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Everything posted by Killeen30

  1. They might. I would love them to but with the return of Henry, too much quality etc I just don't see it happening. We'll see though!
  2. Well it hasn't been confirmed yet has it? So who know if it will happen.
  3. While Johnson does seem to be consistantly good its Gardner who people are raving about as our next player to make the break through from the reserves to the first team.
  4. Yes Nike did let us down a few times and it's not on. I would still rather wait an extra month or two for a shirt that looked good rather than one that looks cheap. I am a football shirt collector though so whoever makes our shirts I will buy them. If it is Macron I will just wait until they are reduced though.
  5. Leeds won't be shocking Arsenal though. I thought he looked quite good!
  6. I don't like those remake retro shirts I'd rather source an original one! I have to say one of my favourite shirts that I own is my Home 2008/09 with Laursen & 5 on it. The shirt where he scored against Ajax during his last season.
  7. I had really hoped for Adidas but kind of knew it was a long shot, but Macron is a big let down. Their shirts look cheap.
  8. I have him on the back of this seasons away. Looked good when he came on, didn't look liked he was out of place or any worse that any of our other midfielders and slotted in well! I wish his shot had of gone in. Ahead of Bannan at the minute it would seem too!
  9. Yeah thats exactly what I thought! Its a big disappointment for me as I am big into my shirts and collect them. Adidas would have been my first choice, the the likes of Umbro, Puma, Kappa etc If even the like of Fulham can get Kappa then why can't we?! I hope its not true. Any word on how long the deal will last?
  10. Really unlucky not to get his first goal too yesterday, I am in the 'give him time' camp!
  11. Unlucky Carlos picks up another injury. Does anyone know how bad this injury is?
  12. You'd like to think he'd get a rest and perhaps Bannan or knowing McLeish Heskey would come in!
  13. The goal and assist will have done his confidence the world of good! Let hope he continues in good form over the next lot of matches!
  14. I just ordered these two from eBay, my fingers are crossed that they are not asian fake and that they are official Adidas shirts. Here they are... AC MILAN http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/180780817723?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 NEW YORK RED BULLS http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190613840337?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 I have messaged the sellers and they have said both shirts are official and they do not sell fakes but you can never be sure on eBay until you have received it! The AC Milan one is coming from Hong Kong so I knew it was a risk buying from there :?
  15. Great to see him getting a deserved chance in the team! Please don't go Carlos!
  16. Yeah I would agree Chris. He's not been call back from Coventry for no reason. Game time will come very soon for Gary.
  17. Sadly Hutton will be back at RB and Carlos will be dropped like a sack of hot spuds only for Collins to continue at CB with Dunne. Cuellar is much better that Collins and should get a decent run in the side but alas he will either go in January or the summer. Even if the club wanted to offer him a new deal he would never sign it and you can't really blame him. Cuellar is a better defender than Collins in my opinion and we are better defensively with him in the side!
  18. So do you folks think Gardner will get mins today?
  19. Also a shout out to Warpaint for releasing such an amazing debut!
  20. Cast - Troubled Times A fantastic return after ten years away as a band! Lots of standout tracks on the album and beautiful indie melodies throughout the eleven songs! My favorite songs would be Hold On Tight, Bow Down, Bad Waters and Troubled Thoughts. Special mention to See That Girl their new single that was released as a download only that gives The La's There She Goes a serious run for it's money!
  21. I had the roma shirt from the season before and it reminded me of a cycling shirt. Did you get it off kitbag? I had the current juve shirt with del piero 10 on it. Tis awesome. Yes I got it from Kitbag, and yes it is very like a cycling shirt! I find Kappa shirts are all like that though! I also have the current Barca home shirt with Messi 10 on it! Don't have any Juve ones but a friend has a few!
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