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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. When were outbid by **** Brighton, we really are in trouble.
  2. Most people didn’t vote Tory. The anti Tory vote was split. The sooner we follow the lead of most progressive countries and adopt proportional representation, the better. Constantly handing power solely to parties that poll less than 50%, whoever they may be, is not truly democratic.
  3. Don’t be old, don’t be sick, don’t be unemployed or in a low paid job..........the next 5 years will be awful.
  4. Just off now to vote Labour in this election. Rather cut my wrists than vote for the Blue Meanies. I’m over 60 got a good income and own my own home. Some people would say that should make me a classic demographic Tory. Unfortunately for the Tories I also have a social conscience and a desire to see a better, fairer and more equitable world. Boris represents everything I despise. Hope there are enough like me to kickthe duplicitous word removed out of office.
  5. I hope some of the people posting optimistically about Wesley are right, and he eventually comes good. I personally don’t believe he will. But one things for sure, we can’t hang about hoping he will. We need someone to do the business now. January can’t come quick enough. Let’s hope our scouts get it right this time, and we get a striker to fire us to safety. Thought at the start of the season we were short at least a couple of strikers. Fingers crossed.
  6. Talk of gifts and open goals is hardly going to help that poor kid either.
  7. I don’t think this poor kids plight is a “gift” to anyone. I think it is an appalling example of the direction the NHS is going under the Tories. If the Tories are in power then images like this are as predictable as night follows day. Caring Conservatism, do me a favour.
  8. He’s simply not good enough. 22 million wasted. Better get it right in January, or were in trouble.
  9. Given the time constraints, I thought they did an excellent job.
  10. Three of the guys I stood with at Rotterdam have since passed away. I’d like to think they will be there to greet our greatest manager. All hail Saunders of the Villa.
  11. He most certainly was a part of 82. It was his team playing his way that made us Champions of Europe.
  12. Just heard this sad news. He gave me and so many other Villa fans the best years of our lives when he managed our club. Thanks Ron RIP.
  13. History will I think be a lot kinder to Gordon Brown than the Tory press were during the global economic crisis. Listening to him now I would take him back in an instant.
  14. Sadly, many who send their kids to private schools, have no vested interest in improving state schools. Be interesting to see what percentage of those in government, be it state or local, educate their kids outside the state system. Real improvements will, I think, come only when all our children benefit.
  15. High long term investment in automation and hitec leads to better productivity. Germany’s economy is perhaps the best example. The other route is low wage, low regulation . Guess which route Boris is steering to.
  16. We are a team with some very poor players. Need some better signings in January. Whoever chose some of these jokers needs to be kept well away from any future business.
  17. No quality up front for us. Trezeguet And El Ghazi are bloody awful.
  18. Been noticing for a while we never defend the edge of our box at corners and free kicks. Finally got punished for it.
  19. We are a poor team without Jack. Some of our players are simply not Premiership standard.
  20. Some of our pre season signings looking like a waste of money here.
  21. High taxes are not the overriding problem in this country, it’s low basic incomes that impact people’s lives far more.
  22. Depends how it’s used. If I pay more tax in order that the rich can pay less, I’ll agree. I will gladly pay more tax to help create a better more equitable society though.
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