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Everything posted by markavfc40

  1. The club is now a firmly established top 6 side. Based on that fact it would show incompetence of the highest order if the best Randy/Faulkner could come up with is Bob **** Bradley as our next manager. It would also show the ambition that Randy now has for this football club. I hope to god Randy gets a manager of the calibre needed to keep us as a top 6 side.
  2. Martin Jol or Mark Hughes. IMO there is no way will get either IF Randy Lerner was not prepared to give MON all the Milner money there is no way he will buy out contracts that could costs reputedly £10 mill Hate to say it but we are not going to get a "name" imo Proud past uncertain future! I'm with Mike on this. I said the day Mon left that we'd go for a cheap option and most likely a yes man. Unfortunately I still believe that to be the case. I hope the board prove me wrong but I fear they are becoming incompetent.
  3. General the club have had 2 weeks to identify who they want. Surely to Christ its time to get him in. This f***ing about is not doing this great club any good what so ever. If Randy/Paul Faulkner haven't identified who they want by now then that shows incompetence of the highest order. Without naming names General can you at least confirm if we have identified who we actually want and if any interviews have taken place?
  4. :wink: Nice one Richard. I know exactly who you mean and asked the General about getting him around 10 days ago but unsurprisingly he never answered.
  5. General, How many people have been interviewed for the vacant managerial position?
  6. Sometimes you don't know what you've got till you lose it. I guess some are now realising that and one or two may well be in the higher echelons of VP.
  7. I said after the West Ham game last week that I could have been in charge and got us a result against them. Somewhat naively though some seemed to think it justified giving a 50 year old coach with absolutely no managerial experience the job. We are a massive club and this is a huge job to take on and therefore requires an experienced manager who has shown he can handle such a challenging job. The club have now had two weeks to find one so lets hope it won't take much longer as this team/club are currently heading up shit creak without a paddle.
  8. This board, who it seems to me aren't renowned for doing anything with any urgency, really need to pull there fingers out and get this club the top manager it deserves and as become accustomed to during Randys reign. I wouldn't put any money on them making the right choice though.
  9. I hope to god you are watching this shite General and are as disgusted as I am. 6-0 against a newly promoted side is arguably the worst result in the clubs history, certainly during my time as a supporter which is 32 years. Two weeks since our exceptional manager decided the goal posts had moved too far and called it a day and we still have a 50 year old coach in charge with absolutely no managerial experience. Any reason why a top manager hasn't been appointed in two weeks? and mark my words General it will take a top manager not a Bob bloody Bradley to replace Martin O'Neill. Randy, you and the rest of the board really need to get your fingers out as this just isn't good enough for what had become a top 6 Premiership side. I also hope whoever gets the job is appointed in time to sign the players we so obviously need just to stand still.
  10. I honestly can't believe anyone really thought Kevin MacDonald was a viable option. Absolutely no managerial experience at 50 years old and some think thats what we should be aiming for as one of the top 6 sides in the country. I'm sure there is something in why Kevin as only been a coach for 14 years. Mon will not be easily replaced and I guess we may find that out the hard way. I have had a feeling from the moment Mon resigned that the board would **** up the next appointment and I still get that feeling.
  11. Grayson is not a bad shout. Done well at Leeds and has a Villa connection. I'm not sure he is ready to manage us though or has done enough to warrant getting the top job at a top 6 club. You could easily argue that the likes of Holloway, Davies, Boothroyd have done a decent job at a lower level but I wouldn't want to take a punt on them and Grayson is arguably in the same boat.
  12. General, As we only have a caretaker manager in place who decided to sign Stephen Ireland?
  13. Great result today General. Any chance we can get the guy that purchased 90% of the players back to the club before someone else snaps him up?
  14. JG has more than likely applied for the job. Whether that enquiry gets any further than Randy Lerners in tray then straight into the bin is anyone's guess.
  15. Anyone know how many tickets have been sold?
  16. General a question regarding this quote from Mr Lerner today: Given our size and resources - does that basically mean we operate with in our means? If so we had 25 odd years under Mr Ellis doing something along those lines and it basically got us nothing more than mediocrity. In any business you need to speculate to be successful the same goes for football. Without major investment we will not achieve champions league football, win trophies or challenge for the Premier League. Without achieving any of the aforementioned success then our revenue will not dramatically increase. Are this board/owner willing to speculate and invest the major funds to gain the success required to increase revenue? If not then I am sure you would agree, as you claim to also be a fan, that it would be better if the club was put up for sale and someone with the money and the balls to invest takes over the helm at our football club. Randy Lerner got this club for a song in my opinion. In addition to my above comments it would also be nice if you could clarify if Randy is making money in interest payments on loans to the club, a question which others have asked.
  17. I have a feeling they'll go for a yes man/lap dog. The opposite of Martin O'Neill. Someone who will be immensely grateful to be given the chance and will tow the line.
  18. General if one of Bradley, Southgate, Curbishley or Sven ends up being our next manager then change your predistion from probabaly having tough times ahead to most definitely. Whatever the reasons for the manager leaving they are neither here nor there now what matters is the next managerial appointment this club makes. Replacing Martin O'Neill is going to be extremely difficult and I have a terrible feeling that the club is going to make a huge mistake due mainly to the fact that many at the club are lets just say a little bit naive given the rubbish that is spouted about getting into the champions league with nowhere near the financial muscle to back those claims up. Talk is cheap. I hope I am proved wrong. Of the realistic options Martin Jol seems to be the best bet. Go get him.
  19. No chance of us getting Moyes. Some of the names being mentioned are frightening - Bradley, Southgate, Sven, Curbishley will not keep us in the top 10 of the Premiership never mind top 6. Martin Jol is the best manager we can realistically attract at the moment and that is a long shot. I have a horrible feeling though that the next manager will not be a welcome one to many.
  20. Its actually embarrassing that this incompetent prick is leading our country. Unfortunately its the result of those who voted for him so obviously doesn't say much for them either.
  21. Be a great time to become Labour leader as the way the Conservatives and Libs are going about leading the country people will be crying out for a Labour government come 2015. Unfortunately by then the country will be on its knees though. I am still hopeful that the Libs will revolt against this Tory lunacy and that may force an election far sooner.
  22. That reminded me of a post on here before Mons first game in charge against Reading. The guy said he couldn't get to the game as it would mean he would have to rush eating his dinner. The excuses some people make for not attending games really are pathetic.
  23. Barry as got himself a bit mixed up I think. The ball is firmly in Man Citys court. Milner speaking to Martin O'Neill isn't going to change the fact that Man City haven't met our valuation. Maybe Barry should have a word with Mancini and tell him to pay the asking price.
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