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Some of the best of Elliott Offen:


"Elegant" Elliot Offen is an eccentric personality known for his gangster persona, history of criminal activity, use of loud and profane filibustering (dubbed by Offen as his "crescendo"), and a penchant for mispronouncing large words, perhaps deliberately, or using them in nonsensical ways. He often shows a preference for technical scientific and medical terms, often using them in bizarre or incorrect ways. As part of his gangster persona, he frequently rewords his sentences into what he calls "gangster talk," ending sentences with the phrase "RIGHT???". In addition, he makes use of a "maniacal laugh," often breaking into laughter for no apparent reason.

Offen is easily agitated and frequently engages in heated arguments with show staffers and callers, some of which have resulted in Offen threatening severe acts of physical violence. Since the show's move to Sirius, Offen only appeared twice in studio before receiving a permanent ban from the McGraw-Hill Building. The ban was imposed after a visit in which Offen punched a hole in the wall of a studio hallway and while exiting the building made extensive use of profanity in the presence of Sirius executives. As result, subsequent interviews have taken place from the street outside the McGraw-Hill Building or via phone. During the 2006 NFL season, Offen, via phone, competed in a $25,000 Stern Show football pool, during which he spent substantial time promoting his film and (now defunct) website, much to the dismay of Stern and producer Gary Dell'Abate. The football pool concluded in a 3-way tie for first place, with Offen and fellow Wack Packers Crazy Alice and Bigfoot each collecting over $8,000 in winnings. Offen has not appeared live on the air since the conclusion of the football pool in late-2006.

Offen first appeared on the Howard Stern Show on July 25, 2000. During his earlier appearances, Offen regularly dressed as a flamboyant, effeminate crossdresser, much in contrast to his current (more intimidating) gangster persona. Offen's earlier visits generally involved Offen ranting and yelling about his "pristine physical conditioning," consisting of promoting health advice and describing his exercise regimen (consisting of running between 15 and 18 miles a day in women's lingerie). His unusual choice of attire (namely stockings, heels, and women's lingerie) led many to believe Offen to be a homosexual. To disclaim these allegations, Offen has frequently and unequivocally asserted that he is strictly heterosexual. Offen has gone so far as to hire an actresses to pretend to be his girlfriend to prove his heterosexuality. In 2005, Offen released a film titled Violet Dehumanizes Elegant Elliot in which Offen and his "assistant" Violet Malayeva engaged in numerous sexually provocative activities, with Offen being dominated by Malayeva throughout the film.

Offen has a history of past criminal activity in which he has amassed a total of thirteen felony convictions. According to Offen, long before his first appearance on the Stern show he was involved in a string of fraudulent merchandise scams in which he claims to have generated approximately $30 million. In 1988, Offen's operation was halted by his arrest in New York City for fraud. In 2001, Offen's daughter (with her identity concealed) confronted Offen for the first time in years, alleging Offen had in the past kidnapped her and abused her mother. In November 2005, a judge ruled to evict Offen from his apartment after allegations that Offen had been delinquent on rent payments and had exhibited harassing behavior toward his landlord. In early 2006, Offen was involved in a fatal car accident in which a van driven by Offen struck an elderly woman, resulting in her death. In March 2006, Offen engaged in an on-air dispute with a contributor to Offen's film who claimed Offen owed him $50,000 for "services rendered". Offen has also been involved in a series of short-lived promotional websites, in which Offen alleges the webmasters "bolted" and "lost the money of his fans." Despite his criminal history, Offen claims to be a practicing Orthodox Jew.

In recent appearances, Offen has referred to past instances in which he has prevailed in violent confrontation against others. Offen claims to have confronted Joe Corsin, the Maître d'/bouncer of the Stage Delicatessen, for rushing his father and loyal customer, Sam Offen, from the restaurant. According to Offen's account, he "hit Corsin with four haymakers and left him for dead, left him bleeding with his teeth knocked out." Offen later paid for Corsin's $7,500 dental bill to avoid legal action. Offen also claims to have been approached by three individuals who attempted rob him. According to Offen, he prevailed, grabbing "the guy who was six-foot-six around his trachea, cutting off his air supply." It is not known or discussed by Offen what happened to the remaining two perpetrators and why they did not react to his act of self-defense.

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