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Then Desolace is the place to go. Especially if you are a skinner. The joys of the Kodo graveyard (XP and Money tastic grinding) await you...

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Oh, and i did that kill 20 owls thing earlier Si, its easy, but the type of owl you need is fairly rare. I found myslelf just killing the same three or four, and catching them again on the respawn, grinding on the dogs and other owls in the meantime.

Oh, and THIS might interest you.

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Ive checked the thottbot site Risso, and it seems all or a lot of the good stuff beeing dropped around our level, is from the Scarlet Monastery.

We should go, me you and Dan, and just grind some dude's and hope for some drops. You get a lot of money, silk and xp.

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I fancy that tonight TRL. I took out 2-3 of the elite guards outside, for some nice XP, but by myself it's quite taxing on the mana and health. If there was to be more than one at a time I'd be toast. Like you say we should just go for it, and take out as many as we can. I've asked to join a gew groups, but have been turned down twice for being too low level! The fools, I'm well hard, me!

Going to get Sie to buff my new mace. I'm getting nearly as good DPS as with my 2h axe, but I can use a 700 armour shield as well for rock hardness.

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Aggro Alert. Sits in the titan bar. A quick glance tells you who the aggro is on. Green name means its on someone in your group, red name means its you, grey "inactive" means its on no one. Good if you are tanking, and want the aggro, or if you are a cloth wearer, and dont want the aggro, or looking after the priest/warlock/mage and dont want them to have the aggro.

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Might get hated by you lot now, but i kind of knew the library was at the right portal. Didnt really think it over last night, but when i entered the right one with the warrior and the druid, they said they were going for the library. Supposed to be good drops there aswell.

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And btw. the mobs are level 34, so if we go in again ONLY Si will tank, and the rest of us stand cheering. Much easier for me to heal just Si, as i get aggro as soon as my first heal. This means no Bicks shooting arrows, before Si attacks that is ;)

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lol @ Dan

Ive just looked at a forum Risso, and they said Shamans were best equipped with shield and 1h axe.

Or mace... wont be a problem i guess.

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That's what I'm using at the moment Tarj, although I switch depending on the circumstances. In instances like last night, 1h plus shield is miles better, but sometimes when I'm out on non elite q's or grinding, I switch to the 2h, as I don't need the armor so badly. Both my 1h and 2h are blueys, and have been buffed by Sie, so they'll last me a few levels yet I reckon.

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Been reading up on my theory and the theory goes that I should be the Puller (hunter), pulling them out from distance (but not using the shot I was using last night - its too powerful), Si should be the tank and and Risso the secondary tank. Trl Healing and not fighting with Dan and myself providing long range back up and protecting trl

Thats the theory anyway

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Sounds good to me. I thik we all need to download that agro monitor, as I feel that's where we're going wrong sometimes in dungeons. TRL will only attract the agro when he heals before Si has taken most of the agro. We should keep out of it then, as Si can take a lot of stick before he'll need healing, whereas if we join in we'll need healing straight away, which marks Tarj out for a kicking from the baddies. That said I thought apart from one situation, we did OK last night.

I'm going to stay back and protect Tarj from now on, as my totems are probably more use than me charging in and bashing stuff. I can drop totems that increase everybody's attack power, defence, and increase either health or mana replenishment.

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If si is there, let him pull. It means the aggro is on him straight away. As long as he remembers to "tag" everything else around him and taunt, he should hold the aggro so you lot can just concentrate on doing the damage or the healing.

Im always tempted to pull, as my opening pulling shot can hit for well over 1000, and that makes it something of a fightwinner before we have even started. Thing is, i get a bit squishy due to the cloth armour, and its hard to get the aggro off me after a hit as big as that...

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Yeah I'll stop with the arrows and leave you lot to it. Thing is, im useless at a distance, I would do some invis reconaissance, but the high level elites see me anyway.

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And for the attention of Mr Guest:

i know you like the really big axe, but have you ever considered a really big sword instead?

Ive done a bit of wheeling and dealing, and ive managed to get my grubby little mitts on this beauty...


its Final Fantasy VII-tastic, isnt it?

If you want it, you really have something to aim for to "will" you to level up (and you can be 47 by the weekend, i guess?) and then can have great fun skilling up by clubbing loads of little level 25 pigs to death down in the south barrens, collecting the wool they drop, and sticking the wool in the Auction House for a gold a stack. If you dont want the sword (though i cant see why not...) ill put it up in the AH for 20 gold. (you can have it for a lot less than 20 gold.)

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