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Everything posted by ryanvilla_1994

  1. Ferdinand didn't take him to court as far as I know, someone else reported it.
  2. What a load of bollocks. How did we boo Houllier into a heart attack?
  3. Yeah but we all know Houllier spoke a load of bollocks. :winkold:
  4. Looks like they're taking it seriously then.
  5. Can't say im too bothered if he stays or goes. I trust Lamberts judgement.
  6. Not going to pretend i know what he's like but for the price being mentioned we can't lose can we?
  7. Still can't see past Spain again in 2014. They have so many talented youngsters coming through.
  8. Please describe to me how that was boring. Please.
  9. Like both teams so don't mind who wins. Would be a great story if Italy do it though.
  10. I know its pisses me off but because he sometimes scores a belter people think he's amazing. Not fit to lace Ashley Coles boots IMO.
  11. Think it should be a good game but can see Germany edging it
  12. Im with you too I can't stand the greasy clearing in the woods.
  13. Hope Spain destroy them but can see them having a tough time.
  14. Haven't they just announced new plans to overhaul the junior coaching system? Results won't be instant but in 10-20 years maybe we'll see some English players with the ability to keep the ball.
  15. Now England are out I want anyone but Portugal to win.
  16. Oh I know Milner was very good at them but I think it was the way Barry took them that made me so confident he would score. Bent again has a decent record but i just don't feel confident when he steps up.
  17. Oh I know Milner was very good at them but I think it was the way Barry took them that made me confident he would score.
  18. Tbf the only Villa penalty taker in recent years that has filled me with confidence was Barry. Every time he stepped up I knew he was going to score, same couldn't be said for Young, Milner and Bent. Who knows how it would have gone if Barry and Lampard were there to take one?
  19. I like Roy and tbh i don't see what else he could have done. We were beaten by the better side.
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