have my shiny new level 60 spell. And this fella appeared! No Soulshards means i cant tame him, so i tried to pull him into Orgrimmar. I got him from the Zep Tower to the gate with use of ?Banish, but the guards jumped him and took the aggro off of me. Then he was kicking the shit out of the guards and some lowbie Druid started healing the Guards. When the Druid was out of mana, the Doomguard (and the Druid would have just seen it as a level ?? Demon) decided to kill the Druid. And he did. Ho Ho!

By now, quite a crowd had gathered, and Mr Doomguard was killed by the Horde...

The funniest thing about that screenshot isn't the Doomguard nailing everyone in sight

It's the fact that Ikails has just joined Perfect Dark X. It just goes from bad to worse.

For those who don't know who Ikails is, he's on par with Splatter as the biggest retard to ever grace Deathwing. If you thought Epicnemisis was bad when it comes to asking for stuff, you ain't seen nothing yet!

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So I go to put one of my best drops ever in the AH (Frenzied Striker) only to see that theres already one in there, put there by someone called TRL! Wheres that come from Mr "I never get good drops"??? I think he's a lot richer then he makes out and just pleads poverty.....

:) Thats my first bluey though. The shield i found i forgot to pick-up due to full bags. And it doesnt sell.

Where did you find yours?

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Still, the Fear > Nuke thing, and the powers of Dan and Tarj helped the lad have the shit kicked out of him repeatedly. 5-2 was my score against him at least. I dont know whether you can do this Tarj, or if its Lock specific, or even if i just got very lucky tonight, but if you fear and Ally on a Mount, you can blow the shit out of him with Nuke attacks, and he will just take the damage and stay feared. And i guess if he did fall off, he would be stunned, wouldnt he?

Think i can, not sure though. I have been stunned when mounted, and it really sux, because the chance of breaking it with insigna is zero when mounted.

Tbh. i feel the insigna have ruined the game for priests. Simply because our fear is everything to us. Once a warrior/rogue attacks us, he can take off 40 % of my hp in a sec, my fear is my only chance to ever get hits in except dots. And when he then gets feared and uses that insigna, i have nothing else to do then heal myself, and run around for the fear cooldown to chill.

And i know there are different insignias.

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