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Everything posted by The_Rev

  1. Another games thread from moi... Anyone else play this game? (watch this if you havent got a clue what im talking about) Myself and D1 are on there. I did think Resi 4 was a shoe in for my game of 2005. Now im not so sure. This thing is epic! edit: 19th October 2007 Just because im a nice guy, some info: If you are thinking of signing up, make a Horde character on Tarren Mill server and you will get some help from plenty of Villa Fans. World of Warcraft is a class based game, and what class you pick will have a massive impact on your overall experience. I found the best thing to do when deciding a class is to have a look at this link before you take the plunge. There are also lots of quests to do in World of Warcraft. If you get stuck on a quest, visit the mighty Wowhead.com People who play WoW and post on VT. Forum name and in game character name. Some people have more than one character. Tarren Mill Server (PvP) Horde Limpid = Limpid, Limped, Limpt The_Rev = Nayson, Eau (taking a break at the moment) ED = Evildan, Ewiddan, Lolmangle Designer1 = Siongest, Sionguest Risso = Rissok Trl = Trl, Renew, Handful Red_5 = Samisdead Irishjay = Rishj Juju = Samosa, Merkin, Vilajuju Craigyh_74 = Tarq, Tarqy Ill edit more of this later, adding more useful links and the names and servers of the anti social bastards who didnt pick Horde on Tarren Mill.
  2. Gigs all the way. Unless we sign Giggs from Man U. Then i might say football.
  3. One thing about The Simpsons, is it aint anywhere near as good as it used to be. It peaked at the "you only move twice" episode (with Hank Scorpio) and has been downhill ever since. Mind you, television peaked at the Simpsons "you only move twice" episode, and has been downhill ever since. So its fair comment to just how brilliant the Simpsons could be.
  4. Simpsons. Just for what its done. At its peak, it really was the most ground breaking cartoon ever. If it wasnt for The Simpsons pushing animated comedy into prime time slots aimed at adults, its quite likely that the likes of Family Guy would never have existed.
  5. Yep. And yet Leicester City fans couldnt understand while he left them for a club where he had spent pretty much his entire life, from schoolboy to footballing legend to backroom staff! "Judas" my arse. Brian was just coming home.
  6. Big Ron. Best Villa side ive seen, and in 92/93 (belive it or not young uns) we were actually "the entertainers" playing the most attractive football in the league. Also put some silverware on the table, with a tactical masterclass, finding a way to beat a Manchester United side who were massively superior on a man to man basis.
  7. McCann. Best of a very average bunch. Taylor and Townsend would run rings around this lot.
  8. Taylor might have been a Villa boy, but Andy Townsend was a better player.
  9. Best two centre halves on that list are God and Southgate. (before Olly fans start bitching, Southgate was a better player.)
  10. Its still Sorensens shirt to lose this season.
  11. Blue, but not in that photo. Any excuse to see us with silverware though
  12. Option 3. If Vass had stayed, we would be looking at a seson of mid table mediocrity, getting knocked out of the FA cup in the 3rd round, and failing to beat either Blues or Albion. Now Vass has gone, we are looking at a seson of mid table mediocrity, getting knocked out of the FA cup in the 3rd round, and failing to beat either Blues or Albion.
  13. Its option 3. Vass has been poor since O'Leary arrived at the club. He was living on reputation, and some decent England performances in the last two or three seasons. Again, if he goes on to do well at Man City, then fair play to him. I wish the lad well, but he had gone stale at B6. My big concern isnt that we have lost a striker, but that we wont sign a suitable replacement.
  14. Im wondering if the sale of Vassell will mean that people take a more pesimistic look at the season ahead, and revise their opinions of where we are going to finish? I mean, im starting to doubt that we can win the league by more than, say, ten points at the minute* *admittely, im a biased ****.
  15. And every time you buy a copy, you donate money to the great unwashed at Birmingham City FC. Hang your head in shame mister!
  16. Well, i voted the Guardian. I guess its aimed at my agegroup, and my politics. The journalists who write for it can actually string a sentence together, and the editor deems that running a two page spread about what Wayne Rooney's missus has bought at the shops this week is not good copy. I concur. The sport section is better than in any tabloid, and i see that The Fiver is becoming a VT fave (bookmark the online football section now. Go to the knowledge and bore the shit out of everybody with some of the best football trivia out there. (but it has to be said, it still cant compete with The Times game pullout on a monday morning) and the Friday review is one of my favourite things. Its like the NME for twentysomethings, i guess. Oh, and its funny. You gotta have funny havent you? My only qualm is that they STILL havent made a compact version. And until they do, i still find myself buying the (inferior) Independent from time to time.
  17. Apparently, The METRO (freebie newspaper found at train, tube and bus stations) is the most read paper in the UK, by quite some distance. Ill bet a lot of people on here read it, but is it actually anybodys favourite paper? So, what is your favourite daily paper, and why. (and no, i cant be arsed to list the Sunday papers)
  18. Im quickly becoming converted! Standard IE6 vs Standard Firefox is a (narrow) winner for IE every time, if you ask me. But once you start playing with some of the add ons you get with Firefox, then IE just gets left behind. I might have to retract my vote for IE.
  19. meh. Everyone should **** their current browser off, and install the mighty EMINEM BROWSER Its what the internet was made for!
  20. i still think IE is faster. it certainly is on my PC. These firexox plugins seem interesting though. How do you install them?
  21. IE6. I have Firefox and Opera installed on my PC too, but i never really feel the need to use them. I think IE7 is due out within the next month or so.
  22. Hence the mass exodus to this very site? They were the reasons my good self, Bicks, Paddy, Ahamaad, ED and Juju (and probably others who's names escape me) all scarpered. Admittedly, it was more to do with the, *ahem* older members of the moderating team, but it was there. It was bitched about for months and nothing was ever done. Praise be for Italy, thats all i can say.
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