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Everything posted by The_Rev

  1. seems we have loads of self appointed executioners on these here boards, so i was wondering, perhaps we could ask the club to release any player who has an iffy game for Villa to us. Question is, what should be do to a player who makes a bad pass, misses a chance, gets caught offside or gets caught out of position? Obviously, the first thing to do is to forget that we are in the top six, but after that what should we do?
  2. If you look closely enough, printed on Heskeys boots is the number of minutes per game that Emile spends on his arse...
  3. Im saying Owen. He is a big game player, and his goals record at international level is phenomenal (if you find a goals to minutes on the pitch ratio, its totally top drawer) He has got a lot to prove at the moment, and this game is set up for him. As for the Midfield thing, Sven isnt going to drop Beckham, so why not move him into the middle alongside Lampard? Lilly Savage isnt playing there, so we dont really need a player like Butt to combat that. Beckham plays very well for Real Madrid in the middle, and of course, it opens the door to Wright Phillips to grab a regular spot in the England starting XI.
  4. Nah. Macca was a footballing genius.
  5. Paul Mcgrath was the finest player i have ever seen in a Villa shirt. He wins by a mile. No disrespect to Ollie, who is a top drawer centre half, but Macca was one of those once-in-a-lifetime players. He still remains the only Premiership defender to win the PFA Player of the year award. Now to win that, you need to be a bit special. To stop a striker/attacking midfielder winning it, you need to be a legend. Macca scored more goals than Ollie too.
  6. even the bit with the Villa shirt?
  7. Or just the best thing since the last bast thing ever? clicky
  8. Id have to disagree. Football has seasons. It fits neatly into a timetable. Even if there is a slight overlap at either end of a decade, its still easy to plop dates and eras onto things. Music is totally different. Firstly there are so many scenes going on, and each draw from different influences, and last different amounts of time. There isnt a music genre called "80's" or "90's" thats just a term used by local radio stations who only play 'oldies' to get people who are in their advertisers target audiences to listen to them. Era's dont end when calender years do. Football seasons do (of sorts) Its gotten even crazier since the dawn of satillite and digital TV, and high speed internet connections. In years gone by, getting your music out there than it ever was when TV, Radio and even printed publicity were scarce. You just cant pin music down. To compare it to football is ludicrous.
  9. Can i plug this thread again then? It really is worth checking out. Its been the soundtrack of my day today.
  10. Ive never been to a dinner party in my life. Ive never been invited to one, i dont particularly want to be invited to one (id rater go to a gig) and as most of my mates have pretty good taste in music, that conversation would probably never happen. :wink: And does this comment support my point?
  11. Im going to abstain. For two reasons. 1] "what decade was best for music" is usually interpreted as "what decade did you grow up in" So, its a question that most people will answer with their age in mind. 2] To suggest that a new musical era starts on Jan 1st of a new decade is bollocks. Every musical scene has its own timetable. i mean, what is "90's music" ? Grunge? Britpop? Plastic Spice Girls Pop? The Britpop Era only really ran from Definately Maybe and Parklife in 94 through to Urban Hymns in 97. And you could argue that they all drew from what the Mondays, The Roses, My Bloody Valentine et al were doing at the arse end of the 80's. The best music is timeless.
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