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Dunno if I could have an alt that couldn't stealth/vanish. The one thing I hate as a rogue is I'm powerless when they run away. I can't do any damage from a distance unless they have a tiny bit of health left which the crossbow will see to.

Erm, Sprint after them?

If you like stealth, Druids can do it too. They also get a nice cat form, and can heal and tank. Jack of all trades is yer Druid.

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Sprint is a short quick burst, which can only be used every 5 minutes. More useful for running away than chasing after I find. By the time they've frozen you, and done one, the sprint (if its cooled down) gets you nowhere near them.

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Now you're talking, when that stuff hits them they ain't getting anywhere.

I suppose a rogue's job is keeping them at close quarters by any means possible, where the most damage can be dealt.

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You hit the nail on the head.

A Rogue is basically an out and out damage dealer. Its all you can really do, but you can do it really really well.

Its between Rogues and Mages of who can deal out the most damage in the shortest amount of time.

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I dont know whether this is true, or made up. But its a Warrior and a GM talking about Risso (probably)


GM=Game master

WR: Id like to file a report on a shaman using hacks.

GM: Certainly tell me his name and what happened.

WR: Well his name is OvErPoWaReD and this is what happened, I see this guy mining some stuff so I decide to leave him alone, Then he lighting bolts me, Then when im running at him this is when the first hack comes into play, GET THIS he uses his frost shock move that has a 50% slowing speed FOR EIGHT SECONDS!

GM: No, that's not a hack. That's the correct time.

WR:...But isn't the cooldown six seconds?

GM: Correct.

WR: Wait a min...nevermind anywho after he kites me with this for awhile I finally resist one and come in for some melee (Keep in mind im at half health from the shocks) I expect this wimp caster to pull out ya know like a staff or dagger...What does he whip out? A frickin Arcanite Reaper!

GM:Yep shamans can use 2h axes and 2h Maces...


GM: Ya rly.

WR:uhh..ok then but HERE IS A DEFINITE HACK. While I was fighting him in melee, Im getting struck with 300 plus damage every time I swing! Then he's throwing in hits that come in 3 swings a flash and each hit a higher number than the last!

GM: That would be his lightning shield and his windfury.

WR: Woah, Isn't that kinda cheap?

GM: I don't program the shaman sir, but please continue.

WR: Well by this point I have to hamstring him and go back to use a runecloth bandage for a heal bringing me back up to 75%, Then when im about to reingage a rouge comes up from behind him and starts killing him, when he starts fighting the rouge, I rejoin the attack, after awhile we kill him... the rouge hearthed and as I was walking away not more than eight seconds after we killed him HE POPS BACK UP LIKE A NINJA ZOMBIE then casts an insta heal for 1700 health!

GM: That would be his natures swiftness and his resurrection ability.

WR: Oh cmon! What the hell is this!

GM: The shaman...but please continue.

WR: Well then he starts setting down totems and I thought "Phew ill just destroy these little things with a thunder clap" I thunder clap, none of em go down! Definite Hack, Correct?

GM: Yep.

WR: Really?

GM: Nope just kidding, Totems arent affected by AOE attacks.

WR: For the love of Prickly Pete!

WR: Well after that a friendly druid ran by gave me some buffs and went on his way, then right as im about to reingage, he makes all the buffs go away!

GM: Yeah, that's his purge ability...

WR: Holy crap.

GM: Tell me about it.

WR: Did I mention this whole fight took place in the water, and he was walking on it?

GM: They can do that.

WR: o.0

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OK I've given up on the idea of ever getting this - due to marriage and my being crap at all games.

but that Rev was excellent - I even understood it

but this bit

WR: Well then he starts setting down totems and I thought "Phew ill just destroy these little things with a thunder clap" I thunder clap, none of em go down! Definite Hack, Correct?

GM: Yep.

WR: Really?

GM: Nope just kidding, Totems arent affected by AOE attacks.

is pure class

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WR: Did I mention this whole fight took place in the water, and he was walking on it?

