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Our U21s and U16s are having their our end of season showcase games at Villa Park this evening

U16s have beat Arsenal 6-2 according to the AVWFC Supporters' Association twitter account

U21s are playing Wales later, I'm presuming that must one of their age group teams

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3 hours ago, Fight Like Lions said:

Most people who have worked with Lee Billiard before have no desire to work with him again. Be amazed if Carla ever returned to us while he’s still here. 

What's the deal with him? I don't know anything about him.

I'd love to see us sign Dominique Janssen or Lineth Beerensteyn, they're both free agents now but I'd expect them to go to CL clubs. Van de Sanden has left Liverpool as well, I think she'd be a good option.

Well, this is from a Dutch perspective anyway 😅

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Posted (edited)

Looks like U21 and sometimes first team squad players Ella Pettit, Megan Shaw, and Martha MacPhail are leaving the club. Hopefully we start producing a few deemed good enough for the first team in the coming seasons, we've had a load iin the England U15s,16s, 17s, and 19s, in the last year or so, so hopefully that's a good sign

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On 20/05/2024 at 17:31, Fight Like Lions said:

Most people who have worked with Lee Billiard before have no desire to work with him again. 


On 20/05/2024 at 20:59, villaajax said:

What's the deal with him?

He's always ballsing it up. 

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Posted (edited)

Villa fans retweeting Wolfsburg announcement that Tommy Stroot is leaving them, , but whether we would be that ambitious I don't know, have seen former Arsenal manager Joe Monemurro also menioned, our Assistant Manager Leanne Hall was his assistant at Arsenal, left Juventus a few months back, again would come down to ambition

Tanya Oxtoby is the one I like the sound of for reasons already given

All these names are pure guesswork though, there's not even been any speculation in the media, hope we hear something sooner rather than later, a lot of work to do this summer

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Olivia McLoughlin wins the Scottish Cup with Rangers today, presumably her last game with them presuming she doesn't go back, from what I've seen and by most accounts she's been very good for them, if club want some good PR for the women's side then the coming weeks would be a good time to announce a new contract for her

I've said it before but If we want Blindkilde replacement then could do worse than look at Kirsty Maclean, if we don't sign her I think it's only a matter of time before another WSL club does, she might even end up somwhere like Chelsea or Arsenal for them to then loan out, they've got a few decent young players, Mia McAulay is another, only seventeen but has looked very good in the little I saw, and twelve league goals this season

We've let a number of our U21s go, most of them have been on our first team bench, so I wouldn't be surprised if the plan is to bring in a few singings similar to the Sophia Poor signing last summer,  youngsters not expected to come straight into the team, but can do a job in the squad, and with potential to become important players for us

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We had five players in the England U15 squad of twenty that just played Holland twice, they won first game 2-1 and lost the second 2-0

Hopefully we start seeing a few announcements on the first team in the coming days, should be getting news on who is being released and who is getting a new contract soon, and of course the manager situation, I don't think the transfer window opens for another three weeks, and then free transfers can't move between WSL clubs until July 1st, although sometimes clubs announce signings in advance


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Watched Scotland beat Israel 4-1, Hanson got a goal and assist, also hit the post and could have got a few more assists

Lehmann scored for Switzerland in their 2-1 win against Hungary

Dali assisted France's equalizer against England, France currently winning 2-1

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