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Everything posted by carew_villa

  1. I don't know how busy Witton is after match day but I'd be surprised if you managed to miss the 21:57 train, you could leave earlier anyway.
  2. I've heard we've sold over 20,000 tickets for this, not sure how true that is though. Nothing like Inter Milan 2 years ago when it was nearly a sell out.
  3. Thanks. I just hope MON renews his contract. And surely he'd be far too good for the Norweigan league anyway. It'd be too easy for him if he went to Norway now.
  4. We should have got him for 8 million euros. That's about £6 million isn't it? Sell Beye & L.Young and buy Rafinha. Although I don't think that transfer fee is correct.
  5. Links or quotes? Anyway, I think Carew may be playing for a contract. I seem to remember his agent whose first name was Per I think, saying how this summer is very important for john, he either extends his contract which runs out next summer or is sold to another club. MON must have told him and his agent to impress him then he can get a renewed contract. I just hope he carries on his pre season form into the season and stays clear of injury. If he does that then I genuinely believe he can get 25 goals a season, presuming he takes penalties as well and plays in some cup games.
  6. Err kind of missed the point there. It is massively overrated though, just because of our Quentin. Yeah I know there was a reason why that happened but I still thought it was boring. And I really don't get war films. I'm really not too interested in films regarding the war. Find them very boring but I thought this would be different, it wasn't. Fair play for giving it ago, not a Saving Private Ryan or Band of Brothers fan then? I've never even watched either of them. I'll be watching both of them soon though. I know Saving Private Ryan is directed by Spielberg so I suspect it will be quite good.
  7. Err kind of missed the point there. It is massively overrated though, just because of our Quentin. Yeah I know there was a reason why that happened but I still thought it was boring. And I really don't get war films. I'm really not too interested in films regarding the war. Find them very boring but I thought this would be different, it wasn't.
  8. Thought Inglourious Basterds was a terrible film. Really boring and tried to make out the war was won by the Americans alone.
  9. You'd think ITV would do a deal with either Man City or Liverpool for Europa League which will leave Villa with five. great.
  10. Heard that rumour last year, and the year before that...
  11. Some City fans are saying Milner is a £10 million player at most
  12. What were Carew and Aimar doing? And to the people criticising Delfouneso, he was playing against David Luiz and Luisao who are top class international CB's. They took it very seriously. What exactly were Villa fans or MON expecting? We could do with Delph in pre season.
  13. To be fair Barry has said nothing wrong. He's just saying that he should sort his future out soon, so Milner and Villa aren't messed about. Don't see why people are making a fuss.
  14. Porto cheated in our friendly against them in the Peace cup last year. Got Heskey sent off and had a bit of a fight with some Villa players. I expect Benfica to cheat.
  15. 2-1 to Benfica They're a better team than us and they'll probably be more up for it than we are.
  16. I don't really see why Spurs need Ireland. We need him a lot more than they do. If Ireland has got any sense he'd choose us over Spurs.
  17. Surely Mister_master can tell us what happens if we draw! What if we draw, then beat Benfica in the penalty shootouts?
  18. What was the Benfica v Feyenoord penalty shootout results?
  19. To be fair Sidwell has scored quite a few goals not too different from that goal then. Oh and the Feyenoord keeper is quite bad. Always theatrically punches the ball away when he could catch it and is just generally not great. Is he Feyenoord's reserve keeper?
  20. Looking forward to the penalty shoot out then. I fully expect Guzan to save a few penalties.
  21. Our defenders must think Feyenoord are terrible by how many chances they've took on passes and trying to skill up Feyenoord's attackers. We'll get a bit more serious 2nd half and we'll convincingly win IMO. Is there a penalty shoot out after this?
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