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Everything posted by legov

  1. That's the whole point of arranging a time to meet.......
  2. Laugh it up.....you've all been 16 before (mentally), you've been in the same situation before many times and you know it.
  3. I seriously cannot tell if you're joking or being serious.
  4. I actually turn 22 in Oct, but im very inexperienced when it comes to the opposite sex (partially because I went to a single sex school). Havent I mentioned my age on here before? Ive been on VT a long time you know. Edit: I'm experienced enough to know that the best course of action is certainly NOT to keep sending texts, so.
  5. Okay, mentioned this in passing on the "things that piss you off" thread, but here goes. Met this girl by chance, really good conversation, hit it off, etc etc, she asked me for my number. Texted her two days after that (i.e. yesterday), asking about something about her that I was curious about. She took a while to reply, two texts (that didn't feel as great as our face-to-face conversation did) later I decided to, uh, show that I was doing something by waiting for an hour before responding. Anyway, long story short, the conversation could have been better, but eventually I asked her if she was free this weekend. "Not this weekend, but I'm probably free the next" she replied. "Why?" I told her that since we don't share classes, I'd like to keep in contact with her, and I told her that I'd like to grab a bite with her or something, maybe show her around the place (she's new to the city). Took her 2 hours I think, maybe more? before she replied, but basically she said that she'll be free next weekend. Now, because I'd been waiting for hours for her reply (and gotten a bit sick of it), I decided to play some games by putting off my reply until the following morning, i.e. today. It was already almost 10 by then anyway. No reply from her since then, none at all, and it's been the entire freaking day. Any advice? No corny jokes please, the last time I asked for advice on this thread... Edit: Actually, more concerned about what's going on in her bloody mind than really needing advice on what to do!
  6. Jesus Christ, girls who don't respond at alllllll.
  7. That's the first time I've ever seen "bok choy" spelt as "pak choi"
  8. No rollercoasters in Iceland at all? What a shit place to live in.
  9. I'm all super excited and giddy like a child. It's the Star Wars theme, isn't it? THE iconic Hollywood musical piece, bar none.
  10. Have mixed opinions on this. Very complex (and sensitive) issue. Fire away. This is VT, anything goes. Might have something to do with how rapidly those societies are changing. You get people who have acquired large amounts of wealth in a very short period of time, but still have the mentality of someone from a lower social class, and thus lack intuitive knowledge of the social etiquette that is expected in societies that are economically more well developed. I don't know, just a hypothesis at this point in time. Sensitive, because it is politically an extremely sensitive issue, esp in Singapore. Mixed opinions, because while I do agree that these migrants often tend to be rude and uncouth, I understand at the same time that that is in all likelihood due to the fact that they are a product of their environment, which is different from the relatively affluent one I grew up in, so I try to accept them more than others generally would. Not to mention that I identify with them (as a Chinese person, and as a fellow human being), and so I try not to complain too much about their habits, whether I like them or not.
  11. Have mixed opinions on this. Very complex (and sensitive) issue.
  12. Ehhhh....we will see. That's not a lot to go on at all.
  13. Because the languages they speak are all very closely related to each other, which makes them easy to learn, assuming you already speak at least one of them. I doubt it has anything to do with an innate ability to handle multiple languages.
  14. Wonder how many people on here have heard of Singlish before.
  15. 几乎像姚明一样高的巨人,更何况是皮肤深褐色的非裔人,这种人在内地乡村地区走来走去,真的是难以想象
  16. You've been all over the world - </envious> I'm just confused, because you put "Chinese" and "Mandarin" side-by-side with each other, which suggests that they are at the same level of the language hierarchy - they are not. Linguistically, Mandarin is merely one of many, many Chinese languages (albeit by far the most widely spoken one) - Chinese is more like a language family (wiki article here). In colloquial speech, however, we often use the word "Chinese" (中文/汉语/华语)to refer to Mandarin (the Chinese world's lingua franca). (indeed, the Chinese often treat Chinese languages as variants of the same language - hence why the word "dialect" is often used misleadingly to refer to non-Mandarin Sinitic languages like Cantonese. Linguistically, however, they are separate languages.) There is written Chinese though - that's where it gets a bit blurry.
  17. Am now genuinely interested to know how much Mandarin 8pints knows Edit: So which one is it?
  18. That's more like 0.000001%.
  19. not sure that anyone has says there is Well, theoretically, praising your children (in front of others or otherwise) would further encourage their interest in whatever they happen to be good at. Similarly, not praising them would act as discouragement. So the theory goes. (okay, okay, perhaps there's no need to to tell everyone about how impressive your children are...come to think of it, that might be counterproductive. Not sure, any psychologists on VT?)
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