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Everything posted by chappy

  1. If you watch the extended highlights on the OS he actually looks happy when we score, more of the celebrations are shown.
  2. Just watched that... when did we sign Marcus Bent?! I thought we didn't have any money?!
  3. Looking forward to this one. Hopefully we can pick up all 3 points but Wolves are no mugs as they proved by inflicting one of the worst moments (of many) of last season at VP in March. I want to keep Makoun but I don't think this is the game to have him in there, I actually think we should play the same side who started the last two league games, with Heskey in there to match the strength in the Wolves side. So: Given Young Dunne Collins Warnock Delph Petrov Nzog Heskey Gabby Bent
  4. Are AVTV not going to have highlights of this?
  5. Glad to hear from many that Ireland had a good game, I really think he needs a chance. I listened to the first 65-70 minutes then had to go out, as soon as I left the house we scored two goals... maybe I shouldn't pay attention to our games more often.
  6. fonz on for nzogbia, ireland out left.
  7. Mat Kendrick is tweeting updates for people wanting to follow live text
  8. Don't think i can get that as i live in Surrey, are there any sites that you can listen to radio through? If you have AVTV you can listen to live commentary on the OS
  9. Hope Dazza can bag a few!
  10. Im going to miss this completely I think, hope I get home to see a nice confidence boosting big win.
  11. I agree, it's just a shame that I guess if we have to let someone go to get someone else in he is our best asset not in the manager's plans. Really want him to stay though.
  12. Guzan Lichaj Clark Baker Lowry Alby Makoun Bannan Nzog Ireland Delfouneso Gardner to come on for the last 30/35 mins. Really hope Albrighton plays, he needs some confidence.
  13. Really think it would be a mistake letting Makoun go anywhere
  14. Great result for confidence levels even though we didn't have to step out of second gear. Voted Gabby motm, seemed confident again and played very well before he got injured. Can't believe they didn't show that incident on MOTD. Delph was also great today. Disappointing attendance.
  15. Given Young Dunne Collins Warnock Delph Makoun Alby Ireland Nzog Bent I think we will see the same team as Fulham though.
  16. I have bought a ST for the first time this year, came into some money in may (put a £30 fre ebet on us to beat arsenal at 9/1 and said to myself if I won I would buy a ST). Were it not for this I would not be able to afford one.
  17. I'd have taken a point before kick off so a good result. We need to be playing two wingers, Heskey and Gabby are not wingers. Nzogbia drifted inside far too much but I don't think he's fully match fit and he's still getting used to his team mates so I'll let him off this time. We need Makoun in for the match next week, need some more creativity. Bent can't be expected to do much when the ball is hoofed up to him and he is the onlu player in their half. Thought the defence all looked solid, warnock went flying in a few times but better than he was last year and looked promising going forward. Given motm,what a bargain. Wasn't impressed at the shambles of the bar at half time, shocking for a pl club to have such shit service,and then they closed up amd wouldn't serve anyone.
  18. yeah after the Sheff Weds game, which has just gone to extra time.
  19. give the ticket office a call in the morning
  20. dunno if i'm biting here, but wind up merchants
  21. I think we will have an announcement either way by this evening.
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