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Everything posted by The_Rev

  1. A very nice little mod called critline which records all your best attacks, how often they crit, and what level they were against. Its good for satisfying curiosity, and also helps you decide what moves hurt best. Sits on the titan bar.
  2. And oh, yay, whoo! Hit level 44, got my new curse of shadows and smashed my crit record, hitting for over 1000! If i get my maths right, i should be able to crit for 1300+ on this level. Sweet!
  3. Its the GPU on a graphics card that makes the difference, not the memory. Like on your PC, the CPU, then the memory. [/pedantic]
  4. Its your PC. I never have any problem in Orgrimmar, other than having to wait a few seconds for the terrain to load and stuff if i logon in Orgrimmar. And i play the game with everything maxed graphically.
  5. Fantastic gaming last night, didnt really get anything in terms of XP or Cash, but more than made up for it in terms of fun. The Halloween special stuff is fantastic. Big dragon attacked the city of Orgimmar. Bastard thing needed 310 skinning, and im 300. There is now a big Wickerman burning outside of the Undercity too, for Halloween. Of course, the Alliance want to see it too, but cant get close because of the 4 big guards protecting it (3 level 60 elites, and a level 55) so they have to stand a safe distance away. Unfortuantely, horrible bastards like me will be forced to come up and kill them. And now im PvP flagged, cos i attacked the Priest, so its mate, a high level Paladin is being brave and trying to take me out. Im also feeling brave because of the guards surrounding me, but the Paladin runs through, has a swing, misses, and gets hit by the guards. He puts his big pussy bubble of invincibility up, and survives, the git. Two minutes later, he came back for another go, but i was ready for him. As he came running through, i had my Succubus (the strange female demon who wears bondage gear if you dont know what i mean) seduce him, so he had to just stand there while the guards ran over and filled him in. Comedy pumpkin in Undercity. And there was loads of crazy stuff going on in Hillsbrad. Much more than usual. We had quests where we had to throw stink bombs into their camp, and put rotten eggs into the beer kegs inside of the pub in their camp. They were both level 60 quests, and i managed to complete the rotten eggs one. I didnt get any kind of XP for is (about 1500) and i had to spend over 1g reparing my armour, but it was worth it just for the laugh we had trying to get inside a base that must have been protected by about 50 alliance players, plus another 20 computer guards. Oh, and the reward i got for completing it? Comedy costume. Sion, you want to have a crack at this tonight. Its great fun.
  6. Its working fine for me.
  7. I voted Stamford Bridge. Pulrely aesthetically. Its beautiful.
  8. Remember, the Sheep spell heals you if a Mage casts it. Anyway, ive just logged in, and Orgrimmar has had something of a Halloween style makeover! There is apple bobbing inside the Inn, and you can Trick or Treat the Innkeeper. He turned me into this **** Wisp thing, which means i cant fight or cast any spells for one hour, the git. Hopefully getting on a flight will just wipe it off. And yeah, the Rogues big pussy button that i was on about last night is the Vanish one. You will start to get more and more PvP now. Your 30's can be rough, especially up to about 38, just beause you get out statted by eveyrone else in the contsested areas, so you will get ganked. Then to rub salt in, Rogues ask why you complain about being Ganked as it never happens to them. "i just press the Vanish button, and the leave me alone...."
  9. Overpowered Shaman bastard!
  10. Its called the Brian Little spell, isnt it? This wont last. Particularly in PvP. Two of my three fear spells arent that great against other players can be broken quite easily, and the cast time can be a pain in the arse. Still, it always works against the Computer, you will just have to be careful as the quests get more difficult, and using fear is more likely to make whatever you are fighting run off and come back with its mates.
  11. Is this the best weapon on the whole game? A question that needs answering. And the game being rather pretty. Me, in Stranglethorn, today. Note to people who dont play the game, that all those trees and hills in the background arent just a painted on background. You can actually travel to them and look back to where this picture was taken.
  12. TRL hit level 30 earlier, so he get an evil "mind control" spell now, where he can actually take control of hostile players and monsters for a period of time. Fun to be had here: Running Alliancepeople into big groups of monsters. Running things off the cliffs in Thousand Needles (bonus points if you get an Alliance) Running people into the sea in Booty Bay, and hopefully drowning them. Running people out of the portal in Warsong Gulch.
  13. You just run through the woods, and watch the Ally camp, where the elites on the gate will **** you over. Just stay in the woods off the path, and skirt around the edge of the camp. If you keep moving, you shouldnt have any bother, and you should be big enough to take on the mobs by now. In fact, you arent that far away from being able to gank people now. I made it up on my own to Zoram stand when i was about level 17 or 18, so you should be able to do it now!
  14. For TRL: You get this As a reward for this quest in the Blackfathom Deeps instance, in Ashenvale.
  15. You have a Twilight Robe of the Eagle??!
  16. Ive probably mentioned this before, but i think it would be cool if we all installed WoWreader which is available if you register at the very excellent http://wow.allakhazam.com (which is always a handy site to lurk on and pick up tips about the game) and it enables your mates to see your character in detail. this is me
  17. I think we killed some Alliance in here in a very cruel and unexpected (for them anyway) manner.
  18. Some shots for the Uldaman dungeon. And this is how im trying to learn to fight in Instances. Attacking multiple targets at the same time, but its not that easy at all, especially trying to pick the right curse to cast on the right mob. If i can get this technique down, ill be very happy! Just who is that short arsed Rogue? ho ho! And i cant think of anything to write about this shot. Looks nice though, doesnt it?
  19. whats your name on it Juju? Unsurprisingly, the name Nayson wasnt taken, so i took that. Add me.
  20. I cant see the point in buying a level 60. I can imagine the sales pitch though: "Bought world of warcraft? Cant be arsed to play it? Give me 200 quid, and ill play it for you!" Most of the fun is getting to level 60, not actually being there.
  21. this is a nice addon
  22. Stay away from de Voodoo!
  23. One for Si to aim for..
  24. you can get a +intelligence enchant on the staff for more mana. I think they are actually quite cheap. Certainly less than 1gold. I just had a + damage one on mine cos i like the way it looks. I never use it to fight with.
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