GM: They can do that.


WR: So then I dive down underwater to escape the bastard and he swims down after me, but his breath lasts much longer than mine and he can still swim underwater for ages after I've died.

GM: Yep, they can use cheap as **** fish scales to swim underwater for **** ages.

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Can shamen stay underwater as long as Warlocks? (ie forever)

Undeads can stay underwater for three times as long as everyone else too. Ive never tried it, but im sure that undead clothies can drown the alliance with a bit of evilness. If you can keep them underwater with fear or frost nova, then just laugh as they drown. Locks can do it with Fear and Seduce, and the fact that we have an underwater breathing buff. Unlike most of our buffs, we can actually cast it on other people. I always try to cast it on other Horde who i see swimming about. I also cast it on the guy in the Auction House for some weird reason.

If you are questing near water, and see a Lock, just ask for the buff.

and as I was walking away not more than eight seconds after we killed him HE POPS BACK UP LIKE A NINJA ZOMBIE then casts an insta heal for 1700 health!

Locks can do this too. Its fantastic fun when someone thinks they have killed you by the skin of their teeth, they sit down to heal, or turn their backs and walk away. Then you instantly res with a shedload of health and mana. 8)

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And as with the Shaman things, i got this off the Deathwing server forum of the official WoW website.


today i was so tired, i made a mistake i bought 10 rugged leather for 89 gold, i know what you'r thinking "hahaha he is stupid" in fact i was looking for some cheaper then 1 gold and i saw 89 and didn't read it was gold

so if you'r the one recieving 89 gold for 10 rugged leather and if you'r nice and honest plz i need those gold, i can give you a bonus of 10 gold to be the most nice person of deathwing


I would have some sympathy fpr the poor lad, but he is Alliance, so i dont. Love the bit about "if you'r the one recieving 89 gold for 10 rugged leather and if you'r nice and honest plz i need those gold" as a plea to say how the bloke asking 89gold for something that should really be 89silver is somewhat dishonest.

If i were that guy, id point out that i honestly asked 89 gold for the leather, and as you were clearly more than happy to pay the asking price, there cant be any grounds for complaint, can there?

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Im seriously thinking of binning skinning & tailoring, and taking up herbalism and alchemy.

Whats farming for ingridents like Tarj? easy/hard/boring? And how much crap do you have to carry on you?

Oh, and Si. I just thought, if you want to enchant, surely tailoring would be a good profession to compliment it? Your main can collect all kinds of cloth from everywhere, give them to your alt, who can then make them into items for tailoring, and disenchant said items for enchant reagents.

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for those with poor eyesight, the smudge on the floor is Dan. The little dragon is a 61 elite, the big one is a worldboss (typically level 500) called anachronos who appears to have never been killed by anybody ever.

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Just so you know....

Walking on water is a "joke" spell, and is cancelled as soon as any damage is done, It's useful for exploring, but that's it.

Warriors ARE shit though, don't think I've lost to a same level one yet! It really is as easy as "frost shock" "earth shock" "windfury" (pleasepleaseplease crit!) earthbind then melee.

Mages though are little bastards, get within melee range and they're toast, but I'm normally dead before I've got withing 50 yards!

And as for Paladins, I hate them with an absolute vengeance, but strangely, there's nothing better than a one on one fight with one of a similar level. The fights go on for absolute ages, and it's a real test of skill and endurance to beat one. More than anything they take the full range of tricks to beat, but it's really satisfying when you do, and infuriating when they don't.

An anybody who thinks shammies are overpowered, try playing one! Then when you've been feared by a priest, and zapped by a mage, tell me then!

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Sorry mate you know I worship you! Just feeling all defensive and over protective about the completely un-overpowered Shaman!

Jesus, I need to get a life!

Oh well, my WoW days should be severely curtailed from tomorrow anyway.....

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Thing is, Warriors have other qualities.

They are one of the few classes that can kick the shit out of a Rogue, and more importantly, well, would you run an instance without a Warrior on board?

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