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It amazes me at how many other classes seem to think that a Rogue's ability to stealth is a simple perk, an additional treat which wasn't awarded to other classes, an unfair advantage that should be removed. As a result, unecessary bile is thrown at the class due to class jealousy.

If a rogue couldn't stealth, we'd be like a Shaman without totems, a Druid without the ability to shapeshift, a Priest without the ability to heal himself, a Warrior without his armour and weapons, a Paladin without his bubble and heathstone, a Warlock without his Demons, a Hunter without his gun. It's the skill which defines and makes our class work.

Yes, we can escape death easier than most other classes but then that's just one of the things we do best. We can't, however, take on multiple opponents (PvP or PvE) and we have no CC stuff at all in combat. To beat a rogue, take away his ability to escape the fight because that is our main defence (which many other classes often misinterpret as cowardice). This is why you will often find the rogue you just nearly beat reappears 5 minutes later - the fight never really ended, you just thought it did because he "ran away".

On the flipside, our biggest combat advantage is being able to start fights and no one (not even rogues) likes being jumped. Hence why rogues get venom spat at them - we make players feel weak and vunerable which no one likes so we get scapegoated for their defeat.

Hell, I do it myself with Paladins..."**** bubble, chickenshit blah blah". I suppose a difference there though is that you can disable a Rogue's ability stealth but you cannot disable a Paladin bubble.

So, in summary. Love thy rogue!

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The Hunter Glitch by the way:

Attack person in neutral city > when the bruisers come running you feign death. Repeat forever.

Now, if the Warlock's ability to piss around with NPC's (enslave demon) requires a reagent and suffers from diminishing returns, perhaps the Hunters far more powerful feign death ability should suffer a diminishing return? How many times can you "fool" the same NPC?

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It lasts ages, can be spammed, and has no diminishing returns. Pisses me right off!

So does frost shock, doesnt it?

The cooldown is shorter than the effect on the target, or something?

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So does frost shock, doesnt it?

The cooldown is shorter than the effect on the target, or something?

Not at my level it doesn't. The effect is nearly long enough to cast a fireball and it takes about 3 fireballs to cooldown. It's rare I get to use frost shock twice in a combat.

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Frost shock has cool down, and suffers from diminishing returns on the same mob. Plus it only slows down, whereas things like hamstring, wingclip and fear put me out of action completely.

Dinged L48 tonight!

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First Schoolo run. Got sweet FA out of it though. Gonna probably try and take high level instances most of the way to 60 now, both for XP and gear farming raids.

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Frost shock has cool down, and suffers from diminishing returns on the same mob. Plus it only slows down, whereas things like hamstring, wingclip and fear put me out of action completely.

Dinged L48 tonight!

Fear is actually bugged at the moment.

Its supposed to be our way of getting things off of us so we can attack them (if things hit a caster, the spell gets interupted, and you cant cast it) so the point with fear is to do as much damage as possible to the target as possible while they are feared.

Unfortunately, the bastards always run out of range while they are feared, and you cant shoot them. A damage over time will break it when it ticks, and doesnt damage enough to justify using the fear as far as im concerned. Add that to the massively diminishing returns, by the time you get to the third fear, you want to have pretty much killed your target, cos they are highly likely to be immune to fear thereafter. (it must be a right bastard if you are an alliance coming up against an undead with the PvP trinket, you are pretty much fighting something immune to fear, but as ive no sympathy for the Alliance, ill let them worry about that)

I think that Blizzard are looking at a way to address the running out of range issue though.

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I've bid on this hat, how cool is it? Its decent armour but not as good as my bluey mask, so I've decided to have it as a riding hat, using the excellent mod that riss suggested. It means when I mount I'll have the hat, speedy gloves, the spurs and the C***** on a S**** which is a trinket is it not?

I'll look cool and be fast 8)

But I need the C***** on a S**** and the glove enchant. What stuff do you need for the enchant, and can Sie do it if I buy the gear?

