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Everything posted by red5

  1. red5


    I do maybe 2-3min warm up at most - far better results from stretching et al after a run. Same for the other half (it was she who told me) - and she can do anything from 6-12 miles in a day. Wore cheap trainers - aggravated (old) ankle injury, almost finished off what a Volvo pulling out on me started (knees). Got proper ones - no problem at all. Paid £60 plus a couple of pounds for some decent socks.
  2. red5


    Yes. Hugely so. Single most important bit of advice - get properly fitted trainers.
  3. Stella Actatwat followed by Taylors Late Bottled Vintage. Top bombing.
  4. So, you're gonna have some beer then he starts? Well, that took longer than I would have guessed, and a bit cleaner as well. :-) Faustino Rioja I Grande Reserva*. veeery nice.. * no, he's not a South American player.
  5. Becks. The beer, before someone starts....
  6. Am trying ! wtb 5 1/2 levels ^^
  7. Am 73 now lads. Any instance running would be appreciated. Am lovin' it....as 'they' would say
  8. Get to L80 slacker. And Sam! Back with a bang in teh New Year ladies. Dan fancy doing some lvl-ing?
  9. Seriously? That was one of the greatest ganking spots on the game at 60. We had some great nights there. Aye, that was world PvP central. Well, there and Chillwind Camp obviously! Using Sam as lowbie bait ftw! Actually, we could do that again now! Oi ! Well, actually , yes.....lets go !
  10. 6' 1". Lost a inch after an accident...^^
  11. red5


    Whatever you do - get the best trainers you can, from a real running shop - the sort where they video your feet as you run. Anyone else is just guessing at the support you need. And expect them to be changed every six months or so depending on usage. Also (odd as it may seem) check your socks....
  12. You Riss ! Played a bit last night. Got to 70 and a half...:-D Geiv boost !
  13. Would you shout "This is Red Five, I'm going in!" as you entered the fray? I hope so. I agree with the Die With Your Boots On sentiment. When in doubt, turn to Iron Maiden songs for advice on what to do. Although that did cause a bit of a stir at a Round Table do, when I spent a couple of hours playing with madness, before bringing my daughter to the slaughter. At last! Someone who 'gets' my username...it's only taken 5 years... :-) Better than the person who thought I was a closet red...I mean...
  14. Without question. Better to go with a bang than a whimper.
  15. Ah yes, nice thinking mate. Will try that maybe friday night. And some questing as well ;-) Am actually looking forward to it now....even though yow am gonna be god miles in front o' me...
  16. Evening ladies. Still waiting for my copy to arrive. Apparantly it's been 'posted'....so will be avoiding WoW mostly 'till I have it. @ED where are you now matey?
  17. For. And not for parking offences either....
  18. red5

    Protest Ideas ?

    Happy days indeed.......look at all those smiling faces...but we got to a FA cup final 5 years previously, so thats all right ;-)
  19. Only for the Ball Peen Hammer, this isn't the case for a claw hammer, a framing hammer, a geologists hammer or a lump hammer. Sorry... Only in 'forn parts. In Good old Blighty it's ball-pein.
  20. Probably. And might use my Locks name...^^
  21. Unlurk. The little I have played with Sculli as prot with 'well, that looks good' talents I enjoyed massively. Actual damage as opposed to just being massively hard to kill.
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