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Everything posted by GlobalVillan

  1. Agree with most of that but I thought Traore was anonymous today tbf.
  2. I don't think Digne would start even if he was fit. Moreno was bought for a reason. 2-0 Villa and into the top half before the well deserved warm weather training in Dubai after losing to Stevenage. (Im clearly still pissed of about that)
  3. I agree. He basically scored. If he hadnt made that block we would have lost that game. First few minutes he struggled a bit but he is a new player in a new team in a new league and had to come on unexpectedly and perform. Good debut and the negativity isn't warranted in this case. Excited to see more of him.
  4. He would likely have had that salary even of we had paid for him. Superb talent.
  5. Emery is like that though. It's not pretty, but it works. 13 from 18 given who have played is bloody amazing. Beat Southampton and we have a chance to go for a top half finish. Great win.
  6. The perfect away performance. From the Villa. At home.
  7. Yes. We may have a genuinely world class player on our hands here.
  8. This is poor. Great goal, but not seeing the reaction we hoped for after last week. Yet.
  9. Yep. I like Emi and think he will improve. He is always busy and we looked brighter whenever he came on for Coutinho under Gerrard.
  10. Huge reaction required here. Especially against this lot, who are another club with a one sided rivalry with us. Come on Villa FTF
  11. That's not what fan base means though. For example, Man United have a fan base of several hundred million and that, sadly, helps them stay relevant even when they are (by their standards) shit.
  12. That's just blatantly not true. Same size fan base as Coventry? I don't even know how to respond to that. Newcastle have fans all over the world, like we do, and they get 55,000 a week as it is. They will attract a hell of a lot more fans now that they are shoe ins for European football and competing for trophies every year. Coventry are a tiny tin pot club with several other larger clubs nearby. They aren't on the same planet as Newcastle, Villa, Leeds etc in terms of fan base.
  13. Well then let's see how long before Carney is the best player on the park every week for Chelsea. My guess is he won't be and he will end up at QPR or somewhere similar.
  14. Maybe this season they will be caught, but they are the richest club in the world with a huge fan base and a big stadium. It's a matter of time now and very different to the Leicester and West Ham challenges. I do agree that they may not finish top 4 this season.
  15. How much did Kamara cost us? Also, I go to every Villa game hone and away and Kamara stands out every single week as being the best player in our team and often, the best on the park. Carney has NEVER done that once on any game I have seen him in.
  16. No, I'm using stas, performances, price tags and other factors. I really don't rate him at all. And, as he plays for Chelsea, I am pleased about that.
  17. They will finish in the top 4 next season and every season after that is my guess. They may even do it this season. In order to finish above them we will need to finish at least 3rd. That's not going to happen.
  18. How many games has he started? How many goal contributions? For 20 million I'd expect some decent stats by now.
  19. I didn't say anything of the sort so why the sarcastic reply? They paid 20 million for a player who has never scored a goal, got one assist and missed a hatful of gilt edge chances. I remember saying the likes of Delfouneso and Davis would never make a career at the top level and got similar responses so let's just see. I'd be amazed if he makes it at Chelsea. I'd much rather have Ramsey.
  20. I have still yet to see Carney do anything at all that justifies him being even a Championship player. Has he even scored a goal at senior level? As I've said before, he will do well to make a career in the 2nd tier, can't understand why anyone would have paid 20 million l for him but it's Chelsea and they are a basket case. Really, really overrated footballer, whatever he did at youth level is irrelevant in the big boys league.
  21. It wasn't Liverpool under 12s, it was their reserves as the 1st team buggered off to the middle east. Maybe you are thinking of the FA Cup match when WE played our under 12s against them and they went full strength.
  22. Not whilst they have Saudi owners. And if the Saudis ever did sell (can't see why they ever would) it would likely be to another mid East nation. When did we last finish above Man United? Have we ever finished above them in the PL? Yes, I believe l Newcastle are so far gone now that we will not finish above them again. Just as we haven't finished above Man United for decades.
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