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A big thanks to Si for last night, he really is a star, taking time out to help when he receives little or nothing in the way of XP for it.

Tonight's order of business then. Me and Dan got the boof from the barrow which Tarj still needs to do, so we'll help there. You then have to go to Undercity, where a bloke gives you the final q to get the last book from a monastery in Trisfal. I've also got The Den (elite) q in Stonetalon to finish, and the second part of the alien egg q in the Needles. Plus I think we should do an instance, anyone up for finishing Blackfathom?

Thy will be done, but I'm headed to Hilsbrad first to open up the flight path and use my rest XP to get to L28.

I completed so may quests yesterday. I got 17,000 xp yesterday to hit L27, now I'm up to 31,000 xp, thats nearly 50k xp in one day!

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Just a quick word about horses. How on earth are you suposed to get to 90G? Me and Tarj are both early 30's now, so have only 8 or so levels to go, I just can't see how I'm going to get the money. I know each level means higher and higher XP needed, and thus more time to save, and you kill harder things for better drops, but every other level up seems to take a big chunk of my gold for power ups. Plus it's getting more and more expensive for repairs. At the moment I'm making about 1G a day on the AH, and a bit more from q's and kills, but this gets eaten up quickly.

Any tips?

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Went on a bit of a wander last night, and got three new flight paths. The first one Tarj showed me in Desolace, but then I just carried on running, and got Camp Mojache (although it'll be a while till I do any questing around there!) and Gadgetztan as well.

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I did the Zealot Monastery Q btw Risso...

You just kill the level 29-30 elites outside the monastery. For each kill you get a quest-heart.

I even entered the instance with a level 36 druid and lvl 34 warrior. We got pretty far methinks, but it was hard as hell, and close death situations several times. Very good drops though.

The instance was packed with Alliance aswell... really funny!

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I was just out farming for wool, when some alliance ran by. I targeted one, hit him with the curse of shadows, and unleashed a shadowbolt....



It says "absorbed" there, but what bit of it was absorbed, i dont know. It was goodnight from the Alliance though, but i did feel guilty about killing a fellow warlock with one hit..

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I'm getting really fed up with trying to finish quests around Hillsbrad. I don't know if it's just because of the Halloween quests, but for the last 3-4 nights it's been overrun with high level Alliance bastards, ganking for the hell of it, with no Horde anywhere in sight to see them off. I've got at least 6 q's there, but it's nigh on impossible to complete them without getting obliterated time after time. Yeah I know that's what comes with playing on a PvP server, but it just seems so entirely futile.

I've never purposely attacked an Ally more than a few levels lower than me as what's the point? And if it's just down to the halloween q's, what's the point of making it in a relatively low level area?

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Its possible Riss, ive done a couple now. We just need to stay away from the main-road.

Together with a level 30 mage, i kicked a lvl 41 warriors arse today :mrgreen:

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I'm getting really fed up with trying to finish quests around Hillsbrad. I don't know if it's just because of the Halloween quests, but for the last 3-4 nights it's been overrun with high level Alliance bastards, ganking for the hell of it, with no Horde anywhere in sight to see them off. I've got at least 6 q's there, but it's nigh on impossible to complete them without getting obliterated time after time. Yeah I know that's what comes with playing on a PvP server, but it just seems so entirely futile.

I've never purposely attacked an Ally more than a few levels lower than me as what's the point? And if it's just down to the halloween q's, what's the point of making it in a relatively low level area?

Myself and Si had this debate when we were your level.

There are Southshore/Tarren Mill raids pretty much every night on every server. Thats why i did all my questing at your level in either Thousand Needles (the shimmering flats end) or Desolace.

But at the moment, there are high level PvP quests in the area, and it will be that way all week too. Ive actually done them, and they are good fun. But you lowbies have got no chance over that at the moment. Start group questing in Desolace.

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Think you're right Nays. I like Desolace anyway, as there are loads of creatures to farm. Sold 4 stacks of heavy leather the other night, for a bomb. I've got an eye on my mount as well, so might concentrate on a bit of grinding, rather than levelling this week.

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