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I just bought the enchant after shouting in Orgri Dan, think it was about 6G. They didn't have one of the things you needed to make itin the AH, so didn't really have a lot of choice.

As for the fear spell, no one seems to have any trouble hitting me with stuff when I'm feared! And my totem that's supposed to help ward it off is next to useless. So you want Blizzard to root us to the spot while you unload with your shadow bolts?!

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No, it is a genuine bug. It will be addressed at some point too.

If you want to break fear, hit the PvP side of the game for a while until you make Grunt, and then you can get the Trinket that breaks it.

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I've been grunt for a few weeks now you cheeky get, must be getting close to sergeant now! You're wrong anyway. The Horde Insignia is class specific, and negates certain effects based on your character. For shammies it gets rid of immobilising, stun and slowing effects. Yours gets rid of charm, fear and polymorph. My totem reduces the effects of fear a bit, but when it wears off, what's stopping a caster blasting me when I try to get back into range? My furthest spell only has a range of 40 yards, so outside of that I'm completely useless. Again, overpowered my arse.

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Oh and I believe a certain rogue (we'll call him Dan, because that's his name) discovered a certain flight path last night, that he insisted didn't exist!

edit: Having a jaunty riding cap is a brilliant idea, I'm going to get one tonight! In fact I think I'll have a whole riding wardrobe, I'll have to see what I can knock up!

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Oh and I believe a certain rogue (we'll call him Dan, because that's his name) discovered a certain flight path last night, that he insisted didn't exist!

edit: Having a jaunty riding cap is a brilliant idea, I'm going to get one tonight! In fact I think I'll have a whole riding wardrobe, I'll have to see what I can knock up!

I thought that too - a whole riding wardrobe for speed and looking cool. Only problem his when mobs attack you you're gonna lose more health, as you'll have less armour, which will make you more likely to be yanked off your mount. Admittedly, then you'll have your kit back, but the damage might have been done.

So I would say that you don't want to buy too shitty gear, though with your budget I doubt you will, remember its only 5 riding slots as far as im aware.

Also, lol at the way Nayson patronised you with the getting to Grunt line, and anyway, that trinket has a cooldown, so you may stop the first fear, but not the second!

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I thought that too - a whole riding wardrobe for speed and looking cool. Only problem his when mobs attack you you're gonna lose more health, as you'll have less armour, which will make you more likely to be yanked off your mount. Admittedly, then you'll have your kit back, but the damage might have been done.

That's the problem, if you get demounted by a mob, the gear switch doesn't work until you're out of combat, so I wouldn't wear anything too poncey while riding through difficult areas!

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Also, lol at the way Nayson patronised you with the getting to Grunt line, and anyway, that trinket has a cooldown, so you may stop the first fear, but not the second!

But it will stop the first one Dan.

You cant be immune to all magical attacks. That would be like a caster wanting to be immune to all melee attacks!

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Has anyone done the q that starts in Mulgore, where you have to grow some seeds in Um Bongo soil? You get given a pack of seeds and a bag for growing them in, and the quest is to grow 10 Morrowgrain. Thing is it's random what you get, so far I've got 1 morrowgrain out of 5 goes, and the bag is on 10 minute cooldown! Annoying, very annoying.

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Started it, and abandoned it.

Its a herbalists quest, as far as i can tell. Tarj will probably find it easier, cos he has Herbalism as a trade skill.

And yeah, ive just noticed that the Shaman/Hunter insignia of the Horde has a different effect to the one i have. Bonus!

For refrence, here is what they do (insignia of the Alliance, that is)

Druid: Charm, Fear, Stun

Warrior: immobilizing, slowing, stun

Hunter: immobilizing, slowing, stun

Rogue: Charm, Fear, Polymorph

Warlock: Charm Fear, Polymorph

Mage: Fear, Polymorph, slowing

Priest: Fear, Polymorph, Stun

Pussy Bubbler: Fear, Polymorph, Stun

Oh, and anyone fancy BRD tonight?

It will be late, cos i wont be in from work until after 1am, but i wouldnt mind a run through.

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