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Everything posted by theunderstudy

  1. Goddamnit you're in a cryptic mood today! Which brings me onto a love of mine : Riddles and puzzles. Love 'em.
  2. So you're going out then? Or are you drinking on your own?
  3. Hah, I'm having a *dons food expert spectacles* a "Honey and Mustard grain sausages" on bread. No toast tonight.
  4. I'm considering taking up running really... Would do me some good.
  5. Good show. Fecking Christmas, getting on my nuts now. Really annoying.
  6. All the bullshit about swine flu... "It's targeting the very young and very old, and those with a weak constitution and pregnant woman". Right, because flu normally attacks everyone BUT the most vulnerable.
  7. Watching someone yawn-rape another person.
  8. I've not tried the Black Grouse. Worth my while?
  9. Windhoek is the capital of Namibia.... So I think (being a pedant) it's Namibia.
  10. I should really be taking advantage of the fact I'm bussing it by getting pissed.
  11. Hey, I didn't change your words! (Just removed two )
  12. So with the Lib Dems and Tories "at war" who will benefit the most? The Green party?
  13. Personally, I think the opposite is true Andrew. I think underneath the current facade, the Lie Dems and Tories make very, very uncomfratble bedfellows. There's a lot of resentment and ill feeling on both sides, from grass roots all the way up to MP's and even some in Cameron's "inner circle", so to speak. :oops: :winkold: I'm not saying there aren't cracks in the conDem camp, Jonathan (there are and the two parties are clearly uncomfortable with each other) but I think it is being deliberately overplayed to make it seem Labour has all the cards, and I think an ace is hiding somewhere. What this ace is, I don't know, but I reckon they are using the widening cracks to draw Labour in.
  14. I wish you'd call him AWOL Ian (Drat). That's his username. Calling AWOL Jon, when that's my username, could easily get me tarred as [speaks into cuff] ... Tory. Me? Well, I always have been, and despite the actions of the Lie Dems in this "coalition", still am, an avowed PR and electoral reform advocate. I just wish they hadn't got into bed with the wrong mistress. They'll pick up a horrible venereal disease, and it'll be the death of them. To be honest, I think if they had "sided" with labour they would arguably be corrupted as well (although I suspect they would not be as bad as they currently are)
  15. I think it could be a ruse. Pretend the fighting is worse than it is, lull Labour into a false sense of security
  16. I say old bean, I think we've seen this somewhere before!?
  17. Difference is, Bob the Builder was actually talented.
  18. Did you out any on the nads? (want a pic).
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